ccaw001@UTADNX.CC.UTEXAS.EDU (07/11/88)
For those who missed the earlier message: If you retrieved LASER_BACKUP.BCK from ( you should get the newest version: LASER_V2_01.BCK_LZW. It has some fixes in the fortran/print carriage control handling, and has support for job/file trailer and BURST pages. Be sure to update the text library LASER.TLB and make sure that all your form definitions match the ones in SYST.COM. This version is compressed; see 000_ABOUT_COMPRESSED_FILES.TXT in the same directory. If I've sent this to you via BITNET you should have already received the latest version. Rick Watson University of Texas Computation Center arpa: ( uucp: ...seismo!ut-sally!ut-emx!rick bitnet: watson@utadnx span: utspan::watson (UTSPAN is 25.128)