[comp.os.vms] Due to high demand -- VMS BACKUP tape reader for UNIX systems

levy@ttrdc.UUCP (01/22/88)

Due to the extremely high demand I got when I announced that I had found
such a program, I am posting this.  A few words of warning are in order,
the first and foremost being that I have yet to compile and try it myself :-).
Complaints, therefore, should go to your local UNIX expert, and fixes mailed
to me and/or posted to the net.  In particular, this uses the mtio libraries
of the BSD UNIX system for rewinding the tape and skipping tape files;
under System V, this is accomplished through access to separate devices.
You will have to hack this in yourself if you want it.

Remember to #define SWAP if your machine is big-endian (different byte
ordering than VAX).

------cut here--8<--cut here--8<--cut here--8<--cut here--8<--cut here--8<------
#Feed this file to /bin/sh to extract rdvmsbackup.c rdvmsbackup.1 .
#There is an exit 0 at the end so don't worry about trailing signatures.
echo extracting rdvmsbackup.c
cat > rdvmsbackup.c << 'RoGuE_MoNsTeR'
 *  Title:
 *	Backup
 *  Decription:
 *	(Unix) Program to read VMS backup tape
 *  Author:
 *	John Douglas CAREY.
 *  Net-addess:
 *	john%monu1.oz@seismo.ARPA
 *  History:
 *	Version 1.0 - September 1984
 *		Can only read variable length records
 *	Version 1.1
 *		Cleaned up the program from the original hack
 *		Can now read stream files
 *	Version 1.2
 *		Now convert filename from VMS to UNIX
 *			and creates sub-directories
 *	Version 1.3
 *		Works on the Pyramid if SWAP is defined
 *	Version 1.4
 *		Reads files spanning multiple tape blocks
 *	Version 1.5
 *		Always reset reclen = 0 on file open
 *		Now output fixed length records
 *      Version 2.0 - July 1985
 *		VMS Version 4.0 causes a rethink !!
 *		Now use mtio operations instead of opening and closing file
 *		Blocksize now grabed from the label
 *	Version 2.1 - September 1985
 *		Handle variable length records of zero length.
 *	Version 2.2 - July 1986
 *		Handle FORTRAN records of zero length.
 *		Inserted exit(0) at end of program.
 *		Distributed program in aus.sources
 *	Version 2.3 - August 1986
 *		Handle FORTRAN records with record length fields
 *		at the end of a block
 *		Put debug output to a file.
 *		Distributed program in net.sources
 *  Installation:
 *	Computer Centre
 *	Monash University
 *	Wellington Road
 *	Clayton
 *	Victoria	3168
#include	<stdio.h>
#include	<ctype.h>

#include	<sys/ioctl.h>
#include	<sys/types.h>
#include	<sys/mtio.h>
#include	<sys/file.h>

#ifdef pyr
#define SWAP
#endif pyr

struct bbh {
	short	bbh_dol_w_size;
	short	bbh_dol_w_opsys;
	short	bbh_dol_w_subsys;
	short	bbh_dol_w_applic;
	long	bbh_dol_l_number;
	char	bbh_dol_t_spare_1[20];
	short	bbh_dol_w_struclev;
	short	bbh_dol_w_volnum;
	long	bbh_dol_l_crc;
	long	bbh_dol_l_blocksize;
	long	bbh_dol_l_flags;
	char	bbh_dol_t_ssname[32];
	short	bbh_dol_w_fid[3];
	short	bbh_dol_w_did[3];
	char	bbh_dol_t_filename[128];
	char	bbh_dol_b_rtype;
	char	bbh_dol_b_rattrib;
	short	bbh_dol_w_rsize;
	char	bbh_dol_b_bktsize;
	char	bbh_dol_b_vfcsize;
	short	bbh_dol_w_maxrec;
	long	bbh_dol_l_filesize;
	char	bbh_dol_t_spare_2[22];
	short	bbh_dol_w_checksum;
} *block_header;

struct brh {
	short	brh_dol_w_rsize;
	short	brh_dol_w_rtype;
	long	brh_dol_l_flags;
	long	brh_dol_l_address;
	long	brh_dol_l_spare;
} *record_header;

/* define record types */

#define	brh_dol_k_null	0
#define	brh_dol_k_summary	1
#define	brh_dol_k_volume	2
#define	brh_dol_k_file	3
#define	brh_dol_k_vbn	4
#define brh_dol_k_physvol	5
#define brh_dol_k_lbn	6
#define	brh_dol_k_fid	7

struct bsa {
	short	bsa_dol_w_size;
	short	bsa_dol_w_type;
	char	bsa_dol_t_text[1];
} *data_item;

