dross@cs.utexas.edu (Daniel L. Ross) (04/07/89)
A colleague without news access needs some help porting VAX/VMS DCL command files to a UN*X system. He has obtained a "DCL interpreter" called VCL which isn't satisfactory for a variety of reasons (listed below, in his message to me). A DCL .COM file to UN*X shell script translator would be ideal, if such a thing exists...does anyone know? Note that this is sort of the inverse of the problem DEC/Shell solves, as my friend wishes to run DCL files on a UN*X system. Thanks; please reply to the address broughtn@atlantis.ees.anl.gov If that address doesn't work or if you post, I'll forward them to him. From broughtn@atlantis.ees.anl.gov Fri Mar 31 16:19:11 1989 >VCL interprets DCL commands from the terminal or .COM files. >The problem is that some of the programs that we run spawn processes to run >.COM files or other VMS commands (e.g., edit/tpu, submit, ...). Specifically, >I can't say what is lacking, except that I don't think that it would allow >the commands to be spawned dynamically in this fashion. Probably we would >want to use the C shell, but the Bourne might be required. What is wanted is >a system that would generate UNIX shell scripts from the DCL files...maybe >this sort of thing isn't possible--who knows, eh? Thanks for any help. Dan Ross dross@cs.utexas.edu