(Michael Dorl - MACC) (07/29/88)
End Do If (.not. Done) Then Goto 1 EndIf C Disconnect from server Status = Srv_Cmd ('quit', Buf, Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Print '(A)', ' Server failed' Stop EndIf Call SMG_All_Print (' ', '|') Call SMG_All_Print $ ('Closing News server connection...', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Buf(1:Lg), '|') Status = Srv_NetClose () If (.not. Status) Then Print '(A)', ' Socket failure' Stop EndIf C Update xx.newsrc Call SMG_All_Print (' ', '|') Call SMG_All_Print ('Updating XX.Newsrc...', '|') Status = Close_Newsrc () If (.not. Status) Then Print '(A)', ' Error closing XX.NEWSRC' Stop End If End ! News Integer Function UnRead (G) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definitions Integer G C Local definitions Integer *4 E, R, RS, RE, RU, S C Begin UnRead S = Group(G).Active_Start E = Group(G).Active_End If (S .eq. 0) Then S = 1 EndIf UnRead = E - S + 1 R = Group(G).Range_First Do While (R .ne. 0) If (Range(R).Start .lt. S) Then RS = S Else RS = Range(R).Start EndIf If (Range(R).End .gt. E) Then RE = E Else RE = Range(R).End EndIf RU = RE - RS + 1 If (RU .gt. 0) Then UnRead = UnRead - RU EndIf R = Range(R).Next EndDo If (UnRead .lt. 0) Then UnRead = 0 EndIf End ! Unread Subroutine Down_Case (Str) Implicit None C Parameter definitions Character *(*) Str C Local definitions Integer *4 X, Lg C Begin Down_Case Lg = Len (Str) Do X = 1, Lg If ((Str(X:X) .ge. 'A') .and. (Str(X:X) .le. 'Z')) Then Str(X:X) = Char (IChar(Str(X:X)) + IChar(' ')) EndIf EndDo End ! Down_Case Subroutine Rotate (Str) C Parameter definitions Character *(*) Str C Local definitions Integer *4 Lg, N, X Character *(1) C C Begin Rotate Lg = Len(Str) Do X = 1, Lg C = Str(X:X) If ( $ ((C .ge. 'a') .and. (C .le. 'z')) $ .or. $ ((C .ge. 'A') .and. (C .le. 'Z')) $ ) Then N = IChar(C) If (IAnd(N,31) .le. 13) Then N = N + 13 Else N = N - 13 EndIf Str(X:X) = Char(N) EndIf EndDo End ! Rotate Subroutine Read_Init Include 'News.Def' C Local definitions Logical Eof Integer *4 Status Integer *4 I Character *256 Img Integer *4 Img_Lg Character *64 Img_Field Integer *4 IP Byte IP_Byte Equivalence (IP,IP_Byte) Character *15 IP_Number Integer *4 X C Begin Read_Init SiteId = ' ' Distribution_Count = 0 Open $ ( $ Unit = LU_Init, $ File = 'NewsDir:Config.Dat', $ ReadOnly, $ Shared, $ Status = 'Old', $ IOStat = Status $ ) If (Status .ne. 0) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Error opening NewsDir:Config.Dat', '|') Stop EndIf Eof = .false. Do While (.not. Eof) Read (LU_Init, '(Q,A)', IOStat = Status) Img_Lg, Img If (Status .eq. 0) Then X = Index (Img(1:Img_Lg),':') If (X .eq. 0) Then X = Img_Lg EndIf If (Img(1:X) .eq. 'distribution:') Then X = X + 1 Do While (X .lt. Img_Lg) Call Field (Img(1:Img_Lg), X, Img_Field) If (Img_Field .ne. ' ') Then Distribution_Count = Distribution_Count + 1 Distribution(Distribution_Count) = Img_Field EndIf EndDo ElseIf (Img(1:X) .eq. 'siteid:') Then X = X + 1 Call Field (Img(1:Img_Lg), X, SiteId) ElseIf (Img(1:X) .eq. 'organization:') Then X = X + 1 Organization = Img(X:Img_Lg) ElseIf (Img(1:X) .eq. 