[comp.os.vms] FORTRAN renumbering program wanted

BOL@HWALHW50.BITNET (06/27/88)

    At  this  moment  I  am  modifying  a  series  of  older FORTRAN-F77
    programs.  Because of  the terrible labeling, a  renumbering program
    would  be very  helpful. If  you have  any idea  how to  get such  a
    program, please let me know.

                | |             Kees Bol
                | |  _                      Bitnet : BOL@HWALHW50
                | | / \                     Surf   : LUWRVD::BOL
                | |/  |                     Phone  : (+31) 08370-84715
                |   /||  /\
                 \_/ || / /
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W A G E N I N G E N  |  /     A G R I C U L T U R A L   U N I V E R S I T Y
                        T H E   N E T H E R L A N D S