[comp.os.vms] VMS Accounting

smith@uoregon.UUCP (Dale Smith) (01/15/88)

The University of Oregon is currently in the process of converting
from a DECsystem 1091 to a VAX 8800.  One of the problem areas is
the issue of accounting.  We currently (on the DEC-10) have the
ability for a person to charge different parts of a single session
to several different accounts.  Also, one can charge a batch job,
print job, or plot job to an account different than the current one.
How could one accomplish the same thing under VMS?

In my naive view of VMS it seems that one could use the account field
of VMS, have a database of valid values of the account field for each
user, and some privileged program that allowed users to change the account
field on the fly.  Obviously, when one changed the account field, you
would have to write an accounting record as if that person had logged
out, then back in.  I can imagine some similar situation for print, etc.

The problem is, I don't know much of anything about VMS.  Does anyone
out there have software that does something similar?  Has anyone heard
of such software?  Please, no flames.  I hate accounting as much as the
next person.  Also, don't clutter up the net with replies, just reply
directly back to me (notice that my e-mail address may be different than
what appears in the header of this message).

Thanks in advance,

Dale Smith, Senior Systems Programmer
Bitnet:	dsmith@oregon.bitnet
Internet: dsmith@oregon.cc.uoregon.edu (will go through csnet-relay I hope)
Voice:	(503)686-4394
USmail:	University of Oregon
	Computing Center
	Eugene, OR 97403-1212

berkley@wucs2.UUCP (Berkley Shands) (02/11/88)

The following is a draft of a WHITE PAPER to be presented at the
spring DECUS symposium. If you have seen it before, it is still worth
reading and commenting on.

                         VAX / VMS Accounting
                          A White Paper from
                     The DECUS Large Systems SIG
                             Spring 1988

                         E. F. Berkley Shands
                  Washington University in St. Louis
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 2


     Accounting for a commercial VAX/VMS system must  have  a  central
philosophy  by  which  the  system  works.   This should be "Accuracy,
Repeatability, and Completeness".  All information from the accounting
system  must be accurate.  How much CPU time did User X use?  How much
disk space did User SYSHOG tie up running that sort?  How  many  pages
of  form  type  BIGBUCKS did that print job consume?  If a user runs a
program today, and runs the same program tomorrow, the runtimes should
not  differ  to  any  extreme.   Knowing  the  nature  of timesharing,
accounting to the micro-second is not practical.  However,  accounting
accurate  and repeatable is certainly within the realm of engineering.
This paper concerns itself with the types of data to be collected, and
suggests  some possible formats for storage and management.  The paper
does NOT consider technical details that would change  from  processor
to  processor  or  release  to  release.   Further,  this paper is not
designed to describe a  package  that  would  process  the  accounting
records and produce reports.  Such a task is best left to the customer
to decide what information is important to present.

     The accounting hooks developed today must be flexible  enough  to
last  through  the  1990's  into  the  year 2000 (or as long as VMS is
supported).  It is better to think about that now, than wish  you  had
done so later; provisions should be made for extensibility.  Providing
a complete solution (a VMS hallmark) is  the  prime  objective.   Take
into  account  LASER  DISKS,  Print  servers,  back  end disk systems,
network devices, SMP systems, attached processors (CMP  systems)  etc.
Further  take  into account that some sites may only want parts of the
full accounting system, and not need to record others.

1.1  Functional Specifications For Accounting

     An accounting system must  provide  the  "hooks"  and  basis  for
tracking  system  usage.   This  includes ALL peripherals and attached
processors.  Consider the possibility of an array processor being part
of  the  system.   Or  consider  the work performed in the HSC or even
DECNET hardware.  The prime function for VMS is to collect these  data
items.  Analyzing them and producing a report is secondary.

1.1.1  Classes Of Resource Usage -

     Historically, system usage has been based  on  charging  for  CPU
time, disk space, tape drive time, and printed/punched output.  In the
era of networking and SMP computers, this  doesn't  cover  all  bases.
Today  there is static and transient disk usage.  Network terminal and
file access.  Virtual addressing  space  usage  as  well  as  physical
memory usage and paging are distinct but inseparable quantities.  Line
printers, plotters and laser output devices can have  multiple  forms,
fonts, pens, belts and the like.  Some port switching systems can bill
by  characters  in  and  out.   Tape  drives  still  require  operator
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 3

intervention for their care and feeding.  Laser based write-once-media
(WORM) are appearing in the marketplace.  How can all these  different
entities be organized to provide a minimum number of resource classes?  Processor Resource -

     Under this title comes the bulk of the CPU  and  memory  domains.
Virtual  addressing  consumes  swapping and paging space.  Working set
management consumes physical memory.  Poorly written  programs  stress
the machine more than tightly written non-thrashing ones.  Page faults
drive up overhead, cause more memory accesses etc.  Programs that have
a  tight  (cachable)  core make less demands on the slow memory system
than do the spaghetti   variety.

