cameron@runx.ips.oz (James Cameron) (05/18/88)
Summary of responses to my query concerning single keystroke reading from SYS$INPUT; My thanks to the ten people who replied. Your replies were highly valued. All of you were up the wrong track. I need an I/O that will work asynchronously, that is, the program must not wait at that point for a keystroke. The $QIO I was using achieved this. It specified an AST routine that would interrupt the main program to process the keystroke. The main program is responsible for periodic screen updates. All of you were up the wrong track because you suggested using SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE alone, which does not work asynchronously. In the end, a solution was to use SMG$ENABLE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT to trigger an AST routine which would issue an SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE with a timeout value of zero. This works like this; when user presses a key, the sequence of characters ends up in the type- ahead buffer. The mailbox associated with the terminal (created by SMG$ENABLE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT) receives an unsolicited data message and calls the AST routine that I specified. The AST rou- tine issues the SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE and processes the input. The AST routine repeats the SMG$READ_KEYSTROKE and processing until it gets a time-out status. It then returns (to whatever was in- terrupted). The problem now, is that the program seems to go-silent (at AST level) when lots of keys are pressed. I'm still looking into that, so don't suggest anything yet. This still does not resolve the worry I had. Here's part of my original message... "I thought that I could use an unsolicited data mailbox. When the program receives the unsolicited data message, it would issue the $QIO to the terminal with a timeout value of zero, thus catching either a single character that the user typed or the escape se- quence But I have a worry about that - if the terminal line is low speed, or a multiplexor causes the subsequent characters of an escape sequence to arrive a bit later, will this cause the I/O to only pick up the first few characters of the sequence? Does a read with timeout of zero only read the type-ahead buffer? Or does it wait to see an entire escape sequence if it has noticed an escape character?" I would appreciate any comments or help. Please reply by MAIL. James Cameron, Kilpatrick Green Pty. Ltd., P.O. Box N366, Sydney 2000 Australia Internet: UUCP: uunet!!cameron