'server:') Then X = X + 1 Call Field (Img(1:Img_Lg), X, IP_Number) IP = 0 I = 1 Do X = 1,15 If (IP_Number(X:X) .eq. '.') Then Server_IP_Number(I) = IP_Byte IP = 0 I = I + 1 Else If (IP_Number(X:X) .eq. ' ') Then Else If $ ( $ (IP_Number(X:X) .ge. '0') $ .and. $ (IP_Number(X:X) .le. '9') $ ) $ Then IP = 10 * IP + IChar(IP_Number(X:X)) - IChar('0') EndIF EndDo Server_IP_Number(I) = IP_Byte ElseIf (Img(1:X) .eq. ' ') Then Else Call SMG_All_Print $ ('Unrecognized initialization image', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') Stop EndIf Else Eof = .true. EndIf EndDo Close (LU_Init) Return End ! Read_Init Subroutine Field (Src, Src_X, Dst) Implicit None C Parameter definition Character *(*) Src,Dst Integer *4 Src_X C Local definitions Integer *4 Src_Lg, Dst_Lg, Dst_X Logical Done C Begin Field Done = .false. Src_Lg = Len (Src) Dst_Lg = Len (Dst) Dst_X = 1 Dst= ' ' Do While ((.not. Done) .and. (Src_X .le. Src_Lg)) If (Src(Src_X:Src_X) .eq. ' ') Then Else If (Src(Src_X:Src_X) .eq. ',') Then Done = .true. Else If (Dst_X .le. Dst_Lg) Then Dst(Dst_X:Dst_X) = Src(Src_X:Src_X) Dst_X = Dst_X + 1 EndIf EndIf Src_X = Src_X + 1 EndDo End ! Field Subroutine Unavail_Print (S,E) Implicit None Integer *4 S, E C Local definitions Character *8 S_C, E_C Integer *4 S_Lg, E_Lg C Begin Unavail_Print Call ItoS (S, S_C, S_Lg) If (E .eq. S) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Skipped unavailable article ' // $ S_C(1:S_Lg), $ '|' $ ) Else Call ItoS (E, E_C, E_Lg) Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Skipped unavailable articles ' // $ S_C(1:S_Lg) // '-' // E_C(1:E_Lg), $ '|' $ ) EndIf S = 0 E = 0 End ! Unavail_Print Integer Function GetUserName (UserId) C Description: C C Function to obtain the user's name C Returns success or failure. Include 'News.Def' C Parameter Definitions Character *32 UserId C External Routines External Sys$GetJPI Integer Sys$GetJPI C Local Definitions Include '($JPIDEF)' Character *32 LUserId Integer *4 LUserIdLg Integer *2 WJPIItmLst(12) Integer *4 JPIItmLst(6) Equivalence (JPIItmLst,WJPIItmLst) C Begin GetUserName WJPIItmLst(1) = 32 WJPIItmLst(2) = JPI$_UserName JPIItmLst(2) = %Loc(LUserId) JPIItmLst(3) = %Loc(LUserIdLg) JPIItmLst(4) = 0 GetUserName = Sys$GetJPI (,,,JPIItmLst,,,) If (GetUserName) Then UserId = LUserId(1:LUserIdLg) Call Down_Case (UserName) EndIf Return End ! GetUserName Integer Function GetUserDirectory (Dir) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definitions Character *(*) Dir C External definitions Integer Sys$GetUAI Integer TrimLg C Local Definitions Include '($UAIDEF)' Character *16 Device Integer *4 DeviceLg Character *64 Directory Integer *4 DirectoryLg Integer *4 DirItmLst(9) Integer *2 WDirItmLst(18) Equivalence (DirItmLst,WDirItmLst) C Begin GetUserDirectory WDirItmLst(1) = 64 WDirItmLst(2) = UAI$_DefDir DirItmLst(2) = %Loc(Directory) DirItmLst(3) = %Loc(DirectoryLg) WDirItmLst(7) = 16 WDirItmLst(8) = UAI$_DefDev DirItmLst(5) = %Loc(Device) DirItmLst(6) = %Loc(DeviceLg) DirItmLst(7) = 0 GetUserDirectory = Sys$GetUAI (,,UserName,DirItmLst,,,) If (GetUserDirectory) Then Else Return EndIf DeviceLg = IChar(Device(1:1)) DirectoryLg = IChar(Directory(1:1)) Dir = Device(2:DeviceLg+1) // 1 Directory(2:DirectoryLg) // 2 '.NEWS]' Return End ! GetUserDirectory Integer Function Group_Find (Name) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definition Character *(*) Name C Local definitions Integer *4 I C Begin Group_Find Group_Find = 0 I = 1 Do While ((I .le. Group_Count) .and. (Group_Find .eq. 0)) If (Name .eq. Group(I).Name) Then Group_Find = I Else I = I + 1 EndIf EndDo Return End ! Group_Find Subroutine Cmd_GroupNone Implicit None Call SMG_All_Print ('No group selected.', '|') End ! Cmd_GroupNone Subroutine Cmd_GroupList (Cmd) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definition