[comp.os.vms] Reading a file in BACKWARD direction.

BOL@HWALHW50.BITNET (05/26/88)

    Recently  I saw a posting  of somebody in INFO-VAX  writing a TAIL
    program   for  VMS.  (reading  a   file  in  backward  direction).

    I  have written  such a  program for  VMS that  does not  read the
    entire  file but really starts at the fileend with reading. So you
    can  easy read very  large files. Further  it can handle  a lot of
    VMS-filetypes.  The  program  is  written  in  C. Everybody who is
    interested  in this  program or  has any  ideas to  distribute the
    .EXE-file, please drop a mail to

                Kees Bol                  BOL@HWALHW50.bitnet
                                surfnet   LUWRVD::BOL


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Date:     Thu, 26 May 88 09:15 N
Subject:  Reading a file in BACKWARD direction.
To:       INFO-VAX@kl.sri.com
X-Original-To:  INFO-VAX@kl.sri.com, BOL
    Recently  I saw a posting  of somebody in INFO-VAX  writing a TAIL
    program   for  VMS.  (reading  a   file  in  backward  direction).
    I  have written  such a  program for  VMS that  does not  read the
    entire  file but really starts at the fileend with reading. So you
    can  easy read very  large files. Further  it can handle  a lot of
    VMS-filetypes.  The  program  is  written  in  C. Everybody who is
    interested  in this  program or  has any  ideas to  distribute the
    .EXE-file, please drop a mail to
                Kees Bol                  BOL@HWALHW50.bitnet
                                surfnet   LUWRVD::BOL

"James_A._Gray.OsbuSouth"@XEROX.COM (05/30/88)

I am definitly interested in such a program.  Please send me a copy.

Thanks in advance,

	Jim Gray	Gray:OSBUSouth@Xerox.COM