xrjjm%scint.span@JPL-VLSI.ARPA (06/23/87)
Comment: Begin User Supplied Mail Headers. *Site: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - Greenbelt, Maryland, USA. *Position: 76 Deg. 52' 28.5" West, 38 Deg. 59' 59.8" North. *From: John J. McMahon, Systems Programmer, STX - ST Systems Corporation. *Project: COBE Science Data Room (CSDR), Code 401.1 *Reply-To: (Arpa-Internet) XRJJM%CSDR.SPAN@JPL-VLSI.ARPA [Old Format] *Reply-To: (Arpa-Internet) XRJJM%CSDR.SPAN@VLSI.JPL.NASA.GOV [New Format] *Reply-To: (Bitnet) ZMJJM@SCFVM *Reply-To: (Span/Physnet/Hepnet) 6173::XRJJM = CSDR::XRJJM (Node 6.29) *Reply-To: (TEXnet) UTADNX::UTSPAN::CSDR::XRJJM First, before I get to my latest comments. Thanks to everyone who shipped me a piece of working $GETUAI code. I found the bug I was having with my own piece of code, and some of the stuff that was shipped was better than what I was trying to do. *Flame On* With regards to the "Voluminous Viewer Mail" from INFO-VAX, I don't see anything wrong with it. I save 2 or 3 pieces a day, sometimes more... often on a subject that I never even thought about previously... As long as the volume is quality stuff, keep it up. My comment is that if you are going to submit something, please attach a valid address to it. Don't depend on the mailer program(s) your mail passes through to do it for you, it doesn't always work. Internet addresses are best, since (almost) everyone knows how to reach the Internet. If you don't know your Internet address, then at least mention your local network address and what network you are on. I would recognize that $JJM@CLVM is a Bitnet address, but not everyone else will... *Flame Off* Now finally, my question... I am trying to compile a list of known gateways out of the two wide area DECnets named SPAN (Nasa Space Physics Analysis Network) and HEPNET (High Energy Physics Network). I already know of the well documented ones (Like VLSI.JPL.NASA.GOV) but I am trying to locate all of them. If you have any info, I would apprecaite it if you could send me a copy.... Regards, ^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v^v John J. McMahon (Fast-Eddie) Disclaimer: Views expressed in this letter are my own, and are not meant to represent the views of my employers.
fuentes@topaz.rutgers.edu (CoOkIe MoNsTeR) (11/27/89)
HI, DOES ANYONE OUT THERE HAVE EXAMPLES OF GETUAI IN FORTRAN OR C (PREFERABLE 'C')? ANY EXAMPLES WHICH YOU COULD POST OR MAIL ME WOULD BE APPRECIATED......EVERYTIME I TRY AND USE THIS FUNCTION MY PROGRAM BLOWS UP (I HAVE THE PRIVS....BUT MY LOGIC AND UNDERSTANDING OF THE USE OF GETUAI IS SLIGHTLY OFF)...I NEED TO EXTRACT LAST LOGIN DAT, LAST PSWD CHANGE....AND ACCOUNT. ANY EXAMPLES WOULD BE APPRECIATED. Q2: I ALSO HAVE A 2ND QUESTION......SILLY, PERHAPS STUPID, BUT I HAVE TO ASK IT ANYWAY...I HAVE USE SYSTEM SERVICE FROM FORTRAN, BUT NEVER FROM C.....ANYBODY HAVE ANY EXAMPLES THE COULD SEND ME? -CARLOS GREEN SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER KIDDER, PEABODY & CO 120 BWAY, NY NY -- =============================================================================== * No, I'm not normal........and I KAN"T SPEL DAMIT!!! or just don't want to * =============================================================================== *********** I ************** anything I Carlos Fuentes Jr. ***CoOkIe******** for a I fuentes@topaz.rutgers.edu ******************* cookie! I fuentes@pisces.rutgers.edu ****MoNsTeR****** I *************** CoOkIe!CoOkIe! I Home: (201)985-4357 (apt) ********* YUM!!!Arg munch! I =============================================================================== * Of course I ate it.....I wasn't going to let a perfectly good cookie go to..* ******************************************************************************* SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER/MANAGER KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. 35th Floor 700 COLLEGE ROAD 120 BROADWAY PLAINSBORO, NJ NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10271 212-428-7555
fuentes@topaz.rutgers.edu (CoOkIe MoNsTeR) (11/28/89)
HI AGAIN, I'M RE-POSTING MY QUESTION REGARDING GETUAI.... (I DELETED IT BC IT WASN'T SPECIFIC ENOUGH, AND I MANAGED TO ANSWER SOME OF IT MYSELF). NEW QUESTION: WOULD SOMONE PLEASE POST, OR MAIL ME EXAMPLES OF USING THE SYSTEM SERVICE FOR GETUAI IN VMS 'C'. THANKS.... -CARLOS -- =============================================================================== * No, I'm not normal........and I KAN"T SPEL DAMIT!!! or just don't want to * =============================================================================== *********** I ************** anything I Carlos Fuentes Jr. ***CoOkIe******** for a I fuentes@topaz.rutgers.edu ******************* cookie! I fuentes@pisces.rutgers.edu ****MoNsTeR****** I *************** CoOkIe!CoOkIe! I Home: (201)985-4357 (apt) ********* YUM!!!Arg munch! I =============================================================================== * Of course I ate it.....I wasn't going to let a perfectly good cookie go to..* ******************************************************************************* SYSTEMS PROGRAMMER/MANAGER KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. KIDDER, PEABODY & CO. 35th Floor 700 COLLEGE ROAD 120 BROADWAY PLAINSBORO, NJ NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10271 212-428-7555