[comp.os.vms] Announcing SUM

MNK@DRACO.HAC.COM (Michael N. Kimura) (08/09/88)

			   SUM (Show Users More)

     SUM is a program to display the SAME information as SHOW USERS plus the
LAT server name and port name.  Two versions  have  been  submitted  to  the
DECUS  VAX  SIG  Tape.  One  version runs on VAX/VMS 4.6 or 4.7 and utilizes
QIOs to LTDRIVER to display the  information.   The  other  version  is  for
VAX/VMS  Version  5.x  and  utilizes  GETDVI  with  the  new  item  code  of
DVI$_TT_ACCPORNAM.  The following is a sample output:

          VAX/VMS Interactive Users
           13-MAY-1988 22:03:34.31
    Total number of interactive users = 8

 Username     Process Name      PID     Terminal
 BFUJIMOTO    BFUJIMOTO       214034E6  RTA2:                   
 CNDOAN       Christine       2140332D  VTA946: LTA773:  ACTS01 PORT_4
 GUTHRIE      Kevin           2140342B  VTA953: LTA780:  LYRA07 PORT_1
 MNK          mnk_vta932      214028FA  VTA932: LTA759:  BOOTES 9Y7C_29AB
 OPERATOR     OPERATOR        21402A42  OPA0:                   
 RUSCH        Krakatoa        2140289D  VTA965: LTA792:  LYRA04 PORT_6
 THOMAS       THOMAS_VTA977   214034E5  VTA977: LTA804:  DS200  PORT_5

     The physical device name field of the SHOW USERS display has been moved
slighty to the left to accomodate a 6 character LAT  server  name  plus  the
port  name  field.  Since  LAT  terminal servers should be named the same as
their DECnet node database entry for downloading, we expect the name  to  be
only  6 characters long and truncate if it's longer.  This usually means the
display will fit on an 80 column screen.  The default  name  of  a  DEC  LAT
server is "LAT_08002Bxxxxxx" which would get truncated.  To see the full LAT
server name use the "/FULL" qualifier.

     SUM supports the /OUTPUT qualifier and "username" parameter the same as
SHOW USERS and has the additional qualifier /FULL.

	Syntax: $ SUM [username] [/OUTPUT=filename] [/FULL]

The following privileges are required for SUM:

	VAX/VMS Version 4.6 or 4.7:	SHARE, SYSPRV, WORLD
	VAX/VMS Version 5.x		WORLD

Reason privileges are required:

	WORLD	- To get Job/Process Information
	SHARE	- To assign a channel to a terminal allocated already
	SYSPRV	- To override LAT terminal protection (after security
		  patch has been installed).

NOTE:	The  version  of SUM on the DECUS VAX SIG Tape has a bug in the call
	to the SORT routines that slows them down tremendously.  The call to
	SOR$BEGIN_SORT   should   NOT   default   the  file_alloc  parameter
	(parameter 4) since it default to 1000 blocks!   The  SORT  routines
	have since been removed from SUM.

     If  you  are  interested  in  obtaining  a  copy  of SUM then send me a
message.  If there is sufficient interest I  will  post  it  to  this  list.
Please indicate what version of VAX/VMS you are running  (minimum  V4.6)  or
indicate if you'd like both versions.

Michael Kimura			Internet:	mnk%draco@hac2arpa.hac.com
Hughes Aircraft Company (RSG)	BITnet:		mnk@draco.hac.com
P.O. Box 92426	MS: R2/A159	Telephone:	(213) 615-9775
Los Angeles,  CA  90009	