     Tracking memory references (ALA MBOX cycle counters)  provides  a
way  for  the  system  manager  to  keep track of program performance.
Clearly this requires special hardware not found in  the  majority  of
the  VAX line.  Therefore absolute counts are not obtainable.  What is
needed   is   some   machine   independent   metric.    Perhaps    the
Kilo-Core-Second and the Virtual-Kilo-Core-Second?  A KCS is two pages
of physical memory in use for one second.  A  VKCS  is  two  pages  of
virtual  address space (P0) in use for one second.  If there is a good
way to account for FPA usage, it should be included.  Records for each
process should be kept, updated and checkpointed.  For those processes
that never terminate (SWAPPER, OPCOM...) the checkpointed  values  may
be used to complete the used cycle totals.

     Some sites wish to charge different rates based on  the  time  of
day.   Therefore  a  method  for  flushing  the entries for all active
processes is required.  When the "shift"  changes,  all  counters  are
zeroed  and  processing  continues  without  user intervention.  These
shift changes need to be automatic.  Forcing an operator  or  a  batch
job  to  change  the  accounting  shift  would  not  be  repeatable or
reliable.  Disk System Resource -

     Xerox and IBM systems view two kinds of disk  usage;  Static  and
dynamic.   Static  usage  is  the familiar "Whats on disk now, and who
owns it?" Dynamic usage is somewhat more complex, since it deals  with
logged  in disk use versus logged out disk usage.  For example, a user
wants to  sort  an  address  file.   The  sorting  program  creates  a
temporary  file  which  is never closed, but chews up 1.4 million disk
blocks for an hour while it runs.  A static disk analysis would  never
see  that  use.   A dynamic recorder would compute 1.4 Mega-blocks for
3,600 seconds and arrive at a Kilo-Byte-Disk-Second figure.   Here  is
where  completeness  comes  in.   Clearly this amounts to using a fair
chunk of system resource.  To be fair, such usage  would  have  to  be
recorded.   However,  to  continue  being  fair,  a file should not be
billed for both static and  dynamic  charges.   Therefore  some  clear
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 4

procedure must be established as to when a charge is assessed.

     A further area of concern in  disk  usage  is  that  of  overhead
blocks  and  directory  blocks.  A file header takes up room.  TOPS-10
charges for that space.  TOPS-20 hides it.   VMS  hides  it  too,  but
records  directory usage.  TOPS-20 hides directory blocks, but TOPS-10
doesn't.  With allocation cluster factors getting higher  and  higher,
there is a larger percentage of the disk that is allocated but unused.
Is it fair to bill on allocated space when the  user  has  no  control
over the cluster factor?  Is it fair to bill on used space when a user
can allocate far more than is needed (to be used at the  users  whim)?
This  needs  to  be  a site dependent decision.  Collect BOTH, let the
user pick which one to use.

     Deeper inside the disk usage issue is how to record file  /  disk
use.   The  scheme of a UIC owning a file is fine for access, but what
happens when a user is working on multiple projects at  one  time?   A
secure  system  is required to have a one to one mapping between users
and usernames /  UIC's.   How  can  the  standard  UIC  system  handle
multiple projects by a single user?  The solution in TOPS is to assign
an independent string for billing that does  not  reflect  the  owner.
This  string  is validated for the user (and a utility looks for files
that have invalid charge strings after data base changes).  This keeps
the  user  honest,  and the disks clean.  But what about the user that
doesn't care about charges, and leaves  mountains  of  files  on  disk
while  never  touching  them.  If the user is paying for such storage,
this may not be so terrible.  In other environments  this  "disk  hog"
must  be dealt with in other ways to reduce the overall impact.  There
should be several fields in the file header  which  are  reserved  for
tracking  use of that file(s).  A last read date, last write date, who
wrote it, who owns it, when it expires, when it was archived, when  it
was  returned  from  archiving  and others MUST be kept!  If a file is
migrated onto WORM storage, that should be recorded too.   How  should
WORM  disk  usage  be  treated?  A user cannot DELETE such a file once
created!  A further complication is  "SET FILE/ENTER".   The  physical
file  may  reside  in several directories, with one user archiving the
file and another desiring no archiving.  This sticky problem  must  be
addressed outside of the scope of this paper.  Tape Usage -

     Some large commercial sites have  THOUSANDS  of  tapes  in  their
libraries.   Large  IBM  shops  have FLOORS full of tape drives.  Even
smaller shops often have four to six tape drives.  As a resource,  any
tape  related activity must be recorded.  Tapes are operator intensive
by nature.  For sites  that  must  cost  recover,  recording  operator
interactions is required.

