[comp.os.vms] message.c source

ERIC@UOFT02.BITNET (07/07/88)

/* This program will log any messages sent to you in a disk file so as */
/* to provide you with a disk copy of any messages sent your way.   It */
/* can be handy if you miss messages due to the screen clearing, or if */
/* you receive death threats and need a copy of them,  or  whatever... */
/* It puts a date and time stamp on each message so you will know when */
/* it was sent...                                                      */
/*                                                                     */
/* Program by Eric Rostetter, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606 */
/*                                                                     */
/* To use:  SPAWN/NOWAIT RUN MESSAGE                                   */
/*                                                                     */
/* I would suggest that you set up a logical symbol for it, as in:     */
/*          $ message :== "spawn/nowait run message"                   */
/*                                                                     */
/* To stop this program,  use the STOP command,  or,  simply logout... */
/*                                                                     */
/* Please send any comments, suggestions, changes, etc. to ERIC@UOFT02 */
/*                                                                     */
/* This file contains the source of the program MESSAGE.C, version 4.0 */

/* Modification History:                                               */
/*      21-MAR-1986     Started coding of program, used part of reply. */
/*      21-MAR-1986     Finished initial coding of program version 1.0 */
/*       2-APR-1987     Started coding version 3.0 using REPLY updates */
/*       7-APR-1987     Put some code deleted above back so it works!! */
/*      20-APR-1987     Set MBXDSABL terminal characteristic on entry. */
/*                                                                     */

/* Before we start anything,   lets have a word from  our  sponsors... */

#include <stdio>
#include <descrip>
#include <ctype>
#include <iodef>
#include <ttdef>
#include <tt2def>

#define then
#define false 0
#define true  1

/* First define all the needed global data structures for the programs */

FILE    *fp;                            /* output file id for messages. */

int     status;                         /* return status from functions */
int     tt_chan,msg_chan;               /* kb & mailbox channel numbers */

struct  {                               /* the date and time of message */
        char    weekday[10];            /* --> the day of the week here */
        char    filler[1];              /* --> always contains a space! */
        char    date[12];               /* --> the date in ascii please */
        char    time[08];               /* --> the time in ascii please */
        } header;

struct  {
        char    buffer[20];             /* the mailbox message info blk */
        char    length;                 /* the current message's length */
        char    filler;                 /* for some reason this is null */
        char    message[100];           /* the messages sent to mailbox */
        } mbx;

struct {unsigned class          :8;     /* --> terminal class goes here */
        unsigned type           :8;     /* --> the terminal type please */
        unsigned page_width     :16;    /* --> terminal width goes here */
        unsigned term_char      :24;    /* --> terminal characteristics */
        unsigned page_length    :8;     /* --> page length goes in here */
        unsigned extended       :32;    /* --> extended characteristics */
        } charbuf;                      /* terminal characteristics buf */


struct  dsc$descriptor_s header_dsc =
        { 20, DSC$K_DTYPE_T, DSC$K_CLASS_S, header.date };

/* Set up an AST handler for any trapped messages that come our way... */

        mbx.message[mbx.length] = 0;            /* null terminates msgs */

        fp=fopen("sys$login:msg.log","a+");     /* open up the out file */
        if (fp == NULL) then {                  /* check for open error */
            printf("?MESSAGE: Open failed on sys$login:msg.log");

        get_time();                             /* gets a time and date */
        fprintf(fp,"%s\n", header.weekday);     /* print time log notes */
        fprintf(fp,"%s\n", mbx.message);        /* puts message to file */
        fclose(fp);                             /* closes the  out file */

        status=sys$qio(3,msg_chan,IO$_READVBLK  /* - do read on mailbox */
                ,0,get_msg,0,&mbx,120,0,0,0,0); /* - with an AST finish */

/* Now the real work starts...   This loop is the main control loop... */

        initialize();                           /* inits a few things */
        pause();                                /* and hibernate here */

/* Let's initialialize some things before we start about our business! */

        strcpy(header.filler," ");              /* make display neat... */
        lib$disable_ctrl( &34603008 );          /* disable CTRL Y and T */

/* Creates mailbox to receive all the messages that are sent our way... */

        status = lib$asn_wth_mbx(&term,&0,&0,&tt_chan,&msg_chan);
        if (status != true) then lib$signal(status);

/* Now tell VMS to send the messages to the mailbox so we can log them! */

        status=sys$qiow(0,tt_chan,IO$_SENSEMODE,/* get terminal setting */
                0,0,0,&charbuf,12,0,0,0,0);     /* so as to change them */
        if (status != true) lib$signal(status); /* exits this if errors */
        charbuf.term_char = charbuf.term_char   /* do SET TERM/MBXDSABL */
                |TT$M_MBXDSABL;                 /* to set up mailbox... */
        charbuf.extended = charbuf.extended     /* SET TERM/BRDCSTMBX   */
                |TT2$M_BRDCSTMBX;               /* so we receive in mbx */

        status=sys$qiow(0,tt_chan,IO$_SETMODE   /* really set them here */
        if (status != true) lib$signal(status); /* exits this if errors */

/* Queue an ast routine to read from the terminal's message mailbox... */


/* Get the time and date that a message was sent so that we can log it */

int     i;                                      /* counter variables... */
unsigned int j[4];                              /* holds internal times */

static   char   day_list[] =

        lib$date_time(&header_dsc);             /* get the current time */

        sys$gettim(&j[0]);                      /* and an internal time */
        lib$day_of_week(&j[0], &i);             /* gets day of the week */
        i = (i - 1) * 10;                       /* calculate offset now */
        strncpy(header.weekday,&day_list[i],10);/* put in output buffer */