CADS_COLE@GALLUA.BITNET ("Kevin Cole at Gallaudet U. Washington DC") (07/17/88)
Date sent: 16-JUL-1988 22:45:34 This is an arcane and relatively minor problem. I submit it to the list more out of curiosity than out of need. So don't waste a lot of time with it unless you want to. Sitting at home, I have an abandoned orphan computer which I use as a dumb terminal connected to the Vax. Usually, it does an adequate job emulating a VT-100 but a few programs seem to screw it up. Specifically, I have an IBM Instrumentations 9000 running an operating system known as CSOS and a VT-100 emulator called Smart Term 100. (OK. Stop laughing. It was free. I can't complain.) When entering Vax Notes, it clears the screen, shows the directory of conferences and then immediately clears the screen again (thus erasing what I'm trying to read before I'm finished). It does this at other points as well. Other things that tend to screw it up: Occasionally EDT will send a character sequence (^A I think), which sends the emulator into insert mode. Unfortunately, it has to redraw the line after every keystroke and becomes hellish to watch. Also it sometimes seems to have a wrap problem where it insists on trying to wrap locally (within the emulator) while also trying to do it remotely (from EDT or VMS). I can send ALL the terminal settings (both the emulator's parameters and the SET TERM and EDTINI.EDT stuff) to the list if someone REALLY wants them... Thanx Muchly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Cole <Flatline> | Bitnet: CADS_COLE@GALLUA.BITNET Center for Assessment and | or Demographic Studies (CADS) | KJCOLE@GALLUA.BITNET Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) | UUCP: ...!psuvax!gallua.bitnet!kjcole Washington, D.C. 20002 | CompuServe: 76167,1406 (202) 651-5575 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Hey Rocky! Watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat!"