[comp.os.vms] PHOTO, security patch, and DISM32


In response to several messages:

Re DISM32: If you KEEP UP with DECUS stuff, you'd find the current
DISM32, WITH sources, on the Fall 1987 VAX SIG tape. It works
VERY well on even very non trivial programs. (Did a nice job of
quickly reverse engineering the last security patch).

Re: PHOTO (and boss, etc.)
 the spring 1988 VAX tape will have a patched version of PTY driver
which will let them all work again.
  In the meantime, my advice is to set the SYSGEN parameter
TTY_PROT to 0 (which will allow the spawns to work) and then
add set prot/device commands to your SYSTARTUP to disable world
access to all your terminals. (This prevents password grabbers).
  This won't help too much with spawned devices, so for the time being
I'd suggest a short disconnect time or none; I gather (no official
info though) that the problem may lie in detached jobs being
grabbed via unprotected VT devices and manipulated.
	When the new PTY driver comes out, the driver will set the
ownership of the spawned TPAn and PYAn devices so the subprocess
owns them. You can of course modify the driver so their protection
mask is just zeroed instead if you like. I suspect the security implications
of this for the TPA0/PYA0 driver combo are fairly harmless, as you
have channels open to these anyhow.

	My current guess is that the VAX tape will be of comparable
size to the last one. It will fit on a 6250BPI reel, though.
	The 1987 Languages and Tools tape was submitted to the DECUS
library and to the DECUS NLC tree last week.