Character *(*) Cmd C External routines Logical SMG_More_Print Integer Str$Match_Wild Integer TrimLg C Local definitions Character *1 Active Logical Any Integer *4 G Character *80 Text Integer *4 R Character *1 Subscribed Logical Ok Character *32 Pattern Character *1 Post Integer *4 X C Begin Cmd_GroupList Pattern = ' ' X = Index (Cmd,' ') If (X .ne. 0) Then Do While ((X .lt. Len(Cmd)) .and. (Cmd(X:X) .eq. ' ')) X = X + 1 EndDo Pattern = Cmd(X:Len(Cmd)) Call Down_Case (Pattern) EndIf Ok = .true. G = 0 Any = .false. Do While (Ok .and. (G .lt. Group_Count)) G = G + 1 If $ ( $ (Pattern .eq. ' ') $ .or. $ ( $ Str$Match_Wild $ ( $ Group(G).Name(1:TrimLg(Group(G).Name)), $ Pattern(1:TrimLg(Pattern)) $ ) $ ) $ ) $ Then Any =.true. If (Group(G).Subscribed) Then Subscribed = 'y' Else Subscribed = 'n' EndIf If (Group(G).Active_File) Then Active = 'y' Else Active = 'n' EndIf If (Group(G).Active_Post) Then Post = 'y' Else Post = 'n' EndIf Write (Text,'(4(x,A),2I7)') $ Group(G).Name, $ Active, $ Subscribed, $ Post, $ Group(G).Active_Start, $ Group(G).Active_End Ok = SMG_More_Print (Text, '|') R = Group(G).Range_First Do While (Ok .and. (R .ne. 0)) Write (Text, '(x,I,A,I)') $ Range(R).Start, ':', Range(R).End Ok = SMG_More_Print (Text, '|') R = Range(R).Next End Do EndIf EndDo If (.not. Any) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'No groups matching ' // Pattern(1:TrimLg(Pattern)) // $ ' found.', $ '|' $ ) EndIf Return End ! Cmd_GroupList Subroutine Cmd_ArticleList (G, CatchUp_Cmd) Include 'News.Def' Include 'SMG.Def' C Description C C Handles the.... C C Dir [article] C C command. Produces a short list of the subject lines C of un read articles in the group starting with article. C Default article is first available from the active file. C Parameter definitions Integer *4 G Character *(*) CatchUp_Cmd C External Routines Integer Range_Find Integer Srv_Cmd Integer Srv_RdTxt Integer TrimLg C Local definitions Integer *4 A Integer *4 X Integer *4 Subject_Lg Character *128 Subject C Begin Cmd_ArticleList Call More_Heading More_Input = ' ' C Get the article number X = Index (CatchUp_Cmd, ' ') A = 0 Do While ((X .ne. 0) .and. (X .le. Len(CatchUp_Cmd))) If $ ( $ (CatchUp_Cmd(X:X) .ge. '0') $ .and. $ (CatchUp_Cmd(X:X) .le. '9') $ ) $ Then A = 10 * A + IChar(CatchUp_Cmd(X:X)) - IChar('0') EndIf X = X + 1 EndDo If (A .eq. 0) Then A = Group(G).Active_Start EndIf C Get all the subject lines Do While $ ( $ (A .le. Group(G).Active_End) $ .and. $ (More_Input .eq. ' ') $ ) If (Range_Find (G, A, .false.) .eq. 0) Then Call CacheHdr (G, A, Subject, Subject_Lg) Call SMG_More_Print (Subject(1:Subject_Lg), '|') EndIf A = A + 1 End Do Return End ! Cmd_ArticleList Subroutine Cmd_ArticleMark (G, A, U) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definition Integer *4 G ! Group number Integer *4 A ! Article number Integer *4 U ! Unread article count, updated C External routines Integer Range_Allocate C Local definitions Logical Found Integer *4 P, Q, R C Begin Cmd_ArticleMark C Find range contining this article Found = .false. P = 0 R = Group(G).Range_First Do While ((.not. Found) .and. (R .ne. 0)) If ((A .ge. Range(R).Start) .and. (A .le. Range(R).End)) Then Found = .true. Else P = R R = Range(R).Next EndIf EndDo C If no range found for this article, then we are done since its already C marked as unread. If (.not. Found) Then Return EndIf C Range found, three cases can arise If (A . eq. Range(R).Start) Then C Article is first in range Range(R).Start = Range(R).Start + 1 ElseIf (A .eq. Range(R).End) Then C Article is last in range Range(R).End = Range(R).End - 1 Else C Article is within the range but not at either end point C Get a new range and set it up from the old start through A - 1 Q = Range_Allocate () Range(Q).Start = Range(R).Start Range(Q).End = A - 1 C The old range becomes the end of the range from A+1 through the old end Range(R).Start = A + 1 C Chain P -> Q -> R Range(Q).Next = R If (P .ne. 0) Then Range(P).Next = Q Else Group(G).Range_First = Q EndIf P = Q EndIf C Now, we may have left a nonsense group at R If (Range(R).Start .gt. Range(R).End) Then If (P .ne. 0) Then Range(P).Next = Range(R).Next If (Group(G).Range_Last .eq. R) Then Group(G).Range_Last = P EndIf Else Group(G).Range_First = Range(R).Next If (Group(G).Range_Last .eq. R) Then Group(G).Range_Last = Group(G).Range_First EndIf EndIf Range(R).Next = 0 Call Range_Deallocate (R) EndIf C Finally, update unread count U = U + 1 C That's all folks Return End ! Cmd_ArticleMark Subroutine Cmd_ArticlePost (G, Cmd) Include 'News.Def' C Parameter definitions Integer G ! Group number Integer A ! Article number Character *(*)Cmd ! Command text C External routines Integer Edt$Edit Integer Group_Find Integer SMG_Prompt Integer Srv_Cmd Integer Srv_Recv Integer Srv_Send Integer TrimLg Integer User_Edit C Local definitions Character *22 Date_Time Character *128 Distribution_Fld Logical Eof Character *(File_Name_Size) File_In Character *(File_Name_Size) File_Out Character *32 Fld Logical FollowUp Character *128 From Character *128 Group_Name Integer *4 Group_Name_Lg Integer *4 I Character *256 Img Integer *4 Img_Lg Logical *4 InHeader Character *128 MessageID Logical *4 Rotx Integer *4 Status Character *128 Subject Integer *4 Subject_Lg Integer *4 X C Begin Cmd_ArticlePost FollowUp = .false. Group_Name = ' ' Group_Name_Lg = 0 Subject = ' ' Distribution_Fld = ' ' Goto 1 C Begin Cmd_ArticleFollowUp Entry Cmd_ArticleFollowUp (G, A, Cmd) FollowUp = .true. Write (Img, '(A,I8)') 'head ', A Status = Srv_Cmd (Img(1:13), Img, Img_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf If (Img(1:3) .ne. '221') Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Unexpected server reply', '|') Call Smg_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') Stop EndIf From = ' ' Group_Name = ' ' Group_Name_Lg = 0 MessageID = ' ' Subject = ' ' Distribution_Fld = ' ' Do While (Img(1:Img_Lg) .ne. '.') Status = Srv_Recv (Img, Img_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf If (Img(1:13) .eq. 'Distribution:') Then If (Img_Lg .ge. 15) Then Distribution_Fld = Img(15:Img_Lg) EndIf Else If (Img(1:8) .eq. 'Subject:') Then If (Img_Lg .ge. 10) Then Subject = Img(10:Img_Lg) If (Subject(1:4) .ne. 'Re: ') Then Subject = 'Re: ' // Subject EndIf EndIf ElseIf (Img(1:11) .eq. 'Newsgroups:') Then If (Img_Lg .ge. 13) Then Group_Name = Img(13:Img_Lg) Group_Name_Lg = Img_Lg - 12 EndIf ElseIf (Img(1:5) .eq. 'From:') Then If (Img_Lg .ge. 7) Then From = Img(7:Img_Lg) EndIf ElseIf (Img(1:11) .eq. 