(Trevor Bate) (03/15/89)
Is anyone out there communicating between a VAX and a WANG VS? We have an extensive network of VAXes, with ethernet, bridges and heaps of terminal servers. We also have a network of Wang VS's used for word processing; one VS85 and six VS5's. We have an SNA gateway from our VAX network to an IBM, and a SNA link between the VS85 and the same IBM. We have a 2780/3780 9600bps synchronous link between a VAX 750 and the VS 85. This link is slow and operator intensive (they need to impersonate Ric Wakeman, with a hand on each keyboard). We are looking for alternative connectivity strategies. One possibility is a TCP/IP link, possibily even using ethernet. Is anyone communicating between VAX and Wang VS? Trevor Bate Highways Department, South Australia (08) 343 2021