[comp.os.vms] Moving the Accounting Files

lpz%ocu.DECnet@STC10.CTD.ORNL.GOV ("OCU::LPZ") (05/24/88)

         I moved the Swapfiles, Pagefiles, Accountng.Dat, Sysuaf.Dat,
         Netuaf.Dat, and Rightslist.Dat files off of the system disk
         a long time ago.  I have a semi-large cluster (2 8650s and
         2 8700s) and the system disk was a performance bottleneck.
         To move the accounting files, you have to define an executive-mode
         system logical name ACCOUNTNG to point to the new file.  There
         are two things that may get you:
         1.  The accounting utility isn't smart enough to look there,
             so you have to explicitly tell it to do that by adding
             the logical name to the end of the command string, like:
             $ Accounting/Since=Today/Full/User=Fred Accountng
         2.  When accounting starts up, you haven't defined this logical
             name yet.  You have to put the following lines in your
             SYSTARTUP.COM file after you define the new logical name.
$ Set Accounting/Disable	!Allow Job_Controller to read Accountng lognam
$ Set Accounting/Enable=(Batch,Interactive,Login_Failure,Print,Process,Network,-
      	Message,Detached,Subprocess)    !This one enables accounting, and
$ Set Accounting/Enable			! this one starts accounting (Feature?)
         The Disable command is necessary because the Job Controller only
         looks at the logical name when it starts accounting. The long list
         of Enables is because Set Accounting/Enable doesn't do anything.
         It used to pick up the whole list by default, but that broke
         around VMS 4.5 or 4.6.  It is possible (likely?) that the second
         Set Accounting/Enable command is no longer necessary, but when
         I did this (September 1987), accounting wouldn't start after
         the first one.             

         If you are doing this because of performance, rather than because
         the disk is full, you will find that adding the Shadowing product
         and shadowing the system disk will gain you about 30% extra
         capacity. The system disk pair tends to run at about 35 IO/Sec
         during high loads.  Before I added shadowing, the cluster was
         bog-slow at that point.  Now it works just fine there. 
 Bell-South: 615.576.0824
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