(Jim Petrick) (02/25/88)
I have recently discovered the VMS RECALL command. It's been there at least since 4.5, and if like me you've been lamenting the Bourne shell 'history' and '!' functionality, this is the command for you. Sure you can use the up and down arrows to move through your command stack, but for times when you'd like to list all the commands stored there, or reissuing that long link command that you issued sometime long ago, RECALL it! $ RECALL/ALL lists the entire command stack. $ RECALL c recalls the last command that began with 'c'. I've defined my FIND key on my VT-220 as RECALL, this lets me get to old commands much quicker than up/down arrowing it. Now a question, does anyone out there know of a way to get to the contents of the command stack from within a program? Any hints would be appreciated, escpecially code fragments in C. Thanks in advance, Jim Petrick