GHC@NIHKLMB.BITNET (Gerson H Cohen) (08/09/88)
$Part2: $ File_is="FPRETTY2.FOR" $ Check_Sum_is=1396916419 $ Copy SYS$Input VMS_SHAR_DUMMY.DUMMY Xc Xc Function to determine if the current line should be Xc dedented a level (i.e., indented one less level). Xc X integer function dedent_word(end_flag) X logical end_flag Xc Xc Functions. Xc X logical match X integer label X logical space Xc Xc Commons. Xc X common/line/linein,lineout,in_length,out_length X character linein*132,lineout*132 X integer in_length,out_length Xc X common/stack/do_stack,stack_pointer X integer do_stack(20),stack_pointer Xc Xc Datas. Xc Xc List of possible words after which dedentation occurs. Xc label for end of DO-loop Xc END (IF, DO, STRUCTURE, UNION, MAP) Xc ELSE (includes ELSE IF THEN) Xc X character end*3,if*2,do*2,else*4,structure*9,union*5,map*3 X data end/'END'/ X data if/'IF'/ X data do/'DO'/ X data else/'ELSE'/ X data structure/'STRUCTURE'/ X data union/'UNION'/ X data map/'MAP'/ Xc Xc Executable code. Xc Xd write(6,10000) X10000 format(' in dedent') X dedent_word = 0 Xc Xc Check for end of DO-loop. Xc X line_number = label() X if ( then Xc Xc Check for matching stack statement label. Xc X if ( then X 10 if (line_number.eq.do_stack(stack_pointer)) then X dedent_word = dedent_word - 1 X stack_pointer = stack_pointer - 1 X if ( goto 10 X return X end if X end if X end if Xc Xc Check for END. Xc X if (match(7,end,3)) then Xc Xc Check for IF or DO as next word. Xc X if ( then X do i = 10,in_length X if ( then X if (match(i,if,2)) then X dedent_word = -1 X else if (match(i,structure,9)) then X dedent_word = -1 X else if (match(i,union,5)) then X dedent_word = -1 X else if (match(i,map,3)) then X dedent_word = -1 X else X if (match(i,do,2)) then X if (do_stack(stack_pointer) .eq. 0) then X stack_pointer = stack_pointer - 1 X dedent_word = -1 X else X if (do_stack(stack_pointer) .ne. X & label()) then X call error(2) X else X stack_pointer = stack_pointer - 1 X dedent_word = -1 X end if X end if X end if X end if X return X end if X end do X else X if (in_length.eq.9) then X if ( then X call error(3) X stack_pointer = 0 X end if X end_flag = .true. X end if X end if X return X end if Xc Xc Check for ELSE. Xc X if (match(7,else,4)) then X dedent_word = -1 X return X end if X return X end Xc Xc Subroutine to change first tab in columns 1-6 to blanks and Xc to left-justify columns of line past column 6 in column 7. Xc Also treats continue lines with initial tab character. Xc X subroutine place(this_is_a_comment) X logical this_is_a_comment Xc X integer loop_end,add_columns Xc Xc Functions. Xc X logical number,space Xc Xc Common. Xc X common/line/linein,lineout,in_length,out_length X character linein*132,lineout*132 X integer in_length,out_length Xc Xc Data Xc X parameter tab = char(9) Xc Xc Executable code. Xc Xd write(6,10000) X10000 format(' in place') Xc Xc Check to see if a comment line. Xc X if (this_is_a_comment) then X if (in_length.le.1) return X do i = 2,in_length X if ( goto 10 X end do X return X 10 if ( then X linein(7:) = linein(i:in_length) X in_length = in_length - i + 7 X else X if ( then X in_length = in_length - i + 7 X do j = in_length,7,-1 X k = j + i - 7 X linein(j:j) = linein(k:k) X end do X end if X end if X linein(2:6) = ' ' X return X end if X loop_end = min(in_length,6) X do i = 1,loop_end X if (linein(i:i) then X if ((i.eq.1) .and. number(linein(2:2))) then X add_columns = 5 - i X else X add_columns = 6 - i X end if X do j = in_length,i+1,-1 X k = j + add_columns X linein(k:k) = linein(j:j) X end do X in_length = in_length + add_columns X linein(i:i+add_columns) = ' ' X goto 20 X end if X end do X 20 if ( return Xc Xc If column 7 nonblank, do nothing. Xc X if ( return Xc Xc Find first nonspace character past column 7. Xc X do i = 8,in_length X if ( goto 30 X end do Xc Xc Blank line. Xc X return Xc Xc Left-justify line unless the first non-blank character is "!" Xc X 30 if (linein(i:i).ne.'