[comp.os.vms] BOSS 2.4


I will be posting BOSS 2.4 shortly.  This version of BOSS will work with
either the old or the new versions of the pseudo TTY drivers.  See the file
BOSS.README for more information.

[For those who have forgotten: BOSS is a program which lets you
conveniently run several processes from one terminal.]

    Charles Karney
    Plasma Physics Laboratory   Phone:   +1 609 243 2607
    Princeton University        MFEnet:  Karney@PPC.MFEnet
    PO Box 451                  ARPAnet: Karney%PPC.MFEnet@NMFECC.ARPA
    Princeton, NJ 08543-0451    Bitnet:  Karney%PPC.MFEnet@ANLVMS.Bitnet
