[comp.os.vms] DECnet area renumbering


We faced the area numbering problem about a year ago when we wanted to
bring onto our local DECnet a Vax already a node in HEPnet.  We talked
with Phil DeMar also, and ultimately applied the mechanism he describes
in the document previously referenced here.  It provides a simple and
clever solution to the problem, and we have had no difficulties whatsoever
since changing numbers.  The change itself requires no small amount
of coordination, however, especially if many nodes on your net are not
under your administrative control.

(It's amazing how fast your network grows when you attach to a net with
conflicting DECnet area numbers! :-))

Doug Grover
Operations Manager
Academic Computing
Indiana University, Bloomington


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Date:     Wed, 25 May 88 08:08 EST
Subject:  DECnet area renumbering
To:       info-vax@kl.sri.com
X-Original-To:  info-vax@kl.sri.com, GROVER
We faced the area numbering problem about a year ago when we wanted to
bring onto our local DECnet a Vax already a node in HEPnet.  We talked
with Phil DeMar also, and ultimately applied the mechanism he describes
in the document previously referenced here.  It provides a simple and
clever solution to the problem, and we have had no difficulties whatsoever
since changing numbers.  The change itself requires no small amount
of coordination, however, especially if many nodes on your net are not
under your administrative control.
(It's amazing how fast your network grows when you attach to a net with
conflicting DECnet area numbers! :-))
Doug Grover
Operations Manager
Academic Computing
Indiana University, Bloomington