[comp.os.vms] Intergraph Optical Disk Juke Box Query....

tfabian@csd.lerc.nasa.gov (Ted Fabian) (06/27/90)


We have an option to acquire an Intergraph Optical Disk Juke Box model FDSK 
255, but before we utilize the option, we would like to know a little bit
more about the functionality of the unit, and what it can be connectted to..

For Example, we are specifically interested in knowing if anyone has
been able to drive/run the unit when connectted to either:

    1)   a Digital VAX 6000-340

    2)   a Digital VAXStation

    3)   an Apollo DN3x00

and if so, how was the connection made... and what specific software
was required...

We realize the unit can be run connectted to an Intergraph terminal, 
but would like to determine alternate solutions...

If you have specific information, please contact me at the addresses
provided below... (I'll summerize to the net later...)

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*  Thanks,                                                    *
*      Ted Fabian            NASA Lewis Research Center       *
*                               Cleveland, Ohio               *
*                                                             *
*      phone:     216-433-6307  FTS 297-6307   |  disclaimer: *
*      email:     tpfabian@nasamail.nasa.gov   |  my opinions *
*                 tfabian@earth.lerc.nasa.gov  |  are my own  *
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Thanks,    Ted Fabian   NASA Lewis Research Center
           tpfabian@nasamail.nasa.gov      *my opinions 
           tfabian@mars.lerc.nasa.gov      *are my own..