> HELP! I would like to know if someone has a program that I can > use which can read data through a terminal line .. like having a detached >process that wakes up upon sensing a particular character and reads data sent >on a terminal line .. It does not really matter if it does CRC or not. ..... > ....................................................... > > Thanks in advance!! > > > Regards, > nag. Thanx to all those who responded to my above query. Appreciate it. But my problem is that I am developing an application which will do a variation of it .. not exactly what KERMIT or any other s/w will achieve. All I need is a program that sits as a detached process and reads data from a line. I am trying to avoid going thru some debugging and stuff since I am running short of time. Would appreciate if someone can donate such a program to me. Thank you very much in advance. please send mail directly to me at SYSTEM%PGG.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM best regards, nag.
carl@CITHEX.CALTECH.EDU (Carl J Lydick) (03/17/88)
> > HELP! I would like to know if someone has a program that I can > > use which can read data through a terminal line .. like having a detached > >process that wakes up upon sensing a particular character and reads data sent > >on a terminal line .. It does not really matter if it does CRC or not. ..... > > ....................................................... > > > > Thanks in advance!! > > > > > > Regards, > > nag. > > > Thanx to all those who responded to my above query. Appreciate it. But my > problem is that I am developing an application which will do a variation > of it .. not exactly what KERMIT or any other s/w will achieve. All I need > is a program that sits as a detached process and reads data from a line. I > am trying to avoid going thru some debugging and stuff since I am running short > of time. Would appreciate if someone can donate such a program to me. Thank you > very much in advance. > > please send mail directly to me at SYSTEM%PGG.DEC@DECWRL.DEC.COM Sure. Create the file READ.COM with the contents: $ OPEN/READ FILE TTA0: !Substitute appropriate terminal name $ LOOP: READ/ERR=LOOP RECORD $ GOTO LOOP Then use the command $ RUN/DETACH/INPUT=READ.COM/OUTPUT=NL: SYS$SYSTEM:LOGINOUT Now, you know, and I know, that that's NOT what you want. However, it certainly fits your description of what you want. Now, can you PLEASE tell us EXACTLY what it is you want, instead of uttering generalities and then telling us that what we sent isn't what you wanted? For example, what is this "program" (did you, perhaps, mean SUBROUTINE?) supposed to with the data it's read? Is it supposed to read only full records or is it supposed to do character-at-a-time I/O? What's it supposed to do with end-of-file? How about errors? I've got a number of routines, programs, and procedures that do more or less what you seem to want; depending on what you really want, some of them may even be useful to you; however, I'm not going to dig them up and mail them to you unless you give me a few more hints about what you actually want them to do.
BRIAN@UOFT02.BITNET (Brian Nelson) (03/18/88)
/* PACX_LOGGER Log message from PACX 4 to logging terminal and disk file. System: VAX VMS version 4.2 Author: Brian Nelson, 31-JAN-1986 13:51 Logical names: ASS/SYS TXA4: PACX_STAT_OUT ASS/SYS TXA5: PACX_STAT_DISPLAY ASS/SYS DUA1:[SYS0.PACX_DATA] PACX_STAT_LOGDIR Where: TXA4 (DMF32) is connected directly to the STAT port TXA5 (DMF32) is connected to real time VT100 terminal via a NULL modem PACX_STAT_LOGDIR:PACX_LOG.DATA is the name of log file To avoid ever getting TXA4 to try to run LOGINOUT you should do: SET TER TXA4:/PERM/SECURE/SPEED=2400/NOAUTO Data is never written to the log file until 20 messages are buffered. Thus, you can rename the file to get it to create a new one. It would be a good idea to set a timer ast to dump every hour or two during periods of low activity, but that can come later. A timer has been added to create a new logfile every night at 12:00 The input line, in this case TXA4 which is assigned as the equvilence string to the logical name PACX_STAT_OUT, is set at startup as in: $ set ter txa4:/perm/secure/speed=2400 Setting the SECURE characteristic is a crude way of disabling the line from LOGINS from data being sent to the vax before startup is complete. Startup: run sys$utility:pacx_logger/uic=[1,4]/det */ #include <opcdef> #include <iodef> #include <stdio.h> #include <descrip.h> #include <prvdef.h> #include <ssdef.h> #define then #ifndef LNM$_STRING #define LNM$_STRING 2 #define LNM$_ATTRIBUTES 