#ifdef	STREAM
char	*tapefile = "/dev/rts8";
char	*tapefile = "/dev/rmt8";

char	filename[128];
int	filesize;

char	recfmt;		/* record format */

#define			FAB_dol_C_UDF	0	/* undefined */
#define			FAB_dol_C_FIX	1	/* fixed-length record */
#define			FAB_dol_C_VAR	2	/* variable-length record */
#define			FAB_dol_C_VFC	3	/* variable-length with fixed-length control record */
#define 		FAB_dol_C_STM	4	/* RMS-11 stream record (valid only for sequential org) */
#define			FAB_dol_C_STMLF	5	/* stream record delimited by LF (sequential org only) */
#define 		FAB_dol_C_STMCR	6	/* stream record delimited by CR (sequential org only) */
#define			FAB_dol_C_MAXRFM	6	/* maximum rfm supported */

char	recatt;		/* record attributes */

#define			FAB_dol_V_FTN	0	/* FORTRAN carriage control character */
#define			FAB_dol_V_CR	1	/* line feed - record -carriage return */
#define			FAB_dol_V_PRN	2	/* print-file carriage control */
#define			FAB_dol_V_BLK	3	/* records don't cross block boundaries */

#define	FANO	20

#ifdef	pyr
static struct	bsa	*file_table[FANO];
struct	bsa	*file_table[FANO];

int	file_count;
short	reclen;
short	fix;
short	recsize;
int	vfcsize;

#ifdef	NEWD
FILE	*lf;
#endif	NEWD

char	*fn;
	char	ufn[256];
	char	*p, *q, s;

	/* copy fn to ufn and convert to lower case */
	p = fn;
	q = ufn;
	while (*p) {
		if (isupper(*p))
			*q = *p - 'A' + 'a';
			*q = *p;
	*q = '\0';

	/* convert the VMS to UNIX and make the directory path */
	p = ufn;
	q = ++p;
	while (*q) {
		if (*q == '.' || *q == ']') {
			s = *q;
			*q = '\0';
			mkdir(p, 0755);
			*q = '/';
			if (s == ']')
#ifdef	VERNO
	/* strip off the version number */
	while (*q && *q != ';')
	*q = '\0';
	/* open the file for writing */
	return(fopen(p, "w"));

char	*buffer;
	int	i, n;
	char	*p, *q;
	short	dsize, nblk, lnch;

	int	c;
	short	*s;

	s = (short *) buffer;

	/* check the header word */
	if (*s != 257) {
		printf("Snark: invalid data header\n");

	c = 2;
	for (i = 0; i < FANO; i++) {
		file_table[i] = (struct bsa *) &buffer[c];
#ifndef	SWAP
		dsize = file_table[i]->bsa_dol_w_size;
		swap(&file_table[i]->bsa_dol_w_size, &dsize, sizeof(short));
		c += dsize + 4;

	/* extract file name */
#ifndef	SWAP
	dsize = file_table[0]->bsa_dol_w_size;
	swap(&file_table[0]->bsa_dol_w_size, &dsize, sizeof(short));
	p = file_table[0]->bsa_dol_t_text;
	q = filename;
	for (i = 0; i < dsize; i++)
		*q++ = *p++;
	*q = '\0';

	/* extract file's record attributes */
#ifndef	SWAP
	dsize = file_table[5]->bsa_dol_w_size;
	swap(&file_table[5]->bsa_dol_w_size, &dsize, sizeof(short));
	p = file_table[5]->bsa_dol_t_text;
	recfmt = p[0];
	recatt = p[1];
#ifndef	SWAP
	bcopy(&p[2], &recsize, sizeof(short));
	swap(&p[2], &recsize, sizeof(short));
	vfcsize = p[15];
	if (vfcsize == 0)
		vfcsize = 2;
#ifdef	DEBUG
	printf("recfmt = %d\n", recfmt);
	printf("recatt = %d\n", recatt);
	printf("reclen = %d\n", recsize);
	printf("vfcsize = %d\n", vfcsize);
#ifndef	SWAP
	bcopy(&p[10], &nblk, sizeof(short));
	bcopy(&p[12], &lnch, sizeof(short));
	swap(&p[10], &nblk, sizeof(short));
	swap(&p[12], &lnch, sizeof(short));
	filesize = (nblk-1)*512 + lnch;
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("nbk = %d, lnch = %d\n", nblk, lnch);
	printf("filesize = 0x%x\n", filesize);

