saganich%frodo.DECnet@MGHCCC.HARVARD.EDU ("FRODO::SAGANICH") (02/15/88)
HI Infovaxers, I am having a minor problem. It seems that i can't call modula 2 from pascal. As far as I can tell the modula 2 compiler appends a `:' to the end of every rtn name. This obviously causes problems from a pascal point of view. Has anyone had any experience with this? Here is what I want to do in the pascal trn Procedure junk; extern; In modula 2 module junk; (* I suppose I could place a procudure here to actually call but it doesnt seem to make any diffence *) Begin WriteString('In module junk,or possibly procedure junk'); WriteLn; end junk. Of course I placed in all the correct imports and syntax but still nothing. The linker doesn't like my code at all. It gives me unresolved reference errors. (from the module being called junk: I'm quite sure). Any ideas about how to go around this?? Thanks Al Saganich PS. This is really for an assignment for a class I am taking and not a real problem but it seemed to be worth repeating to the general public ------