[comp.os.vms] EDT emulation in VMS V5

OBERMAN@ICDC.LLNL.GOV ("Kevin Oberman, LLNL, 422-6955, L-156", 415) (05/20/88)

>Does anybody have a good keypad emulator for EVE?  I have developed many, many
>routines over the EDTSECINI file that DEC delivers (I know, my mistake), and
>now want to convert the whole lot to EVE.  I would really like a good base,
>though, to start with.  DEC claims that they will be delivering an EDT keypad
>with VMS 5.0 - does anybody want to comment on this?  They also claim to not
>be delivering the EDTSECINI file with 5.0, so I will eventually have to start
>over anyway to make use of all the enhancements that others are putting into
>EVE.  Please don't tell me to through away the keypad everyone around here is
>used to, 'cuz if I do, I'll be lynched fur sure.

EVE under V5 has a very good EDT keypad mode. I have found it to be a very
good emulator and vastly superior to the old EDTSECINI of V4 days. Since
it is part of EVE, it support all eve functions such as multiple windows,
centered text, visible tabs, UNIX style (regular expresion) wildcards, etc.
I suspect that many of you EDTSECINI routines will not be needed in V5.

TPU and EVE have both undergone major rewrites and it looks like all of
the problems I have had with TPU V1 are fixed. I've only seen one problem
with V2. (I'm sure I have not tried everything and that there are more.)
That is with a conflict in cursor interaction between TPU and VWS. And this
one is easily worked around.

I suspect that the probability of your being lynched are very small. I imagine
most everyone will be delighted with the new EDT emulation.

					R. Kevin Oberman
					Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
					Internet: oberman@icdc.llnl.gov
   					(415) 422-6955

Disclaimer: Don't take this too seriously. I just like to improve my typing
and probably don't really know anything useful about anything.