[comp.os.vms] L&T SIg Working Group Roadmaps for Las Vegas Symposia

jmi@dac.mdcbbs.com (JM Ivler) (10/31/90)

The following is the L&T SIGs Working Group Roadmaps. 

jmi     jmi@dac.mdcbbs.com
My opinions not DAC MDC (or, in this case, DECUS)
J.M. Ivler
L&T Working Group Chair Assist. Co-ordinator

                               Languages & Tools
               Fall 1990 DECUS Symposium Working Group Roadmaps
                                October 29, 1990

The Languages & Tools SIG has adopted the use of Working Groups to provide
the technical muscle to our SIG's ever growing collection of supported
product areas.  Each of the Working Groups focuses on one particular
product, topic or area.  A meeting, open to all attendees, is scheduled at
symposia to provide a venue for interested parties to exchange information,
problems, and solutions.  Generally a DEC representative is present to
observe, participate, and report on the meeting to Digital.

Each Working Group is responsible for delivering to the DECUS membership
some tangible example of their existence.  Sessions to Symposia are one type
of ``deliverables'' provided by the Working Groups.  Other examples of
deliverables are newsletter articles and submissions to the SIG tape, to
name but a few.

The following is a list of the various Working Groups that make up L&T with
a brief description of each group's purpose.  The Working Group's chair is
identified following the introduction.  Please feel free to contact these
chairpersons and ask them about their group's activity, and participate in
their open working group meetings here at Symposium.

Each of the WG Chairs has identified a ``Roadmap'' through the Symposium.
This is a list of sessions the Chairs thought would be of interest to
members of their Working Group or to other Symposium attendees with similar
concerns.  This Roadmap follows each Working Group description.  New Working
Group Meetings may be scheduled as BOFs so watch Update.Daily for times and

If you have any questions about the L&T Working Groups, and would like to
either join an existing one, or possibly to form a new one, contact any of
the L&T Steering Committee Members, Working Group Chairs, or any of the
volunteers that help us staff the L&T Campground or Suite.  Please consult
the L&T Steering Committee Roster for complete address, telephone, and
network information.

If all else fails, after the symposium, either contact a specific Working
Group Chair via the L&T Steering Committee list, or feel free to contact the
L&T Working Group Coordinator:

                   David K. Ream
                   Working Groups Coordinator
                   Lexi-Comp Inc.
                   190 E. Boston Mills Rd.
                   Hudson, OH 44236

The following sessions are of general interest to all L&T'ers:

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session  Session Title
Mon    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   BR EFG     LT002  LANGUAGES AND TOOLS ROADMAP
Mon   10:00 PM   11:00 PM   BR EFG     LT183  AI, L&T, UNISIG JOINT RECEPTION
Tue   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm R2      LT055  OPEN WKG GRP CHAIRS MTG
Wed    3:30 PM    4:00 PM   BR EFG     LT024  L&T WISHLIST PROGRESS REPORT
Wed    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   BR EFG     LT007  L&T Q&A
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   BR EFG     LT004  L&T MAGIC & WIZARDRY
Thu    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   BR EFG     LT033  L&T CASE KEYNOTE
Thu   12:00 PM    2:00 PM   LT Campgr. LT030  L&T CLINIC
Thu    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT003  L&T FORUM
Thu   10:00 PM   11:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT006  L&T OPEN STEERING COMMITTEE MTG
Fri   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Rm R1      LT056  L&T WG CHAIRS WRAPUP
Fri    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT005  L&T WRAPUP

Ada Working Group

The goals of the Ada Working Group are to provide support for the UNIX,
VAX/VMS, and VAXELN Ada community.  The group will act as a liaison between
the DEC Technical Languages and Environments Group and the Ada community
providing input into future Ada development and enhancements.  These goals
will be met through DECUS seminars, newsletter articles and program library

SEE ALSO the Object-Oriented Methodologies Working Group Roadmap.