!') then X new_length = in_length - i + 7 X linein(7:new_length) = linein(i:in_length) X in_length = new_length X end if X return X end Xc Xc Subroutine to indent output line. Xc X subroutine nest(indent) X integer indent Xc Xc Commons. Xc X common/line/linein,lineout,in_length,out_length X character linein*132,lineout*132 X integer in_length,out_length Xc X common/listing/comment_flag,list_flag,indenter X logical comment_flag,list_flag X character indenter*3 X data indenter/'. '/ Xc Xc Executable code. Xc Xd write(6,10000) indent X10000 format(' in nest, indent = ',i3) Xc Xc First 6 columns are unaffected. Xc X out_length = min(6,in_length) X lineout(1:out_length) = linein(1:out_length) X if (in_length.le.6) return Xc Xc Insert proper levels of indentation. Xc X if ( then X out_length = 6 X do i = 1,indent X out_length = out_length + 3 X if ( return X lineout(out_length-2:out_length) = indenter(1:3) X end do X end if Xc Xc Copy rest of line. Xc X if ( then X length_to_copy = min ( 132-out_length, in_length-6 ) X if ( then X new_length = out_length + length_to_copy X lineout(out_length+1:new_length) = X & linein(7:6+length_to_copy) X out_length = new_length X end if X end if X return X end Xc Xc Subroutine to print error messages and Xc to stop execution when fatal error encountered. Xc X subroutine error(number) X integer number Xd write(6,10000) X10000 format(' in error') Xc Xc Error 1 - indent<0 following dedent Xc END or ELSE encountered. Xc X if (number.eq.1) then X write(4,10010) X10010 format('%error(1) - END or ELSE encountered with no prior ', X & 'DO or IF.') X return X end if Xc Xc Error 2 - label stored at top of stack .ne. current line label Xc X if (number.eq.2) then X write(4,10020) X10020 format('%error(2) - DO and end-of-loop statement labels ' X & 'don''t match.') X return X end if Xc Xc Error 3 - unresolved labels on stack at END of program module. Xc X if (number.eq.3) then X write(4,10030) X10030 format('%error(3) - extra labels unresolved at END') X return X end if Xc Xc Error 4 - no room on if-line for then or executable statement Xc X if (number.eq.4) then X write(4,10040) X10040 format('%error(4) - nothing following IF') X return X end if Xc Xc Error 5 - missing or mismatched parentheses following IF. Xc X if (number.eq.5) then X write(4,10050) X10050 format('%error(5)- missing or mismatched parentheses', X & ' in logical expression following IF') X return X end if Xc Xc Error 6 - indent more than 17 levels Xc Record will "spill" off end of line. Xc X if (number.eq.6) then X write(4,10060) X10060 format('%error(6)- levels of indentation limited to 17' X & /1x,'Extra characters at end of line will be ignored.') X return X end if Xc Xc Invalid number sent to this subroutine from calling program module Xc X write(4,10070) X10070 format('%error(10) - Invalid error number sent from call to ' X &' to error_writer.' X &/1x,'User should not see this error.') X stop X end Xc Xc Convert DO-loop label into integer value. Xc Return 0 (zero) if no label. Xc X integer function do_label() Xc X character save*5 Xc Xc Functions. Xc X logical space X logical number Xc Xc Commons. Xc X common/line/linein,lineout,in_length,out_length X character linein*132,lineout*132 X integer in_length,out_length Xc X common/chars/blank,zero X integer blank,zero Xc Xc Executable code. Xc Xd write(6,10000) X10000 format(' in do_label') Xc X do_label = 0 Xc Xc Start looking for label in column 10. Xc (Assume 'D' in 7; 'O' in 8; and space in 9.) Xc X do i = 10,in_length X if ( goto 10 X end do X return Xc Xc Check to see if it's a number. Xc X 10 if (.not.number(linein(i:i))) return Xc Xc Assume number continues until next space up to Xc a maximum of five digits. Xc X j = 0 X do while ( .and. number(linein(i:i))) X j = j + 1 X save(j:j) = linein(i:i) X i = i + 1 X end do Xd write (6,10010) save(1:j) X10010 format(' save = ',a) X read (save(1:j),10020) do_label X10020 format (i<j>) X return X end Xc Xc Function to determine if a character is a number. Xc X logical function number(char) X character char Xc Xc Executable code. Xc Xd write(6,10000) X10000 format(' in number') X number = (('0' .le. char) .and. (char .le. '9')) X return X end $ GoSub Convert_File $ Goto Part3