[comp.os.vms] HPGL to SIXEL conversion

kerkhoff@exp.bessy.dbp.de (Hans-Georg Kerkhoff BESSY-Berlin phone +49 82004-153, 30) (06/07/88)

Sent date: June 3, 1988


          I am looking for a program that can convert a HPGL file
into SIXEL.  I need this for a DEC LN03plus printer/plotter.  Any 
info or programs would be greatly appreciated...
I watched all the discussion about SIXEL to REGIS and v.vs., what
I need is HPGL to SIXEL.
Berliner Elektronenspeicherring-Gesellschaft         phone     +49 (30) 82004-0
fuer Synchrotronstrahlung m.b.H.                     Sekr.     x106
Lentzealle 100                                       Fax       x1