WG CHAIR:  Lisa Kerby-Rodgers; ESL; (408) 738-2888 x4545

Day      Start        End   Rm       Session   Session Title
Tue   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Rm R2    LT197  L&T OBJ ORIENT METHODS WKG
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Pav. 6   LT121  INTRO TO ADA GENERICS
Wed   10:00 AM   10:30 AM   Pav. 6   LT058  DECFORMS & ADA TASKS
Wed   10:30 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 6   LT057  DECFORMS IN AN ADA APPLICATION
Wed   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 6   LT127  PPL ROUTINES IN ADA
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT008  INTRODUCTION TO OOPS
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT061  VMS OBJECT-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm R3    LT171  VAXELN ADA USERS WG MTG
Thu    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm R2    LT168  ADA WORKING GROUP MEETING
Fri    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3   LT147  VAXELN APPLICATION PERFORMANCE

APL Working Group

The APL working group serves those interested in the use and ongoing
development of the APL language.

WG CHAIR:  Chet Small; MIT Lincoln Laboratory; (617) 981-4172

Day     Start       End  Rm        Session   Session Title
Wed   4:00 PM   5:00 PM  Pav. 9    LT010   WHAT IS APL?
Wed   5:00 PM   6:00 PM  Pav. 9    LT145   UNLEASH APL POWER FOR FORTRAN!
Thu   3:00 PM   4:00 PM  Rm R1     LT009   APL USERS WG MEETING

BASIC Working Group

The goals of the BASIC Working Group are:  To be the DECUS focal point for
the BASIC language.  To encourage the development and growth of BASIC users
on DEC computers.  To help guide DEC in the development and compatability of
BASIC on all operating systems.  To participate in the current ANSI
standards effort.

WG CHAIR:  Bob van Keuren; (619) 576-6974

Day      Start        End   Rm       Session  Session Title
Tue    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Rm R3    LT173  BASIC USERS WORKING GROUP MTG
Fri    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Pav. 3   LT140  BASIC-PLUS-2 TASK INTERNALS
Fri   12:30 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT017  USING BASIC TO REPLACE A DBMS
Fri    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT037  STRUCTURED BASIC FOR BUSINESS
Fri    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT205  VAX BASIC TO C

C Working Group

The function of the ``C'' WG is to perform the following:  to follow the
ANSI ``C'' standard; to provide help to new users of the language; to
determine under what application environments the ``C'' language is used and
how the WG can promote the usage of the language; to determine how tools can
aid in the development of ``C'' programs.

WG CHAIR:  Michael J. Wehrer; Aluminum Company of America; (412) 553-2965

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session  Session Title
Mon    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT141  PDP-11 C UPDATE
Mon    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT144  MIGRATING TO C USING PDP-11 C
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT138  PDP-11 C AND SUPERVISORY MODE
Tue    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT143  ADVANCED PDP-11 C PROGRAMMING
Tue    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT073  VAX C I/O FOR WIZARDS
Tue    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT204  ULTRIX C COMPILERS
Wed   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Rm R1     LT172  C USERS WORKING GROUP MTG
Wed    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 6    LT011  C POINTER TUTORIAL
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 6    LT164  THE GREAT C DEBATE
Thu   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 10   LT012  MORE POINTERS ON C POINTERS
Thu    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 10   LT052  POPULAR C GOTCHAS
Thu    2:00 PM    2:30 PM   Pav. 10   LT203  SOLUTIONS FOR VAX C
Thu    5:30 PM    6:00 PM   BR EFG    LT101  CONVERTING FROM REXX TO VAX C
Thu    9:00 PM   10:00 PM   BR EFG    LT103  TOOLS AUTOMATE BASIC TO C TRANS
Fri    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT205  VAX BASIC TO C

CASE and Tools Integration Working Group

The term ``CASE'' (Computer Aided Software Engineering) has been applied
both to specific products in the data processing industry as well as to a
general methodology for the planning and implementing a software system.
This working group is interested in all the aspects associated with CASE.
This includes not only the fuller explanation of what CASE is and how it
will affect they way we do (or will do) business, but also with the
interaction (or lack there-of) of the various tools products used in
producing software.  From the tool's perspective, this group is concerned
with the overall interconnectivity of tools from product definition
(editors, project management/tracking systems, documentation systems), to
product design (compilers, building and configuration tools), to product
assurance (test tools, debuggers).  The group is also interested with the
compatability of using various languages together.

Of particular note this symposium:  Dr.  Peter Chen will be presenting a
CASE keynote speech addressing Entity Relationship Modeling and the
directions of CASE.

