[comp.os.vms] problem with LASER. new compressed save sets.

ccaw001@UTADNX.CC.UTEXAS.EDU ("Rick Watson") (06/15/88)

Tuesday, 14-June-1988

There's been a bug report about a problem with LASER and some of 
the new carriage control stuff.  I'll probably have a fix in the next
few days, so I would advise waiting before retrieving the save set.

If I've already mailed you the files via BITNET, I'll be mailing you
the fixes when they are complete.

Watch for a new file, probably named LASER_V2_01.BCK_LZW in the 
anonymous directory on utadnx.cc.utexas.edu.

For people with naming problems, utadnx.cc.utexas.edu is and UTSPAN is 25.128 (25728::).


Additionally, I'm in the process of compressing the backup save sets
to save transmission time.  You won't need FIX_SAVESET.EXE anymore, but
you will need LZDCM.EXE:

Example; retrieve and decompress a compressed saveset.

$ ftp utadnx.cc.utexas.edu
ftp> binary			! IMPORTANT!!!
ftp> get lzdcm.exe
ftp> get laser_backup.bck_lzw
ftp> bye
$ lzdcm :== $sys$disk:[]lzdcm
$ lzdcm laser_backup.bck_lzw laser_bckup.bck
$ delete laser_backup.bck_lzw;
$ backup/list laser_backup.bck/save

--Rick Watson