(Michael Matsumoto) (05/06/88)
This is an act of desperation. I am trying to make a Sun talk to a BR 1731 (either you know what this disaster is or you don't). The 1731 uses a non-standard DDCMP implementation called DDCMP-I2. It is proprietary and we can't seem to get adequate documentation. We are told that the only difference in the protocol is that the SYNC characters are different by one bit. DDCMP uses 226 octal and DDCMP-I2 uses 026 octal. I have found a company in Alameda called InnoSys that makes a programmable protocol converter that can handle SDLC and X.25 and other protocols, so that it can talk to a Sun. For a fee, they are willing to study implementation of DDCMP-I2 on their device. They are expensive. My question is, are there ANY other flexible protocol converters out there that might be able to do the job for less? Has anyone had experience with InnoSys? Does anyone have a DDCMP-I2 spec? Please reply via e-mail. I will summarize for the appropriate groups, if any. Regards, and Thanks in Advance! ----- Mike Matsumoto -----