[comp.os.vms] DCL level definitions for PMS access...

ypinn@UTORSCS.BITNET (Bruce Pinn (System Manager)) (03/21/88)

What follows is a very simple COM file that allows access to the PMS database
from DCL. This is one of the databases used by MONITOR and SPM to report on
how VMS is doing.
        Corot Reason, PROMIS Systems, Toronto.

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$! ********************* VMS VERSION 4.6 dependent ********************
$! This COM file allows easy access to the VMS PMS database from DCL. In this
$! simple version, only access to GL symbols is provided.
$! p1 - pms variable to dump out. If P1 is not provided then apart from
$!      ensuring that the symbols are defined, nothing happens. Only the
$!      symbol name after the PMS$GL_ is required.
$ set noon
$ define sys$output nl:
$ define sys$error  nl:
$ x = pms$gl_acclck             ! see if symbols are defined
$ status = $status
$ deassign sys$output
$ deassign sys$error
$ if .not. status then goto do_defs
$ if p1 .eqs. "" then exit
$ pms_var := PMS$GL_'p1
$ write sys$output f$cvui(0,32,f$fao("!AD",4,'pms_var'))
$ exit
$! These definitions were taken from the 4.6 version of SYS$SYSTEM:SYS.MAP
$! and hacked into DCL using a bit of teco. These definitions will also probably
$! be just fine under 4.7 but watch out for that next future major release.
$! For a (very) brief description of what each of these is, see the PMSDAT
$! module in SYS in the microfiche. In the 4.6 fiche this starts at 456-D05.
$ PMS$GL_ACCLCK          == %x80000B78
$ PMS$GL_ARRLOCPK        == %x80003374
$ PMS$GL_ARRTRAPK        == %x8000337C
$ PMS$GL_BLK_IN          == %x800033B8
$ PMS$GL_BLK_LOC         == %x800033B4
$ PMS$GL_BLK_OUT         == %x800033BC
$ PMS$GL_BUFIO           == %x80003354
$ PMS$GL_CHME            == %x80003434
$ PMS$GL_CHMK            == %x80003430
$ PMS$GL_COMPAT          == %x80002B34
$ PMS$GL_DEPLOCPK        == %x80003378
$ PMS$GL_DEQ_IN          == %x800033A4
$ PMS$GL_DEQ_LOC         == %x800033A0
$ PMS$GL_DEQ_OUT         == %x800033A8
$ PMS$GL_DIRDATA_HIT     == %x80000B4C
$ PMS$GL_DIRDATA_MISS    == %x80000B50
$ PMS$GL_DIRHIT          == %x80000B24
$ PMS$GL_DIRIO           == %x80003350
$ PMS$GL_DIRMISS         == %x80000B28
$ PMS$GL_DIR_IN          == %x800033C0
$ PMS$GL_DIR_OUT         == %x800033C4
$ PMS$GL_DLCKFND         == %x800033D4
$ PMS$GL_DLCKMSGS_IN     == %x800033C8
$ PMS$GL_DLCKMSGS_OUT    == %x800033CC
$ PMS$GL_DLCKSRCH        == %x800033D0
$ PMS$GL_DOSTATS         == %x800034CC
$ PMS$GL_DPTSCN          == %x80001F54
$ PMS$GL_DZROFLTS        == %x80001F30
$ PMS$GL_ENQCVT_IN       == %x80003398
$ PMS$GL_ENQCVT_LOC      == %x80003394
$ PMS$GL_ENQCVT_OUT      == %x8000339C
$ PMS$GL_ENQNEW_IN       == %x8000338C
$ PMS$GL_ENQNEW_LOC      == %x80003388
$ PMS$GL_ENQNEW_OUT      == %x80003390
$ PMS$GL_ENQNOTQD        == %x800033B0
$ PMS$GL_ENQWAIT         == %x800033AC
$ PMS$GL_ERASEIO         == %x80000B64
$ PMS$GL_EXTHIT          == %x80000B3C
$ PMS$GL_EXTMISS         == %x80000B40
$ PMS$GL_FAULTS          == %x80001F1C
$ PMS$GL_FCP             == %x80000A00
$ PMS$GL_FCP2            == %x80000A00
