gjp@sei.cmu.edu (George Pandelios) (06/01/89)
Greetings BBoarders!! I am looking for an editor for the IBM PC/XT/AT/Compatibles that emulates the VAX Language Sensitive Editor (LSE) from Digital. The features of particular interest are: LSE / EDT "look and feel" (keypad commands, too) In-buffer compilation with editor positioning to errors Support for the LK250 (a Digital GOLD-style VT2xx keyboard that attaches to a PC) Multiple windows (obviously) If you know of such a beast, please post or send mail (I'll summarize to the net). Currently, I am using SEDT, an *excellent* EDT emulator (superset) written by Anker Berg-Sonne. For any SEDT users out there - Can SEDT be modified or instructed to perform in-buffer compilations? Thanks for your help, George Pandelios Std Disclaimer: These are my own views, opinions.