	/* open the file */
	if (f != NULL) {
		file_count = 0;
		reclen = 0;
	printf("extracting %s\n", filename);
	/* open file */
	f = openfile(filename);
 *  process a virtual block record (file record)
process_vbn(buffer, rsize)
char		*buffer;
unsigned short	rsize;
	int	c, i;

	if (f == NULL) {
	i = 0;
	while (file_count+i < filesize && i < rsize) {
		switch (recfmt) {
		case FAB_dol_C_FIX:
			if (reclen == 0) {
				reclen = recsize;
			fputc(buffer[i], f);

		case FAB_dol_C_VAR:
		case FAB_dol_C_VFC:
			if (reclen == 0) {
				reclen = *((short *) &buffer[i]);
#ifdef	SWAP
				swap(&reclen, &reclen, sizeof(short));
#ifdef	NEWD
				fprintf(lf, "---\n");
				fprintf(lf, "reclen = %d\n", reclen);
				fprintf(lf, "i = %d\n", i);
				fprintf(lf, "rsize = %d\n", rsize);
#endif	NEWD
				fix = reclen;
				i += 2;
				if (recfmt == FAB_dol_C_VFC) {
					i += vfcsize;
					reclen -= vfcsize;
			} else if (reclen == fix
					&& recatt == (1 << FAB_dol_V_FTN)) {
					if (buffer[i] == '0')
						fputc('\n', f);
					else if (buffer[i] == '1')
						fputc('\f', f);
			} else {
				fputc(buffer[i], f);
			if (reclen == 0) {
				fputc('\n', f);
				if (i & 1)

		case FAB_dol_C_STM:
		case FAB_dol_C_STMLF:
			if (reclen < 0) {
			if (reclen == 0) {
				reclen = 512;
			c = buffer[i++];
			if (c == '\n') {
				reclen = 0;
			fputc(c, f);

		case FAB_dol_C_STMCR:
			c = buffer[i++];
			if (c == '\r')
				fputc('\n', f);
				fputc(c, f);

			fprintf(stderr, "Invalid record format = %d\n", recfmt);
	file_count += i;
#ifdef	SWAP
 *  do swapping for Motorola type architectures
swap(from, to, nbytes)
char	*from, *to;
int	nbytes;
	int	i, j;
	char	temp[100];

	for (i = 0; i < nbytes; i++)
		temp[i] = from[i];
	for (i = 0, j = nbytes-1; i < nbytes; i++, j--)
		to[i] = temp[j];
 *  process a backup block
process_block(block, blocksize)
char	*block;
int	blocksize;

	unsigned short	bhsize, rsize, rtype;
	unsigned long	bsize, i;

	i = 0;

	/* read the backup block header */
	block_header = (struct bbh *) &block[i];
	i += sizeof(struct bbh);

	bhsize = block_header->bbh_dol_w_size;
	bsize = block_header->bbh_dol_l_blocksize;
#ifdef	SWAP
	swap(&bhsize, &bhsize, sizeof(short));
	swap(&bsize, &bsize, sizeof(long));

	/* check the validity of the header block */
	if (bhsize != sizeof(struct bbh)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Snark: Invalid header block size\n");
	if (bsize != 0 && bsize != blocksize) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Snark: Invalid block size\n");
#ifdef	DEBUG
	printf("new block: i = %d, bsize = %d\n", i, bsize);

	/* read the records */
	while (i < bsize) {
		/* read the backup record header */
		record_header = (struct brh *) &block[i];
		i += sizeof(struct brh);

		rtype = record_header->brh_dol_w_rtype;
		rsize = record_header->brh_dol_w_rsize;
#ifdef	SWAP
		swap(&rtype, &rtype, sizeof(short));
		swap(&rsize, &rsize, sizeof(short));
#ifdef	DEBUG
		printf("rtype = %d\n", rtype);
		printf("rsize = %d\n", rsize);
		printf("flags = 0x%x\n", record_header->brh_dol_l_flags);
		printf("addr = 0x%x\n", record_header->brh_dol_l_address);
		printf("i = %d\n", i);

		switch (rtype) {

		case brh_dol_k_null:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = null\n");

		case brh_dol_k_summary:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = summary\n");

		case brh_dol_k_file:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = file\n");

		case brh_dol_k_vbn:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = vbn\n");
			process_vbn(&block[i], rsize);

		case brh_dol_k_physvol:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = physvol\n");

		case brh_dol_k_lbn:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = lbn\n");

		case brh_dol_k_fid:
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("rtype = fid\n");

			fprintf(stderr, " Snark: invalid record type\n");
			fprintf(stderr, " record type = %d\n", rtype);
#ifdef pyr
		i = i + rsize;
		i += rsize;

#define	LABEL_SIZE	80

main(argc, argv)
int	argc;
char	*argv[];
	int	fd;		/* tape file descriptor */
	int	i;

	char	label[LABEL_SIZE];

	char	*block;
	int	blocksize;

	struct	mtop	op;

