FELICE@AGR03.TO.CNR.IT ("Felice G. Marchesi * +39-39-6555.563 *") (07/28/88)
Hello, I've reinstalled the LTM ( Lan Traffic Monitor ) package on my 8650 and I would like to perform the hardcopy of the LAN Utilizanion Graphics from my VT340 to the LA75 printer as I did when I had a VT240, but each time I press "SHIFT Print Screen", I get a nice black box instead of the graphic, and around it a frame with percentage and time indication. there is also the little box saying " One sample per Data Point,No averaging data, 1.97 seconds per Sample" I've tried to change the printer setup in the VT340 setup menu without success. At page 167 of "Installing and using the VT320/VT340 video terminal", there is a note saying "You can enable or disable graphycs printing in the graphics set-up screen", but in the graphics set-up screen I didn't find this option. Can someone please help me ? I am also in need of a Vi editor for VMS, there is somebody amoung you that can semd me a copy or can tell me of a server where I can retrieve it? Thanks Felice Marchesi Felice@agr03.to.cnr.it