     All  tape  events  need  to   be   recorded.    Mounts/DisMounts,
reads/writes,   rewinds/skips  (controller  based  today,  host  based
yesterday) and errors.  This needs to be tracked on a  per-tape  drive
and  VOLID/REELID basis.  A charge string (the current default for the
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 5

user) would be used for recording purposes.  If everything needs to be
recorded,  don't  forget  the  type  of  drive  (some are faster), the
density, and the time of day.  Operator Usage -

     How do you use your operator?   The  system  operator(s)  have  a
tough  job  in  a  busy machine room.  It was once suggested that they
wear roller skates.  Disk and tape  mounts/dismounts,  printer/plotter
feeding,   backups   (DIGITAL   disks  never  crash?),  shift  changes
accounting updates, etc.  All of these items need to  be  tracked,  as
well  as  how long it took the operator to respond to the request.  If
the disk request didn't need operator intervention, fine.   Record  it

     File archiving takes lots of operator effort, and tape drive  use
(today,   but  maybe  WORM  use  tomorrow).   A  user  can  create  an
operational nightmare by requesting  files  all  day.   Such  requests
should be recorded for possible charge-back.  Spooling Usage -

     The input and output spoolers do a fair  amount  of  work.   This
includes disk/cpu and related resource consumption.  Any activity done
on behalf of a user should be charged  to  that  user.   Spooled  line
printer output files need to be charged just as regular disk files do.

     The forms used must be recorded, the time the  spooler  ran  (TOD
clock),  the queue name (batch too), and all recordable information as
well.  Some field must be provided for the operator  to  add  comments
"Printer  munched  1/2 box of form BIGBUKS" or "The plotter ran out of
ink".  Network Usage -

     This is a very tricky area to track.  Should a user be billed for
using  DECNET to transfer a file from a remote site?  Should that user
be billed  for  SET  HOST  to  another  site?   Should  a  transaction
processing system be billed for task to task I/O requests?  How should
a user be billed for dial-out DECNET access to a  remote  host?   What
about  task to task within a machine or cluster?  Who gets charged for
the time used on the remote machine?  What about routers?  How do  you
bill for the overhead of "pass through" packets?

     What is clear is that whatever information is available should be
recorded.   If the local site wants to treat routing work as overhead,
that is a local decision.  The more accurate the recording, the better
the justification for adding additional equipment.
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 6

1.1.2  User Features -

     A user must be able to change  account  strings  rapidly.   Under
Security  rules  (government  type),  one  user = one login name.  You
can't get  around  that  by  giving  multiple  user  names.   Changing
sessions  (with  remarks)  must  be quick and transparent to the user.
This is known as "SET ACCOUNT".  The account string must be valid, and
it  must  be  usable  by  that user for that function.  For example, a
charge string may be good for disk storage but not  for  CPU  or  tape
mounts.   It  might  be  good only from 09:00 until 11:00.  To further
complicate things, each  account  string  may  be  associated  with  a
particular   scheduler  class.   Changing  accounts  may  change  your
scheduler class setting too (Process Priority).

     Every accounting entry generated  by  the  user's  actions  would
carry  a  charge string, unless another was subsituted by design.  The
system must be capable of MASS updates to the database of valid charge
numbers.   Third party retro-fits for accounting usually do not handle
this mass change.  The system must be  able  to  handle  thousands  of
charge  strings (that means no linear searching too!).  Utilities must
be provided to  find  files/queues/entities  that  have  a  particular
charge  identifier  (valid or not).  Some user will complain "Why do I
have a $20,000 charge for disk space?  I only have  30  blocks  in  my
directory!"  Right,  but  you  have  1.9  million disk blocks in queue
waiting to print.  The system manager friendliness of  the  accounting
subsystem is very important!

     The accounting system must checkpoint its data to protect against
system  crashes.  The active accounting data should be written to disk
at regular intervals controlled by the individual  sites.   This  data
should not be written after every action, because that would seriously
impact system performance.  The accounting data could be  kept  in  an
in-core  queue,  to be written at the specified time or when the queue
became full.  Consider a user program generating 1K accounting entries
per minute.  What would happen if each entry required disk accesses?

