sysmgt007@spacm1.uucp (Dean Nedelman) (07/13/90)
Hello netters - After long talks, I have finally figured out how our people want to interconnect our Vax and IBM System/36. Add a token Ring adapter to the System/36. Buy a Token Ring to Ethernet bridge. Have the VAX read the Token Ring messages off the Ethernet. Now its that last part I'm having trouble with (everything is hardware.) Does anyone know of any software product that will run on the VAX that will handle the Token Ring messages? (IBM tell me it has to handle 5256 emulation or LU6.2 emulation) Thanks for any help. Dean (The Shadow) -- +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Dean I. Nedelman spacm1! | | 213-345-3069 | | Security Pacific, 333 South Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017 | | | | This space reserved for future disclaimers. | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+