#ifdef	NEWD
	/* open debug file */
	lf = fopen("log", "w");
	if (lf == NULL) {

	/* open the tape file */
	fd = open(tapefile, O_RDONLY);
	if (fd < 0) {

	/* rewind the tape */
	op.mt_op = MTREW;
	op.mt_count = 1;
	i = ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, &op);
	if (i < 0) {

	/* read the tape label - 4 records of 80 bytes */
	while ((i = read(fd, label, LABEL_SIZE)) != 0) {
		if (i != LABEL_SIZE) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Snark: bad label record\n");
		/* get the block size */
		if (strncmp(label, "HDR2", 4) == 0) {
			sscanf(label+5, "%5d", &blocksize);
#ifdef	DEBUG
			printf("blocksize = %d\n", blocksize);

	op.mt_op = MTFSF;
	op.mt_count = 0;
	i = ioctl(fd, MTIOCTOP, &op);
	if ( i < 0) {

	/* get the block buffer */
	block = (char *) malloc(blocksize);
	if (block == (char *) 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "memory allocation for block failed\n");

	/* read the backup tape blocks until end of file */ 
	while ((i = read(fd, block, blocksize)) != 0) {
		if (i != blocksize) {
			fprintf(stderr, "bad block read i = %d\n", i);
		process_block(block, blocksize);
	printf("End of save set\n");

	/* close the tape */

#ifdef	NEWD
	/* close debug file */
#endif	NEWD

	/* exit cleanly */
echo extracting rdvmsbackup.1
cat > rdvmsbackup.1 << 'RoGuE_MoNsTeR'
vmsbackup \- read a VMS backup tape
.B vmsbackup
.B \-{tx}[cdevw][s setnumber][f tapefile] 
[ name ... ]
.I vmsbackup 
reads a VMS generated backup tape, converting the files
to Unix format and writing the files to disc.
The default operation of the program is to go through an entire
tape, extracting every file and writing it to disc.
This may be modified by the following options.
.TP 8
.B c
Use complete filenames, including the version number.
A colon and the octal version number will be appended to all filenames.
A colon, rather than a semicolon, is used since the Unix Shell
uses the semicolon as the line separator.
Using a colon prevents the user from having to escape the semicolon
when referencing the filename.
This option is useful only when multiple versions of the same file
are on a single tape or when a file of the same name already
exists in the destination directory.
The default is to ignore version numbers.
.TP 8
.B d
use the directory structure from VMS, the default value is off.
.TP 8
.B e
Process all filename extensions.
Since this program is mainly intended to move source code and possibly
data from a DEC system to a Unix system, the default is to ignore
all files whose filename extension specifies system dependent data.
The file types which will be ignored, unless the
.B e
option is specified, are
.IP "" 10
exe     VMS executable file
lib     VMS object library file
obj     RSX object file
odl     RSX overlay description file
olb     RSX object library file
pmd     RSX post mortem dump file
stb     RSX task symbol table file
sys     RSX bootable system file
tsk     RSX executable task file
.TP 8
.B f
Use the next argument in the command line as the tape device to
be used, rather than the default.
If vmsbackup is compiled with the remote tape option
and the file name has the form
.IR system [. user ]:/dev/???
.I vmsbackup
will use the tape drive /dev/??? on the remote system
.IR system ,
.IR rsh (1),
.IR rmt (8).
The optional
.I user
portion of the pathname specifies the login name to use on the
remote system.
If it is not supplied, the current user's login name will be used.
In all the cases, the user must have the appropriate
permissions on the remote machine, in order to use this facility.
The default is
.I /dev/rmt8
(drive 0, raw mode, 1600 bpi).
This must be a raw mode tape device.
.TP 8
.B s saveset
Process only the given saveset number.
.TP 8
.B t
Produce a table of contents (a directory listing) on the standard output
of the files on tape.
.TP 8
.B v
Verbose output.
.I vmsbackup 
does its work silently.
The verbose option will cause the filenames of the files being read from
tape to disk to be output on the standard output.
.TP 8
.B w
.I vmsbackup
prints the action to be taken followed by file name, then
wait for user confirmation. If a word beginning with `y'
is given, the action is done. Any other input means don't do it.
.TP 8
.B x
extract the named files from the tape.
.TP 8
The optional 
.I name
argument specifies one or more filenames to be
searched for specifically on the tape and only those files are to be processed.
The name may contain the usal sh(1) meta-characters *?![] \nnn.
The filename match uses the complete VMS file names.

John Douglas Carey
Sven-Ove Westberg
exit 0
|------------Dan Levy------------|  Path: ..!{akgua,homxb,ihnp4,ltuxa,mvuxa,
|         an Engihacker @        |  	<most AT&T machines>}!ttrdc!ttrda!levy
| AT&T Computer Systems Division |  Disclaimer?  Huh?  What disclaimer???
|--------Skokie, Illinois--------|