SEE ALSO these working group roadmaps:  Configuration Management,
Object-Oriented Methodologies, Project Management, Software Metrics, and

WG CHAIR:  J.M. Ivler; MDC-Douglas Aircraft Co.  (213) 469-8727

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session  Session Title
Mon   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT119  CASE AND SOFTWARE RE-ENGINEERING
Mon   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT154  RE-ENGINEER VS REVERSE ENGINEER
Mon    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM067  REPOSITORY-BASED ENVIRONMENTS
Mon    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT086  ANNOUNCING DECPLAN
Tue   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 3    LT115  CASE TOOLS THRU THE LIFECYCLE
Tue   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT041  CONFIG MGT, NAS, & CASE
Tue   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT116  DECDESIGN TUTORIAL
Tue    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm R1     LT019  CASE AND TOOLS INTG. OPEN WG
Tue    2:00 PM    1:00 PM   Rm. D1-2  DM065  DATA MODELING AND DECDESIGN
Tue    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm. G1-2  LT097  MIXED LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT
Tue    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT088  DECPLAN PROJ MGT TUTORIAL
Tue    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 1    BA032  DIGITAL'S DIRECTIONS IN CASE
Tue    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. D1-2  DM089  ENTITY RELATIONSHIP MODELING
Tue    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 1    BA011  JUSTIFYING CASE TO MANAGEMENT
Tue    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 1    LT049  LOSING PRODUCTIVITY PANEL
Wed   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 6    LT114  INTRO TO DESIGN METHODOLOGIES
Wed    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   BR EFG    LT117  DECDESIGN AND YOUR PROJECTS
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   BR EFG    LT084  DESIGNING WITH LSE AND SCA
Wed    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. G1-2  LT032  SO YOU'RE LEADING THE PROJECT!
Thu    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   BR EFG    LT033  L&T CASE KEYNOTE
Thu   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   BR EFG    LT188  PROJECT LIFECYCLE
Thu   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   BR EFG    LT078  INTEGRATING CASE TOOLS
Thu    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT148  USING CASE AND VAX PL/I
Thu    2:30 PM    3:00 PM   BR EFG    LT122  DEV SW PROB REPORT SYS
Thu    5:00 PM    5:30 PM   BR EFG    LT185  ONE MAN'S ESTIMATING METHOD
Thu    5:30 PM    6:30 PM   Pav. 2    UN083  ULTRIX CASE TOOLS
Thu    8:00 PM    9:00 PM   BR EFG    LT157  ZEN AND PROGRAMMING
Fri    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Pav. 9    LT158  SW TOOLS AND THE L&T FOLDER
Fri   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 9    LT165  VAXSET IN LARGE SYSTEMS
Fri   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT092  CASE IMPLEMENTATION ISSUES
Fri   12:00 PM   12:30 PM   Pav. 3    LT013  FASTER CASE TOOL
Fri    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm. D1-2  LT215  RALLY AND CASE
Fri    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT200  PROTOTYPING W/ VAX COBOL GEN

COBOL Working Group

Over the last three decades, COBOL and the tools that can be interfaced to
COBOL have undergone many changes.  It is the goal of the COBOL Working
Group to serve as a resource for the dispensing of up--to--date information
to COBOL programmers and their management.  In addition to presenting
information in these areas, the COBOL WG is also interested in helping the
professional programmer become more productive.  To this end, the Working
Group is anxious to hear about COBOL related concerns, problems, and
interests which could be presented as a session at a future DECUS Symposia
and/or relayed to DEC.

WG CHAIR:  James Cheney, Jr.; Reynolds Electrical & Engineering; (702)

Day     Start        End   Rm        Session   Session Title
Mon   1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT085  VAX COBOL PERF LATEST NEWS
Mon   9:00 PM   10:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM052  MOVE COBOL/INDENT TO DECFORMS
Tue   4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. G1-2  LT066  VMS HOOKS FOR COBOL PGMRS
Thu   3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm R2     LT170  COBOL WORKING GROUP MEETING
Fri   3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT200  PROTOTYPING W/ VAX COBOL GEN
Fri   4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT065  COBOL WITH VAX PCA

Configuration Management Working Group

This group is concerned with the various issues relating to the
configuration management of software systems.  Although configuration
control is most notably formalized in government contracts, its application
spans the software development spectrum from the one-man shop to the largest
multi-vendor projects.

SEE ALSO these working group roadmaps:  CASE and Tools Integration, Project
Management, and Software Metrics.

