[comp.os.vms] tek4105 via vt240


I am using a program which uses terminal graphics. The only graphics
terminals which I can really use are VT240's . These terminals can emulate
a tek4010/4014 terminal. However the program I am using wants to send its
output to a tek4105 terminal. Hoping for the best, I set up the VT240
to emulate a tek4010/4014 and ran the program. The results were not very
disappointing and I can probably live with them. Apparently, then, the
language which the tek4105 understands is quite similar to the language
which the tek4010/4014 understands. On the other hand, there are a few
things which don't seem to be right about the way the program runs on
the VT240. For example, there is wrapping of the display, unwanted
characters dropped in the corners of the display and unintended lines
(perhaps guide lines) which probably should be invisible but which are
displayed. This shows that there are some differences between the
tek4105 language and the tak4010/4014 languages.

What I would like to explore is the possibility of modifying the tek4105
instructions produced by the program and replacing them by suitable
tek4010/4014 instructions so as to elminate the peoblems I am having.
On the other hand, I don't know beans about wither VT240's or tek4105's
or tek4010/4014's. It is possbible that someone hs dealt with this
question already and so I ask whether someone can advise me as to
whether there might be programs available which make to modifications
to the tek4105 files automaticall, or, what I guess is the same, programs
to make the VT240 emulate the tek4105 instead.

Can anyone comment on the feasibility or the resources for doing this.
More details are available on request. Thank you.

Allan Adler