[comp.os.vms] VMS_SHAR

OBERMAN@LLL-ICDC.ARPA ("Kevin Oberman, LLNL, 422-6955, L-156", 415) (08/20/87)

I have found what appears to be a bug in VMS_SHAR. If a line is split, VMS_SHAR
does this before adding the initial `X'. The result is that a line may be
too long to fit through some gateways (such as on of mine). I found that
changing all occurances of `79' to `78' does the job. the string `79' appears
twice, both in the same line of TPU code.

If this is a problem that is exclusive to me -- Sorry to have bothered

					R. Kevin Oberman
					Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
					arpa: oberman@lll-icdc.arpa
   					(415) 422-6955

Disclaimer: Neither my employer nor myself can take resposibility for
the accuracy of this information. I believe it is correct, but if it's not I
can only say "Sorry". I'm a rotten typist and a worse speller, so forgive any
silly errors. 

staff_paul@GSBACD.UCHICAGO.EDU.UUCP (10/02/87)

Just recently joined the info-vax mailing list and am noticing a lot of
VMS_SHAR stuff flying by. 

I gather it's some TPU code. Where is it available, or could someone
send it to me (unVMS_SHARed of course)?


Paul Ford
GSB Computing Services
University of Chicago

internet: staff_paul@gsbacd.uchicago.edu        
bitnet:   staff_paul@gsbacd.uchicago            

minow@thundr.dec.com (Martin Minow THUNDR::MINOW ML3-5/U26 223-9922) (01/10/88)

A recent posting includes:
>bryce@hoser.berkeley.EDU (Bryce Nesbitt) writes in RISKS 6.2 :
>>Subject: Viral VAXination? (Re: RISKS-6.1)
>>>      (Martin Minow THUNDR::MINOW ML3-5/U26 223-9922)  writes:

To set the record straight, I didn't write the message, but had forwarded
it to Risks.

Instead of using a self-executing command file to distribute software,
I've been using a variant of Kernighan and Plauger's "text archive"
utility (from Software Tools).  Essentially, there are two programs:
one takes a wildcard list of files and writes them to a container
file, preceeding each file by a header record of the format:
	-h- file.name
The archive builder also quotes all lines beginning with '-' so
archives can include other archives.  The format is very simple
and has proven very effective.  It is slightly deficient in that
a trailer record (with word/byte counts and a checksum) might
prevent transmission errors.  While I usually use C programs to
pack and unpack archives, I have also written (and briefly tested)
a command file to do the unpacking, which is enclosed in the hopes
that it might prove useful.  An archive builder shouldn't require
more than a few hours to write.  (Or, you can use your favorite editor.)

Martin Minow

$! archx.com written (quickly) in DCL
$! Martin Minow (minow%thundr.dec@decwrl.dec.com)
$! This software is in the public domain.  It is offered without
$! maintenence or warranty of any kind.
$	was_verify = 'f$verify(0) + f$verify(0'archx_verify' .gt. 0)
$	on control_y then goto abnormal_exit
$	on warning then goto abnormal_exit
$! Hack command argument
$	source = p1
$	if source .eqs. "" then -
	    read/end=abnormal_exit/prompt="Archive source file: " -
	    sys$command source
$	outname = ""
$	if f$parse(source,,,, "SYNTAX_ONLY") .eqs. "" then goto noinput
$	source = f$parse(source, ".ARC")
$	open/read/error=noinput input 'source'
$ read:
$	read/end=endfile/error=abnormal_exit input line
$	if f$extract(0, 3, line) .eqs. "-h-" then goto gotheader
$	if f$extract(0, 1, line) .nes. "-" then goto dowrite
$	line = f$extract(1, f$length(line), line)
$ dowrite:
$	if outname .nes. "" then goto write
$	    write sys$output "No output file, skipping ""''line"""
$	    goto read
$ write:
$	count = count + 1
$	write output line
$	goto read
$ gotheader:
$	if outname .nes. "" then close output
$	if outname .nes. "" then -
$	    write sys$output "  Closed ""''outname'"", wrote ''count' records."
$	outname = f$element(1, " ", line)	! Note: "<space>"
$	i = f$locate("	", outname)		! Note: "<TAB>"
$	outname = f$extract(0, i, outname)	! Might get whole string
$ docreate:
$	if f$parse(outname,,,, "SYNTAX_ONLY") .eqs. "" then goto nocreate
$	outname = f$parse(outname,".")
$	open/write/error=nocreate output 'outname'
$	write sys$output "Creating ""''outname'"""
$	count = 0
$	goto read
$ noinput:
$	write sys$error "Can't open ""''source'"""
$	if .not. $status then write sys$error f$message($status)
$	goto abnormal_exit
$ nocreate:
$	write sys$error "Can't create ""''outname'"""
$	if .not. $status then write sys$error f$message($status)
$	if f$mode() .eqs. "INTERACTIVE" then goto askforoutput
$	write sys$error " ... Skipping this file"
$	outname = "NL:"
$	goto docreate
$ askforoutput:
$	read/end=abnormal_exit/prompt="Output for ""''line'"": " -
	    sys$command outname
$	goto docreate
$ endfile:
$	close input
$	if outname .nes. "" then close output
$	if outname .nes. "" then -
$	    write sys$output "  Closed ""''outname'"", wrote ''count' records."
$	$status = 1				! SS$_NORMAL (How do right?)
$	goto normal_exit
$ abnormal_exit:
$	status = $status			!save failure status
$	if status then status = "%x08000002"	!force error if neccessary
$	set noon
$	goto exit
$ normal_exit:
$	status = $status			!save success status
$ exit:
$	exit ('status' .or. %x10000000) + f$verify(was_verify) * 0
$! End of archx.com

BISSON@MITBATES.BITNET ("Ernie Bisson ext.218 MIT-BATES") (06/08/88)

Could someone on the list please send me the latest VMS_SHAR. Thanks in advance.

Ernest R. Bisson
M.I.T. Bates Linear Accelerator
P.O. Box 846
Middleton, Massachusetts  01949-2846
(617) 774-2370