WG CHAIR:  Mark Kidwell; American Airlines; (817) 963-9742

Day      Start        End   Rm       Session   Session Title
Tue   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT041  CONFIG MGT, NAS, & CASE
Tue   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT153  CM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm R2    LT152  CM WORKING GROUP MEETING
Thu    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9   LT131  INTRODUCTION TO CMS
Fri    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 3   LT129  CONFIG MGMT GOAL AND RESULTS

Cross Development Systems Working Group

This Working Group is primarily concerned with methodologies, languages,
tools, and aids to assist in the development of software systems that are
not targeted for the host development machine.  In these systems, the target
processors are either remote from the development site or, as in many cases,
may even be of a different architecture than that of the development system.

WG CHAIR:  Theresa J. McNamara; Data Card Corporation; (612) 931-1792

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session   Session Title
Wed    4:30 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM041  EDCS II FILE MGMT
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm R2     LT047  CROSS DEVELOPMENT WKG GRP MTG
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM042  USING EDCS II
Fri   11:00 AM   12:30 PM   Pav. 9    LT128  DISTRIBUTED S/W DEVELOPMENT
Fri   12:30 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT067  IBM TO VAX MACRO TRANSLATION
Fri    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. M2/4  DA084  EDCS II FOR RAW DATA

Debug Working Group

The mission of the Debug working group is twofold.

First, to encourage the exchange of information about the VAX Debugger, its
use in program development, and its role in the software development

Second, to identify, discuss, and communicate to Digital problems with the
use of and suggestions for improvement of the VAX Debugger.

WG CHAIR:  Tom Comeau; Space Telescope Science Institute; (301) 338-4749

Day     Start       End  Rm           Session   Session Title
Thu   1:00 PM   2:00 PM  Pav. 10      LT052  POPULAR C GOTCHAS
Thu   5:00 PM   6:00 PM  Rm R1        LT023  DEBUG OPEN WORKING GROUP MTG
Thu   7:00 PM   8:00 PM  Pav. 6       LT080  VAX DEBUG TUTORIAL
Thu   7:00 PM   8:00 PM  BR ABC       VA014  ANALYZING VMS CRASH DUMPS
Thu   8:00 PM   9:00 PM  Pav. 6       LT029  ADVANCED DEBUG HINTS AND KINKS

DIBOL Working Group

The goals of the DIBOL Working Group are to provide a forum for users to
exchange information about the uses of DIBOL in business and other
application areas, and to have access to the Digital developers for
questions and the voicing of concerns.

WG CHAIR:  Mark Derrick; WAAY Television; (205) 535-3131

Day     Start       End  Rm         Session   Session Title
Mon   1:30 PM   2:00 PM  Pav. 9     LT149   VAX DIBOL V4.1 UPDATE
Mon   2:00 PM   3:00 PM  Pav. 9     LT196   VAX DIBOL - USING VMS SERVICES
Mon   3:00 PM   4:00 PM  Pav. 9     LT100   ULTRIX DIBOL
Wed   5:00 PM   6:00 PM  Rm R1      LT169   DIBOL USERS WORKING GROUP MTG

FORTRAN Working Group

This Working Group is concerned with the usage, development and
compatability of the various DEC implementations of the FORTRAN Language.
Of special interest to this group is impact and resolution of the
recommendations from the ANSII Committee's new FORTRAN Standard.

WG CHAIR:  Scott Krusemark; Systemation; (216) 499-6251

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session  Session Title
Mon   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   BR EFG    LT028  FORTRAN - WHY, HOW, WHEN?
Mon    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 3    LT207  DEC FORTRAN FUTURES
Mon   10:00 PM   11:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  GR040  FMS FROM FORTRAN FOR BEGINNERS
Mon   10:00 PM   11:00 PM   Rm. L1/3  DM086  X WINDOWS FORTRAN PROGRAMMING
Tue    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT142  PDP-11 FORTRAN-77 INTEGRATION
Wed   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm. M2/4  RT011  FORTRAN IV XM SYSTEM JOB
Wed   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT071  FORTRAN 90 ISO STANDARD UPDATE
Wed    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT126  VAX FORTRAN OPTIMIZATION
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT145  UNLEASH APL POWER FOR FORTRAN!
Thu    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm R1     LT043  FORTRAN WORKING GROUP

Low Level Languages Working Group

This working group addresses the use of ``low level'' languages on Digital
Equipment Corporation computer and the concerns and needs of their users.
The working group is also concerned with how and why these languages are
used and what tools are needed to support the efficient use of these