$ PMS$GL_FIDHIT          == %x80000B34
$ PMS$GL_FIDMISS         == %x80000B38
$ PMS$GL_FILHDR_HIT      == %x80000B44
$ PMS$GL_FILHDR_MISS     == %x80000B48
$ PMS$GL_GVALID          == %x80001F58
$ PMS$GL_HIT             == %x80000B20
$ PMS$GL_IOPFMPDB        == %x8000336C
$ PMS$GL_IOPFMSEQ        == %x80003370
$ PMS$GL_JNLBUFIO        == %x800033F4
$ PMS$GL_JNLBUFWR        == %x80003404
$ PMS$GL_JNLCHNLS        == %x800033DC
$ PMS$GL_JNLDIRIO        == %x800033F0
$ PMS$GL_JNLFORFL        == %x80003400
$ PMS$GL_JNLFORNL        == %x800033FC
$ PMS$GL_JNLJRNLS        == %x800033D8
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTAI        == %x800033E0
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTAT        == %x800033E8
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTBI        == %x800033E4
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTFM        == %x80003408
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTRU        == %x800033EC
$ PMS$GL_JNLWRTSS        == %x800033F8
$ PMS$GL_KERNEL          == %x80002B20
$ PMS$GL_LDPCTX          == %x800034C0
$ PMS$GL_LOGNAM          == %x80003358
$ PMS$GL_LRGRWP          == %x800034A8
$ PMS$GL_MBREADS         == %x8000335C
$ PMS$GL_MBWRITES        == %x80003360
$ PMS$GL_NOSTDTRM        == %x800034B0
$ PMS$GL_OPEN            == %x80000B5C
$ PMS$GL_OPENS           == %x80000B60
$ PMS$GL_PAGES           == %x80003438
$ PMS$GL_PASSALL         == %x800034A0
$ PMS$GL_PREADIO         == %x80001F24
$ PMS$GL_PREADS          == %x80001F20
$ PMS$GL_PWRITES         == %x80001F28
$ PMS$GL_PWRITIO         == %x80001F2C
$ PMS$GL_QUOHIT          == %x80000B2C
$ PMS$GL_QUOMISS         == %x80000B30
$ PMS$GL_RCVBUFFL        == %x80003384
$ PMS$GL_RDFLTS          == %x80001F20
$ PMS$GL_READCNT         == %x80003498
$ PMS$GL_RUFABORT        == %x8000342C
$ PMS$GL_RUFACTIV        == %x8000340C
$ PMS$GL_RUFCHNLS        == %x80003414
$ PMS$GL_RUFJNLS         == %x80003410
$ PMS$GL_RUFMARK         == %x80003424
$ PMS$GL_RUFMRKRB        == %x80003428
$ PMS$GL_RUFREADS        == %x8000341C
$ PMS$GL_RUFWRTS         == %x80003418
$ PMS$GL_RUFXTNDS        == %x80003420
$ PMS$GL_RWP             == %x800034A4
$ PMS$GL_RWPNOSTD        == %x800034B4
$ PMS$GL_RWPSUM          == %x800034AC
$ PMS$GL_SPLIT           == %x80000B1C
$ PMS$GL_STORAGMAP_HIT   == %x80000B54
$ PMS$GL_STORAGMAP_MISS  == %x80000B58
$ PMS$GL_SWITCH          == %x800034C4
$ PMS$GL_SYNCHLCK        == %x80000B70
$ PMS$GL_SYNCHWAIT       == %x80000B74
$ PMS$GL_TRCNGLOS        == %x80003380
$ PMS$GL_TREADS          == %x80003364
$ PMS$GL_TTY_CODE1       == %x800034B8
$ PMS$GL_TTY_CODE2       == %x800034BC
$ PMS$GL_TURN            == %x80000B18
$ PMS$GL_TWRITES         == %x80003368
$ PMS$GL_VOLLCK          == %x80000B68
$ PMS$GL_VOLWAIT         == %x80000B6C
$ PMS$GL_WRTCNT          == %x8000349C
$ PMS$GL_XQPCACHEWAIT    == %x80000B7C
$ goto defs_done

Bruce W. Pinn                                Phone:  (416) 978-6601

Ontario Centre for Large Scale Computation   BITNET: YPINN@UTORSCS.BITNET
       at the University of Toronto          DATAPAC:PSI%1302091600440::YPINN