[comp.os.vms] Making contours onto a spherical projection

esterly@portia.Stanford.EDU (Steven Esterly) (06/07/89)

	I am looking for software that can calculate contour lines and
plot them onto the surface of a globe (i.e. project them onto a
hemisphere).  Has anyone ever seen such a thing?  I'm looking for
something that will run either on a Mac or a VAX (VMS).  Many thanks
in advance.

Steve Esterly

pj@pnet51.cts.com (Paul Jacoby) (06/09/89)

Steve, if you are not working with just raw data, but a completed picture, I
believe that GraphistPaint II will do this sort of "Spherization" with any
object.  Same idea, but perhaps not exactly* what you are looking for.
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