[net.dcom] Problems with a BASIC Terminal Program

traill@utcsri.UUCP (J. Traill) (05/14/85)

I have all but given up attempts to compose a BASIC terminal program
for my SANYO computer (IBM-compatible) in GW-BASIC.  Here is a brief
version of the root of the program:

10 OPEN "COM1:300" AS #1
20 COM(1) ON
30 ON COM(1) GOSUB 1000
40 A$ = INKEY$
50 IF A$ <> "" THEN PRINT#1, A$;
60 GOTO 40
70 :
1010 B$ = INPUT$(1,1)
1020 PRINT B$;
1030 GOTO 1000

Strangely, the program seems to be able to handle DATAPAC
(the Canadian data communications network) quite fine, but
gives repeated DEVICE I/O errors when used with anything
else ?  I can find no good reference to the possible cause
of DEVICE I/O error in communications so I really can't
identify what needs to be changed.  I am, of course, assuming
the SANYO communications are handled, through BASIC, identically

The ATHENIANS Project - Victoria College, U of T
CanMail: 85 Charles Street West, Toronto, Ontario
NetMail: traill@utcsri