     A user should be able to get a DIRECTORY based on charge  number;
"DIR/CHARGE=Bogus-account-51".   LOGINOUT  should  prompt  for missing
charge strings at login time.  ".DIR"  files  should  have  their  own
overriding  default charge strings for files created in them like ACLs

     The hooks  for  a  user  supplied  accounting  record  should  be
provided  for those facilities that want to track finer detail than is
normally available.

1.2  What Won't Work

     Access Control List (ACL)  identifiers  should  not  be  used  as
account  strings.  In large commercial sites, account string databases
may contain 10K entries, of which 2K will change each week.   Further,
when  an entry is deleted from RIGHTSLIST.DAT, all that remains in the
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 7

file header is %X8001BEEF.  This number is very hard to correlate with
the original account string.

     Any system that does not provide for account to user  validation.
It would be best if the validation process could be user written, with
a template supplied by VMS Engineering.

     Several other areas reflect government regulations  for  security
and ease of use concerns.
1) Grafted on accounting that requires a change of UIC to track usage.
2) Anything that requires multiple user IDs for a single user.
3) Anything not supporting shift changes on the fly.
4) Anything that will not provide a straight dump  of  the  accounting
database.   A  callable  interface would suffice, since you could read
records right out of the active file.  The interface would need a call
5) Anything that does not allow the user program to validate a  charge
number.  (I.E.  a System call to validate a charge number for a user.)
Spoolers should be able to validate access to charge strings like they
validate file access.
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 8


     Every record written  to  the  accounting  data  file  should  be
prefixed  with  information  on what system wrote that record.  At the
very least the actual SID register data and a text  string  should  be
supplied.   The  text  string  should  be at least 10 characters (node
names are too short).  This provides for the centralized processing of
accounting data in a corporation which has a large number of networked
and clustered systems.  Accounting data from one system could  not  be
interchanged with that of another.  With each system identified on the
accounting record, the whole networks' data could be appended  to  one
file and processed.

     In the following list, some items are redundant.  This is due  to
the need to have ALL the needed information IN ONE RECORD.  The system
administrator should not have to determine by context the other  items


3.1  File Header Items

Note: changing the file header should not cause
the data to be backed up on an incremental BACKUP.

1) Date of last user read
2) Date of last user write
3) Date of last archive
4) Date of last archive restore
5) Name of last writer
6) Name of last reader
7) Name of owner
8) Charge string (from CREATE or SET FILE)
9) Archive reason (age, request, etc)
10) File status flags
11) UIC of owner

3.2  Disk Usage Entries

3.2.1  Static Snapshot -

1) Charge string
2) Owner
3) Allocated blocks
4) Used blocks
5) Cluster factor
6) Name of directory
7) Total blocks in directory
8) Overhead blocks in directory
Accounting on the VAX                                           Page 9

9) Date/time
10) Volume name
11) Device/type (Dba0/rp07)

3.2.2  Dynamic Disk Usage -

1) Charge string
2) Date/time
3) Owner
4) Kilo-Byte-Seconds of use
5) name of file
6) Directory of file
7) Max blocks used
8) Max blocks allocated
9) Volume name
10) device/type (dja2/ra60)

3.2.3  Disk Volume Mount/dismount -

1) Date/time
2) Charge string
3) user name
4) Requested disk
5) Disk drive used (type/device)
6) Opr response delta time
7) Status flags (WRITE/Success/automount)
8) Opr comments

3.3  Tape Drives

3.3.1  Tape Mount -

1) Date/time
2) Charge string
3) user name
4) Requested tape VOLID/REELID
5) Tape drive used (type/device)
6) Opr response delta time
7) Status flags (WRITE/Success)
8) Opr comments
9) Type of tape (labeled / unlabeled)
10) If labeled, type of label (ASCII/EBCDIC/OTHER)

3.3.2  Tape Usage -

1) Date/time start
Accounting on the VAX                                          Page 10

2) Date/time stop
3) Charge string
4) User name
5) Reads
6) writes
7) Rewinds/file skips
8) Errors
9) Drive/type/density
10) Opr comments

3.4  Spooler Entries

3.4.1  Line Printer Usage -

1) Date/time
2) Charge string
3) User name
4) Device/type/location
5) Pages printed
6) Forms type
7) Ribbon type
8) Number of files
9) Number of copies
10) Completion date/time
11) Opr comments
12) CPU usage entry (process type)
13) Disk usage entry (dynamic)
14) Priority/queue name/entry number

3.4.2  Plotter Usage -

1) Date/time
2) Charge string
3) User name
4) Device/type/location
5) Feet plotted/ pages plotted
6) Forms type
7) Pens type
8) Number of files
9) Number of copies
10) Completion date/time
11) Opr comments
12) CPU usage entry (process type)
13) Disk usage entry (dynamic)
14) Priority/queue name/entry number
Accounting on the VAX                                          Page 11

