[comp.os.vms] Allocating varying-length strings in VAXC.


<Lost the name of the original sender...>

A while back someone posted a note, looking for another C compiler for the
VAX, because "strings and string descriptors" were "so hard to deal with
in VAX C".  We have had to do most of our systems programming work in VAX
C here at IUPUI (can't afford Bliss-32 for three people), and use varying-
length strings a lot with the library and utility routines.  A few handy
macros makes life a lot easier, even though the result is not real elegant.
Be aware that there are still a few bugs involving varying length strings
lurking around in some of the library and utility routines (for example,
the dst-str argument to LIB$SYS_FAO and most of the string arguments to the
Librarian routines (these are being SPRed as I find them) are not handled
correctly when passed a pointer to a varying-length string descriptor).

Here is a sample VAXC program that demonstrates the use of a nifty little
macro, VSTRING, that is handy for allocating varying-length strings in C.
"name" is used as the name of the actual structure allocated, which includes
both the string data and a descriptor for it.  "name_vs" is the type name
used for the structure definition.  The descriptor is initialized with the
maximum length and address of the string part, and the proper type and class
for a varying-length string.  The current length field and the string itself
is initialized with the C string constant you provide.  After you allocate
it (note that it can be either static or automatic), you can play with the
string all you want, and if automatic the descriptor and string are
deallocated when the routine returns (the advantage over using dynamic

<<<<<------------------- VSTRING_DEMO.C, cut here ------------------------>>>>>
#module DEMO
**  This little program demonstrates the use of the VSTRING macro.

#include descrip        /* For string descriptor definitions */

#define IDENT(arg) arg  /* Handy macro expands to it's argument */

#define VSTRING(name,maxlen,init)   \
    struct IDENT(name)_vs {         \
        struct dsc$descriptor_s dx; \
        unsigned short int curlen;  \
        char body[maxlen];          \
    } name = { { maxlen, DSC$K_DTYPE_VT, DSC$K_CLASS_VS, &name.curlen }, \
               sizeof(init)-1, init }

/* Example of use of VSTRING macro: */

#define SUCCESS(arg) ((arg) & 1)
#define FAILURE(arg) (~(arg) & 1)
#include jpidef

main ()
    int status;
    $DESCRIPTOR(isnt_dx,"Your username probably isn't \"");
    $DESCRIPTOR(is_dx,"Your username is \"");
    VSTRING(user,12,"Fred Berfel");  VSTRING(line,256,"");


    if FAILURE(status = LIB$GETJPI(&JPI$_USERNAME,0,0,0,&user.dx,0))
        return status;

<<<<<------------------- VSTRING_DEMO.C, cut here ------------------------>>>>>

Note that this stuff is very VAXC dependent and is really only of interest
to people doing a lot of library and utility calls in VAXC.  In general I
have found that in a particular program it is either best to stick entirely
with the standard C runtimes and macros for I/O and string functions, or
entirely with the VMS system calls/library/utility stuff.

             James A. Harvey, DEC Systems Group, IUPUI Computing Services
USnail:      E&T 1023, 799 W. Michigan St., Indianapolis, IN  46202
AT&T:        (317) 274-0747
Disclaimer: "These views are certainly not those of my employer; we have
             never agreed about anything!"
Suggestion: "Everyone thinks oo-ee-pooh-ee is some kind of a service bureau.
             How about 'Michigan Street University?'"