A lot of folks have asked me what I am talking about when I say DECNET and MAIL bugs (I believed I used the term security hole). Here's a what I am talking about. There is a program that was published in a magazine that allows a user with NETMBX privileges to send mail across DECNET and "fudge" the FROM: field (any field for that matter). That is to say, that I can make a mail message appear in your mail file from ANY user to ANY USER. For example, I could send you mail from your boss saying that you are fired. I agree, it cannot do much more than that, but I still consider it a major problem here at our academic site. Most users here thrive on that sort of playing and all I want to do is to put a stop to it BEFORE it happens. Now, at our site, if I remove NETMBX privs and install RTPAD with netmbx that solves most of my problems. We have a Vax cluster of 2 nodes with shared UAFs and disks. This alieviates a problem that a gentleman pointed out to me: "ANY MACHINE THAT COULD TALK DECNET TO YOUR MACHINE COULD LIE." A point well taken, but since I can control both machines totally, I don't feel that I have this problem. Unfortunately, this does take away the user's ability to use TASK to TASK communications. At our site, this is not a problem since we have BATCH queues that both systems can get at. So, if a user needs to send a task command to the other machine, he/she need only submit a command file to batch and examine the log file (there are many ways of getting output). I have received many 'words of caution' which I am extremely grateful for. I have answered most of them (numerous duplicates only received a few answers, sorry). All the questions and possible problems that were posed to me only affirmed the solution. That is, none of the anticipated problems seemed to put up a front that could not be avoided. Please keep the questions and problems coming because I may still be overlooking something. Also, I must agree with the same person above that said (para-phrase) 'I wouldn't bet on the fact that this will solve all mail forging problems.' So very true, but at least I've corked up a hole that might cause problems in the early future. Thanks. - john sottile Student Systems Programmer Loyola College in Maryland (JSOTTILE@LOYVAX.BITNET) Disclaimer: The view expressed here are those of my own and are no reflection of those of my employeer. Hell, even my employeer doesn't want to take credit for the many mistakes I do.
eal@tut.fi (Lehtim{ki Erkki) (01/13/88)
That feature is not nice when misused, but it can be very usefull, too. If i want to send a short (one line) message to somebody, i use that sendmail program like this: $ SENDMAIL/TO=OPER/ORIG=OPER/FROM="ERKKI The modem line is free now" NL: And user OPER gets mail from user ERKKI whos personal name seems to be "The modem line is free now" and OPER gets the message immediatelly (except if he had SET TERM/NOBROADCAST) -- Erkki A. Lehtim{ki eal@tut.uucp