3.4.3  Other Spooler Types... -

1) Date/time
2) Charge string
3) User name
4) Device/type/location
5) Number of files
6) Number of copies
7) Completion date/time
8) Opr comments
9) CPU usage entry (process type)
10) Disk usage entry (dynamic)
11) Priority/queue name/entry number

3.4.4  Attach/Detach Entries -

     This  entry  is  written  each  time  the  user   "CONNECTS"   or
"DISCONNECTS"  (ATTACH/DETACH)  a  process  from  a terminal.  This is
completely distinct from the PROCESS type  entries.   Some  sites  may
want  to  charge  different  rates  for  DIAL-UP  terminal  VS  DECNET

1) Date/time
2) Type of terminal connection (LAT/DECNET/HARDWIRE)
3) Source of connection (DECSERVER 200 CLYDE port 3 or
   DECNET node YAHOO:: process 2065B410)
4) Username
5) Process ID
6) Account string active at the time
7) Characters sent since last ATT/DET
8) Characters recieved since last ATT/DET
9) Elapsed time port was used on DETACH
10) Elapsed time process was detached on ATTACH
11) Port specific info (line speed etc)

3.5  System Configuration Changes

3.5.1  Accounting Changes -

1) Shift change record
2) Account validation database update
3) Operator coverage change

3.5.2  Scheduler Type Change -

1) Priority
2) Class
3) Round-robin
Accounting on the VAX                                          Page 12

4) Other

3.5.3  Device Status -

1) Disk/tape offline
2) Network link down
3) Terminal baud rate change
4) Terminal ADVISE/LINKING records

3.6  CPU Resources (at Process Termination Or Account Change)

3.6.1  Memory Usage -

1) User name
2) Process name
3) Charge string
4) Physical KCS used
5) Virtual KCS used
6) Mbox cycles
7) Working set size
8) Pager traps
9) Date/time
10) Scheduler class used (% allocated, number of class)
11) Type of scheduling in use (prio/RR/Class)

3.6.2  Processor Usage -

1) User name
2) Process name
3) Charge string
4) CPU time used (to MS)
5) flags (incl/excl interrupts + overhead)
6) CPU SID of processor (SMP tracking)
7) Floating point use cycles
8) Vector cpu use
9) Time of day/date

3.7  Process Usage

3.7.1  Resources Used -

1) User name
2) process name
3) charge string
4) Date/time
5) Node of session origin
Accounting on the VAX                                          Page 13

6) Last node origin
7) This node name
8) Session start
9) Session end
10) Session remark
11) TTY I/O chars in/out
12) Flags (batch/network/etc)
13) Physical terminal name
14) Virtual terminal name
15) Kilo-Byte-Network data transmitted
16) CPU spent compiling
17) CPU spent executing
18) Baud rate of terminal
19) Number of OPR requests
20) Spooler proxy data

3.8  Network Usage

     Some sites may wish to charge back network usage to the  specific
individual  or  site  (CPU)  responsible  for its use.  Items include:
file transfers, records transfered, virtual  terminal  usage,  network
spooling,  etc.   Note  that  each  record  transfered doesn't need an
entry.  Just that User X made 124,498,200 record transfers.

3.8.1  Specifics -

1) Time of day
2) Network connection (source/dest, node::object)
3) Volume of data transfered (bytes or Kbytes) in and out
4) Type of entry (open/close)
5) User name
6) Account string at host
7) File transfer stats
8) NVT stats

3.9  Other Concern Areas

     It would be nice to be able to track usage of 3rd party  hardware
too.   If  each  driver  had a routine to record calls, CPU time, etc,
this would allow the system manager to see what devices are  consuming
the  systems  resources.   This  could  also  be  used  as  a hook for
accounting on attached  array  processors,  BI  based  funny  devices,
user-written pseudo devices (like PTYDRIVER/PHOTO) and the like.

     A clean way to perform this would be to extend the current system
calls for writing accounting entries.  Since these entries would be in
a user defined format, the only way to read them  would  be  with  the
callable  accounting  file  reader.   If the type of record were known
Accounting on the VAX                                          Page 14

beforehand, a real 'CPU USAGE' record could be written.  There  is  no
documented way of writing such an entry today.

     Any change to the accounting  system  would  force  a  change  to
SYS$MANAGER:ACCOUNTNG.DAT.    Obviously   this  would  break  a  large
percentage of the currently available  third  party  packages.   Which
would  you  rather  have,  a system that patches SYS.EXE and breaks at
each release?  Or all data collection done by VMS,  and  processed  by
your favorite third party package?