FAMATTHEWS@GALLUA.BITNET (Allen Matthews at Gallaudet Univ Washington DC) (06/04/88)
[03-Jun-1988] I have been given a project to find a way to set up a local mailing distribution for our VAX/VMS system. I am seeking the program that will act like local LIST SERVERS where our users can sign up or sign off by themselves without having human doing work of adding or deleting users. I will accept the program that requires me to add or delete users manually. Our problem is that we are trying to reduce heavy loads of incoming mail through bitnet. For example, if 20 of users on our system are on INFO-VAX list, and INFO-VAX send out 50 mail a day which means that our system are receiving 1,000 incoming mails. Please send info directly to me. I will post the information to the INFO-VAX. - Allen - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Name: Allen Matthews Supervisor, Computer Operation USmail: Gallaudet University Computer Services 800 Florida Ave, N.E. Washington, D.C. 20002 Bitnet: FAMATTHEWS@GALLUA INTERNET: FAMATTHEWS%GALLUA.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU (VIA bitnet) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CALIFFM@BAYLOR.BITNET (Michael Califf) (07/06/88)
Allen: I use PMDF's alias facility for keeping track of local mailing lists. For a while I tried using VMS's FORWARD facility, forwarding a dummy username (IVAXLIST) to a file, but people wanted to be able to forward to other machines, and down links caused problems. We are currently working on an auto-subscription mechanism using DELIVER (a companion program to PMDF) but have not made much progress yet. There are also several news/bbs programs for VMS which would do what you want (probably in a much more efficient fashion) but I do not know anything about them besides the fact that they exist. Mike Califf Communications Programming Coordinator Baylor University CALIFFM@BAYLOR.BITNET