WG CHAIR:  Gerald W. Lester; Computerized Processes Unlimited; (504)

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session   Session Title
Thu    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm R2      LT001  LOW LEVEL LANGUAGES WKG GRP
Thu    9:00 PM   10:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT042  VAX MACRO SHORT COURSE
Thu   10:00 PM   11:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT130  10 USEFUL MACRO SUBROUTINES
Fri   12:30 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT067  IBM TO VAX MACRO TRANSLATION

Notes Working Group

This group focuses on VAX Notes which provides a method for moderating
conferences containing different topic streams on-line and asynchronously
over time.  Conferencers of all levels are welcome to come and discuss their
problems or achievements.  New comers also are invited to attend and see
what on-line conferences can do for them.

WG CHAIR:  Michael Durkin; INTRACORP; (215) 889-2883

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session  Session Title
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm. B1/3    PC056  MAC/VAX NOTES
Tue    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm R3       LT167  VAX NOTES USERS' WKG GRP MTG
Wed   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 9      LT022  VAX NOTES 101
Wed   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 9      LT202  VAX NOTES TECHNICAL
Thu    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Pav. 9      LT091  HOW DIGITAL USES VAX NOTES
Thu   12:30 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 11     OA062  ALL-IN-1 GROUP CONFERENCING

Object-Oriented Methods Working Group

Object-Oriented analysis, design, programming, databases, and languages
(according to the experts) will subsume all other more traditional
approaches to developing software systems of the future.  This Working Group
was formed as an open forum for DECUS members who use the current
Object-Oriented methodologies and will provide interactions with DEC's own
efforts in this area.  Those unfamiliar with these methods are also invited.
A bibliography of reading material is available.

WG CHAIR:  Robert Harwood; The Torrington Company; (203) 482-9511 x2406

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session   Session Title
Mon    8:00 PM    7:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM078  INTRO TO OBJECT-ORIENTED DATABASES
Tue   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Rm R2     LT197  L&T OBJ ORIENT METHODS WKG
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT061  VMS OBJECT-ORIENTED ENVIRONMENT
Thu    3:00 PM    3:30 PM   BR D      AI020  OBJECT-ORIENTED COMMON LISP
Thu    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM063  INTRO TO DEC TRELLIS
Thu    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM002  A VAX OBJECT-BASED DBMS
Thu    9:00 PM   10:00 PM   Rm. A3/6  DM085  OBJECT-ORIENTED ANALYSIS

Pascal Working Group

The initial goals of the Pascal WG are:  Organize sessions (including
tutorials, panels, and clinics) and BOFs at Symposia pertaining to Pascal.
Solicit newsletter and Proceedings articles on Pascal.  Interface with
Pascal development staff at Digital.  Coordinate with Masters Program to
make effective use of Pascal Masters for user-assistance, clinics,
field-testing, product reference, etc., and to recruit new Pascal Masters
for the program.  Report on current status of Pascal standardization effort.
Solicit wish list items for Pascal to be incorporated into the main L & T
list.  Solicit Pascal-related submissions to SIG tape, such as
environment/include files and utilities and sample programs written in

WG CHAIR:  Mark Katz; GTE Government Systems; (617) 466-3437

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session  Session Title
Mon    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm. N1/3   DA072  VAXELN PASCAL DEVICE DRIVER
Tue    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm R2      LT062  PASCAL USERS WKG GRP MTG

PDP-11 Languages & Tools Working Group

The initial issues for this working group are:  The coexistence of VAX and
the PDP-11s, compatability of PDP-11 Software with VAX software, support of
PDP-11 peripheral hardware on the VAX, and the continued development of
software on the PDP-11.

This is just the beginning of this working group, and the above items are
not listed in any order of importance.  As this working group progresses, we
will continue to add to the list as new issues are uncovered, as well as
embellish upon the currently defined issues.