'Message-ID:') Then If (Img_Lg .ge. 13) Then MessageID = Img(13:Img_Lg) EndIf EndIf EndDo Goto 1 C Begin common Cmd_ArticlePost - Cmd_ArticleFollowUp 1 If ((Len(Cmd) .lt. 3) .or. (Cmd(2:3) .ne. '/x')) Then Rotx = .false. Else Rotx = .true. EndIf File_In = 'Sys$Login:News$In.News' File_Out = 'Sys$Login:News$Out.News' Call Smg_Erase C Get group to post to If (Group_Name_Lg .eq. 0) Then I = 0 Do While (I .eq. 0) Status = SMG_Prompt $ ( $ Group_Name, $ 'Group (' // Group(G).Name(1:TrimLg(Group(G).Name)) $ // ') ', $ Group_Name_Lg $ ) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Post aborted.', '|') Return EndIf C Make sure group is legal If (Group_Name(1:Group_Name_Lg) .eq. ' ') Then Group_Name = Group(G).Name Group_Name_Lg = TrimLg(Group(G).Name) I = G Else I = Group_Find (Group_Name(1:Group_Name_Lg)) If (I .eq. 0) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'No such group as ' // Group_Name(1:Group_Name_Lg), $ '|' $ ) EndIf EndIf EndDo EndIf C Get subject If (Subject .eq. ' ') Then Status = SMG_Prompt (Subject, 'Subject: ', Subject_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Post aborted.', '|') Return EndIf EndIf C Get distribution If (Distribution_Fld .eq. ' ') Then Distribution_Fld = ' ' Status = SMG_Prompt (Img, 'Distribution: ', Img_Lg) X = 1 Do While (X .le. Img_Lg) Call Field (Img(1:Img_Lg), X, Fld) If (Fld .ne. ' ') Then I = 1 Do While $ ( $ (I .le. Distribution_Count) $ .and. $ (Distribution(I) .ne. Fld) $ ) I = I + 1 EndDo If (I .le. Distribution_Count) Then If (Distribution_Fld .ne. ' ') Then Distribution_Fld = $ Distribution_Fld(1:TrimLg(Distribution_Fld)) // ', ' EndIf Distribution_Fld = $ Distribution_Fld(1:TrimLg(Distribution_Fld)) // Fld Else Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Illegal Distribution field ' // Fld(1:TrimLg(Fld)), $ '|' $ ) Return EndIf EndIf EndDo EndIf C Build date and time header Date_Time = ' ' Call Date (Date_Time(1:9)) Call Time (Date_Time(11:18)) Date_Time(3:3) = ' ' Date_Time(7:7) = ' ' C Open the edit input file Open $ ( $ Unit = LU_EditIn, $ File = File_In, $ Status = 'New', $ Form = 'Formatted', $ CarriageControl = 'List', $ Recl = 1024, $ IOStat = Status $ ) If (Status .ne. 0) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Error opening file ' // File_In(1:TrimLg(File_In)) // $ '. Post aborted.', '|' $ ) Return EndIf C Write the article header If (UserPersonalName .ne. ' ') Then Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') $ 'From: ' // $ UserName(1:TrimLg(UserName)) // $ SiteId(1:TrimLg(SiteId)) // $ ' (' // $ UserPersonalName(1:TrimLg(UserPersonalName)) // $ ')' Else Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') $ 'From: ' // $ UserName(1:TrimLg(UserName)) // $ SiteId(1:TrimLg(SiteId)) EndIf Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') 'Newsgroups: ' // $ Group_Name(1:Group_Name_Lg) Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') 'Subject: ' // Subject(1:TrimLg(Subject)) Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') 'Date: ' // Date_Time If (Distribution_Fld .ne. ' ') Then Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') 'Distribution: ' // $ Distribution_Fld(1:TrimLg(Distribution_Fld)) EndIf Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') 'Organization: ' // $ Organization(1:TrimLg(Organization)) Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') ' ' If (FollowUp) Then Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') $ 'In article ' // MessageID(1:TrimLg(MessageID)) // ', ' // $ From(1:TrimLg(From)) // ' writes...' Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') ' ' EndIf C If followup, copy the article to the file If (Followup) Then Write (Img, '(A,I8)') 'body ', A Status = Srv_Cmd (Img(1:13), Img, Img_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf If (Img(1:3) .ne. '222') Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Unexpected server reply', '|') Call Smg_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') Stop EndIf Call Srv_CopyTxt (LU_EditIn, Mark_Character, Rotated) EndIf C Copy Signature file if any Open $ ( $ Unit = LU_Signature, $ File = 'SIGNATURE.MAI', $ DefaultFile = UserMailDirectory, $ Form = 'Formatted', $ CarriageControl = 'None', $ Status = 'Old', $ ReadOnly, $ IOStat = Status $ ) If (Status .eq. 0) Then Do While (Status .eq. 0) Read $ ( $ Unit = LU_Signature, $ Fmt = '(Q,A)', $ IOStat = Status $ ) Img_Lg, Img If (Status .eq. 0) Then Write (LU_EditIn, '(A)') Img(1:Img_Lg) EndIf EndDo Close (LU_Signature) EndIf C Done building edit input file Close (LU_EditIn) C Edit the file If (.not. Mail_Cmd_Mail$Edit) Then Status = Edt$Edit (File_In,File_Out,,,4,,,) Else Status = User_Edit (File_In, File_Out) EndIf Call SMG_Erase If (.not. Status) Then Call Smg_All_Print $ ( $ ' Error editing file, post aborted.', '|' $ ) Return EndIf C Open the output file Open $ ( $ Unit = LU_EditOut, $ File = File_Out, $ Status = 'Old', $ IOStat = Status, $ Dispose = 'Delete' $ ) If (Status .ne. 0) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Error opening file ' // File_Out(1:TrimLg(File_Out)) // $ '. Post aborted.', '|', $ ) Return EndIf C Start a post command on the server Status = Srv_Cmd ('post', Img, Img_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf If (Img(1:3) .eq. '340') Then C Copy the file to the server postnews process Call SMG_All_Print ('Sending article to server', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') InHeader = .true. Eof = .false. Do While (.not. Eof) Read $ ( $ Unit = LU_EditOut, $ Fmt = '(Q,A)', $ IOStat = Status $ ) Img_Lg, Img If ((Img_Lg .eq. 0) .or. (Img(1:Img_Lg) .eq. ' ')) Then InHeader = .false. EndIf If ((.not. InHeader) .and. RotX) Then Call Rotate (Img(1:Img_Lg)) EndIf If (Status .eq. 0) Then If (Img(1:Img_Lg) .eq. '.') Then Img = '..' Img_Lg = 2 EndIf Status = Srv_Send (Img(1:Img_Lg)) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed.', '|') Stop EndIf c Call Smg_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') Else Eof = .true. EndIf EndDo C Mark end of input with a . Status = Srv_Send ('.') If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed.', '|') Stop EndIf C Retrieve final status Status = Srv_Recv (Img, Img_Lg) If (.not. Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf Call SMG_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') C Server not accepting postings Else Call SMG_All_Print ('Server refusing posting requests.', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Img(1:Img_Lg), '|') EndIf C Close the edit output file Close (LU_EditOut) C Return Return End ! Cmd_ArticlePost Subroutine Cmd_ArticleSave (G, A, Cmd) Include 'News.Def' C Description C C Handles the S filename command. C C Parameter definitions Integer *4 G ! Group number Integer *4 A ! Article number Character *(*) Cmd ! Save command line C External routines Integer Srv_Cmd Integer Srv_Recv Integer Lib$Create_Dir Integer TrimLg Integer User_Open External User_Open Integer User_Open_Get_What_Happened C Local definitions Character *64 FileName Character *128 Buf Logical FirstDot Integer *4 Lg Integer *4 Status Integer *4 X Logical SecondTry Character *128 Msg Logical FileOpen C Begin Cmd_ArticleSave C Get the file name from the command line X = 1 Lg = Len(Cmd) Call GetField (FileName, Cmd, X, Lg) Call GetField (FileName, Cmd, X, Lg) C