3 #define LNM$M_TERMINAL 512 #define LNM$M_CASE_BLIND 33554432 #endif FILE *logfile ; union pointer { int *intbuf ; char *charbuf ; } ; struct itmlst { unsigned short int bufferlength ; unsigned short int item_code ; union pointer addr ; int *retlength ; } ; struct dsc { int len ; char *addr ; } ; extern char *strcpy(), *strcat() ; int read_lun,write_lun ; char logfilename[] = "PACX_STAT_LOGDIR:PACX_LOG.DATA" ; #define MAXMSG 20 #define MSGBUFSIZE 120 char *msgbuf[MAXMSG+1] ; int curmsg ; int ast_happened ; main() { $DESCRIPTOR(midnite_dsc,"-- 23:59:59.00") ; $DESCRIPTOR(deltatime_dsc,"0 00:00:00.20") ; $DESCRIPTOR(procname,"Pacx_Logger") ; extern char *ctime(),*malloc() ; extern int *time() ; char *cp, fmsg[100], read_buffer[80], write_buffer[MSGBUFSIZE] ; int curtime,i,status ; unsigned int waittime[2], midnite[2] ; int newfile() ; ast_happened = 1 ; curmsg = 0 ; for ( i=0;i < MAXMSG; i++ ) msgbuf[i] = malloc(MSGBUFSIZE) ; sys$bintim(&deltatime_dsc,&waittime) ; sys$bintim(&midnite_dsc,&midnite) ; sys$setimr(0,&midnite,newfile,0) ; sys$setprn(&procname) ; strcpy(fmsg,logfilename) ; sendopcom("PACX Logger waiting to allocate terminal lines....") ; while ( ( openterm() & 1 ) == 0 ) sleep(1) ; sendopcom("PACX Logger allocatted terminals, starting....") ; if ( openlog(logfilename) & 1 ) then { sendopcom(strcat(fmsg," opened....")) ; fputs("Log file opened\n",logfile) ; closelog() ; } else sendopcom(strcat(fmsg," not opened....")) ; while (1) { if ( (status=read_pacx(read_buffer)) & 1 ) then { time(&curtime) ; strcpy(write_buffer,ctime(&curtime)) ; strcat(write_buffer," ") ; strcat(write_buffer,read_buffer) ; cp = write_buffer ; while ( *cp ) { if (*cp < '\037') *cp = ' '; cp++; } ; write_log(write_buffer) ; } ; sys$schdwk(0,0,&waittime,0) ; sys$hiber() ; } ; } read_pacx(s) char *s ; { short int iosb[4] ; int status ; status=sys$qiow(0,read_lun,IO$_READVBLK,&iosb,0,0,s,80,0,0,0,0); if ( ( status & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ) ; *(s+iosb[1]) = 0 ; return(1) ; } write_log(s) { int i,status ; char fmt[4] ; fmt[0] = 040 ; status=sys$qio(2,write_lun,IO$_WRITEVBLK,0,0,0,s,strlen(s),0,fmt,0,0); strcat(strcpy(msgbuf[curmsg],s),"\n") ; if ( ++curmsg >= MAXMSG ) { curmsg = 0 ; openlog(logfilename) ; if (logfile != NULL) then for (i=0; i < MAXMSG; i++ ) fputs(msgbuf[i],logfile) ; closelog() ; } ; if ( ( status & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ) ; return(1) ; } newfile() { $DESCRIPTOR(next_ast,"1 00:00:00.00") ; unsigned int bintim[2] ; sys$bintim(&next_ast,&bintim) ; sys$setimr(0,&bintim,newfile,0) ; ast_happened = 1 ; } openlog(s) char *s ; { FILE *fopen() ; char mode[2] ; int status ; sys$setast(0) ; mode[1] = 0 ; mode[0] = ( ast_happened ) ? 'w' : 'a' ; ast_happened = 0 ; status = ( (logfile=fopen(s,mode)) != NULL ) ; sys$setast(1) ; return( status ) ; } closelog() { if ( logfile != NULL) fclose( logfile ) ; return(1) ; } openterm() { $DESCRIPTOR(sysdesc,"LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE") ; $DESCRIPTOR(data_in,"PACX_STAT_OUT") ; $DESCRIPTOR(data_out,"PACX_STAT_DISPLAY") ; struct itmlst trnlist[3] ; int attr_arg, status ; char log_tran[20] ; struct dsc term_name ; term_name.addr = &log_tran ; attr_arg = LNM$M_CASE_BLIND ; trnlist[0].bufferlength = 4 ; trnlist[0].item_code = LNM$_STRING ; trnlist[0].addr.charbuf = term_name.addr ; trnlist[0].retlength = &term_name.len ; trnlist[1].bufferlength = 0 ; trnlist[1].item_code = 0 ; status = sys$trnlnm(&attr_arg,&sysdesc,&data_out,0,&trnlist) ; if ( status == SS$_NOLOGNAM ) then return(0) ; if ( ( status & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ); term_name.len &= 0377 ; if ( ( (status = sys$assign(&term_name,&write_lun,0,0)) & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ) ; status = sys$trnlnm(&attr_arg,&sysdesc,&data_in,0,&trnlist) ; if ( status == SS$_NOLOGNAM ) then return(0) ; if ( ( status & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ); term_name.len &= 0377 ; if ( ( (status = sys$assign(&term_name,&read_lun,0,0)) & 1 ) == 0 ) then return( status ) ; return(1) ; } sendopcom(s) char *s ; /* Send a asciz message to opcom */ { struct opcfmt { unsigned char type ; short int target_0_15 ; unsigned char target_16_23 ; unsigned long rqstid ; char msg[80] ; } ; struct opcfmt msgdsc ; struct dsc opmsg = { 80,&msgdsc } ; int reply_chan,status ; reply_chan = 0 ; msgdsc.type = OPC$_RQ_RQST ; msgdsc.target_0_15 = OPC$M_NM_CENTRL ; msgdsc.target_16_23 = 0 ; msgdsc.rqstid = 0 ; strcpy(msgdsc.msg,s) ; opmsg.len = 8 + strlen(msgdsc.msg) ; opmsg.addr = &msgdsc ; return( sys$sndopr(&opmsg,reply_chan) ) ; }