From: IN%"INFO-VAX@KL.SRI.COM" 22-JAN-1988 08:49 To: Steve Roseman <LUSGR@VAX1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU> Subj: LPS40 > From: Robert Cray <cray%lvvb.span@SDS.SDSC.EDU> > Subject: LPS40 > > We have an LPS40 on loan from DEC for evaluation. When we generate a > black test pattern, all the way down the right side of the page is a very > light stripe. The dec service guy claims that this is normal for the > lps40. I find this a little hard to beleive, does anyone know if it > is really true? > --robert I didn't ever see it before, but ours does the same thing. The print quality of the unit is usually very good on normal (text and graphics) outputs, though. Steve Roseman Lehigh University