If user specified no file name, build default from group name If (FileName .eq. ' ') Then FileName = Group(G).Name FirstDot = .true. X = 1 Lg = TrimLg (FileName) Do While (X .le. Lg) If (FileName(X:X) .eq. '.') Then If (FirstDot) Then FirstDot = .false. Else FileName(X:X) = '_' EndIf EndIf X = X + 1 EndDo EndIf C Open the file FileOpen = .false. SecondTry = .false. Do While (.not. FileOpen) Call User_Open_Init ('STATUS_UNKNOWN',0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0) Open $ ( $ Unit = LU_Save, $ File = FileName, $ DefaultFile = UserDirectory, $ Status = 'Unknown', $ Form = 'Formatted', $ CarriageControl = 'List', $ Recl = 1024, $ Access = 'Append', $ UserOpen = User_Open, $ IOStat = Status $ ) If (Status .ne. 0) Then If $ ( $ (Index(FileName,':') .eq. 0) $ .and. $ (Index(FileName,'[') .eq. 0) $ .and. $ (.not. SecondTry) $ ) Then SecondTry = .true. Status = Lib$Create_Dir $ ( $ UserDirectory(1:TrimLg(UserDirectory)), ! Name $ , ! Owner $ 'FF00'X, ! Prot enable $ 'FF00'X, ! Prot mask $ , ! Max versions $ ! Rvn $ ) If (Status) Then Call SMG_All_Print $ ('Created directory ' // $ UserDirectory(1:TrimLg(UserDirectory)), $ '|' $ ) Else Call SMG_All_Print $ ('Error creating directory ' // $ UserDirectory(1:TrimLg(UserDirectory)), $ '|' $ ) Return EndIf Else Call SMG_All_Print $ ( $ 'Error opening file ' // FileName(1:TrimLg(FileName)), $ '|' $ ) Return EndIf Else FileOpen = .true. EndIf End Do If (.not. Srv_Cmd('head',Buf,Lg)) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf If (Buf(1:3) .ne. '221') Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Unexpected server response', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Buf(1:Lg), '|') Stop EndIf Call Srv_CopyTxt (LU_Save, ' ', .false.) If (.not. Srv_Cmd('body',Buf,Lg)) Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Server failed', '|') Stop EndIf Write (LU_Save, '(A)') ' ' If (Buf(1:3) .ne. '222') Then Call SMG_All_Print ('Unexpected server response', '|') Call SMG_All_Print (Buf(1:Lg), '|') Stop EndIf Call Srv_CopyTxt (LU_Save, ' ', Rotated) Msg = 'Article ' Call ItoS (A, Msg(9:Len(Msg)), Lg) Lg = 8 + Lg If (User_Open_Get_What_Happened() .eq. 1) Then Msg (Lg+1:Len(Msg)) = ' appended' Lg = Lg + 9 Else Msg (Lg+1:Len(Msg)) = ' saved' Lg = Lg + 6 EndIf Msg (Lg+1:Len(Msg)) = ' to file ' // FileName Lg = TrimLg(Msg) Call SMG_All_Print (Msg(1:Lg), '|') Close (LU_Save) Return End ! Cmd_ArticleSave Logical Function Cmd_ArticleCatchUp (G, A, Cmd, U) Include 'News.Def' C Description C C Handles the catchup command... C C Catchup [article] C C Marks all articles through and including article as read. C Default article is last article in the group. C C Returns: C C .true. all articles read C .false. some articles remain C Parameter definitions Integer *4 G ! Group number Integer *4 A ! Article Character *(*) Cmd ! Catchup command string Integer *4 U ! Unread article count, updated C External routines Integer Range_Allocate Integer UnRead C Local definitions Integer *4 L, R, X C Begin Cmd_ArticleCatchUp C Get the last article to be caught up from the command X = Index (Cmd, ' ') L = 0 Do While ((X .ne. 0) .and. (X .le. Len(Cmd))) If ((Cmd(X:X) .ge. '0') .and. (Cmd(X:X) .le. '9')) Then L = 10 * L + IChar(Cmd(X:X)) - IChar('0') EndIf X = X + 1 EndDo C If no last article, use entire group active file range If (L .eq. 0) Then L = Group(G).Active_End EndIf C Calulate return value %%end part b Michael Dorl (608) 262-0466 dorl@wiscmacc.bitnet