(Ken Wallewein) (07/02/88)
For a while, now, I've been reading/hearing rumours about full-native TECO coming with VMS Version 5. Somebody who knows, please tell us all - can it really be true? I'd give a lot to be able to use TECO on this MicroVax II! /kenw
hjm@cernvax.UUCP (hjm) (07/06/88)
In article <2073*kenw@noah.arc.cdn> (Ken Wallewein) writes: > > For a while, now, I've been reading/hearing rumours about full-native TECO >coming with VMS Version 5. Somebody who knows, please tell us all - can it >really be true? I'd give a lot to be able to use TECO on this MicroVax II! > >/kenw It was a DEC decision to 'kill' TECO a long way back (VMS V4.0, I think), so it won't be coming back in a hurry. Pity really, in what other editor can you type in your name as a command and see what happened. Seriously, DEC are committed to promoting TPU which has almost all the possibilities of good ol' TECO like editing a buffer, then using it as a command upon itself. But, somehow, it's just not the same ... Hubert Matthews
OBERMAN@ICDC.LLNL.GOV ("Kevin Oberman, LLNL, 422-6955", 415) (07/11/88)
>> For a while, now, I've been reading/hearing rumours about full-native TECO >>coming with VMS Version 5. Somebody who knows, please tell us all - can it >>really be true? I'd give a lot to be able to use TECO on this MicroVax II! >> >>/kenw > >It was a DEC decision to 'kill' TECO a long way back (VMS V4.0, I think), so >it won't be coming back in a hurry. Pity really, in what other editor can you >type in your name as a command and see what happened. > >Seriously, DEC are committed to promoting TPU which has almost all the >possibilities of good ol' TECO like editing a buffer, then using it as a >command upon itself. But, somehow, it's just not the same ... Please be sure of your facts before answering questions like this! VMS V5 does contain a native mode TECO which runs on ALL VAXen. I ought to know. I'm running VMS V5 on a VAXstation 2000 and TECO saved my *** when I had to edit a file before I get the windowing SW installed. (I never did learn to use EDT in the line mode.) R. Kevin Oberman Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Internet: (415) 422-6955 Disclaimer: Don't take this too seriously. I just like to improve my typing and probably don't really know anything useful about anything.
IMHW400@INDYVAX.BITNET (Mark H. Wood) (07/19/88)
>> For a while, now, I've been reading/hearing rumours about full-native TECO >>coming with VMS Version 5. Somebody who knows, please tell us all - can it >>really be true? I'd give a lot to be able to use TECO on this MicroVax II! >> >>/kenw > >It was a DEC decision to 'kill' TECO a long way back (VMS V4.0, I think), so >it won't be coming back in a hurry. Pity really, in what other editor can you >type in your name as a command and see what happened. > >Seriously, DEC are committed to promoting TPU which has almost all the >possibilities of good ol' TECO like editing a buffer, then using it as a >command upon itself. But, somehow, it's just not the same ... The story that I heard, a year or two ago, is that the corporation *tried* to 'kill' TECO but their own programmers revolted! I have no idea how true this might be, but as a long-time TECO user I can easily believe it. I hope that, eventually, I will learn enough TPU to be useful, but I'm looking forward to the TECO revival in V5. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mark H. Wood IMHW400@INDYVAX.BITNET (317)274-0749 III U U PPPP U U III Indiana University - Purdue University at Indianapolis I U U P P U U I 799 West Michigan Street, ET 1023 I U U PPPP U U I Indianapolis, IN 46202 USA I U U P U U I [@disclaimer@] III UUU P UUU III