WG CHAIR:  Bill Tabor; W. I. Tabor, Inc.; (305) 755-7895

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session   Session Title
Mon    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT132  PDP-11 L&T STATUS AND Q&A
Mon    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT141  PDP-11 C UPDATE
Mon    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT144  MIGRATING TO C USING PDP-11 C
Tue    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT142  PDP-11 FORTRAN-77 INTEGRATION
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT138  PDP-11 C AND SUPERVISORY MODE
Tue    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT143  ADVANCED PDP-11 C PROGRAMMING
Tue    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT133  INTRO TO PDP-11 OVERLAYS
Tue    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT134  PDP-11 ADVANCED OVERLAYS
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT135  PDP-11 RUNTIME OVERLAY
Wed    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT136  PDP-11 TASK MAP ANALYSIS
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 6     LT137  PDP-11 MAPPED REGIONS
Thu   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm R3      LT050  PDP-11 LAYERED PRODUCT WKG GRP

PL/I Working Group

The PL/I Working Group is another of the language groups that represents the
needs of fellow PL/I users to Digital.

WG CHAIR:  Chair needed -- contact Dave Ream; (216) 650-6506

Day      Start       End   Rm        Session   Session Title
Thu   12:00 PM   1:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT146  DIGITAL AND VAX PL/I
Thu    1:00 PM   2:00 PM   Pav. 9    LT148  USING CASE AND VAX PL/I
Thu    6:00 PM   7:00 PM   Rm R1     LT053  PL/I USERS WORKING GROUP MTG

Project Management Working Group

With the cost of software development ever increasing with respect to the
total cost of a computing system, much interest has been given to the better
overall management of such system development.  Capitalizing on this
interest, several ``management methodologies'' and tools that support these
methodologies have been produced.  Members of this working group pay
particular attention to these developments, analyzing the applicability of
these techniques in their own situations, and making recommendations on
their needs as they perceive them in project management.

SEE ALSO these working group roadmaps:  CASE and Tools Integration,
Configuration Management, and Software Metrics.

WG CHAIR:  George Scott; Computer Sciences Corporation; (609) 234-1100 x2999

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session  Session Title
Mon    9:30 AM   10:00 AM   Rm. L1/3   BA072  REALITIES OF IMPLEMENTATIONS
Mon   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT119  CASE AND SOFTWARE RE-ENGINEERING
Mon   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT154  RE-ENGINEER VS REVERSE ENGINEER
Mon   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Rm. L1/3   BA018  CHANGE MGMT & SYS DEVELOPMENT
Mon    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT086  ANNOUNCING DECPLAN
Tue   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 3     LT115  CASE TOOLS THRU THE LIFECYCLE
Tue   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT153  CM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS
Tue   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT116  DECDESIGN TUTORIAL
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm R2      LT152  CM WORKING GROUP MEETING
Tue    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT088  DECPLAN PROJ MGT TUTORIAL
Tue    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Pav. 11    BA066  MANAGERIAL ACCT & PROJ MGT
Tue    6:00 PM    7:00 PM   Pav. 11    BA068  YOU WANT IT WHEN?
Wed   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   BR EFG     LT089  DECPLAN TIME MGT TUTORIAL
Wed    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   BR EFG     LT117  DECDESIGN AND YOUR PROJECTS
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm R1      LT044  SOFTWARE METRICS WORKING GROUP
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm. G1-2   BA009  ESTIMATING SW DEVELOPMENT
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm. G1-2   BA082  AVOIDING PROJECT FAILURE
Wed    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. G1-2   LT032  SO YOU'RE LEADING THE PROJECT!
Wed    5:00 PM    6:00 PM   Rm. G1-2   LT046  SOFTWARE METRICS PRIMER
Thu   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   BR EFG     LT188  PROJECT LIFECYCLE
Thu    2:00 PM    2:30 PM   Pav. 10    LT203  SOLUTIONS FOR VAX C
Thu    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT131  INTRODUCTION TO CMS
Thu    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm R3      LT031  PROJECT MANAGEMENT WKG GRP
Thu    5:00 PM    5:30 PM   BR EFG     LT185  ONE MAN'S ESTIMATING METHOD

Public Domain Software Working Group

In the ``Good-Ole-Days'' of computer science, new and interesting
developments in the field were generally made available to the public at
large.  Many of the original implementations of compilers, editors, even
complete systems were distributed in this manner.  Such products still do
exist in this day and age, and the goal of this working group is to discover
such items, report on them, and solicit/encourage others to make their
useful inhouse tools available to all.  It should also be noted, that the
chair of this working group is also (quite naturally) the L&T SIG Tape

WG CHAIR:  Edward (Ted) Nieland Control Data Corporation; (513) 427-6355

Day     Start       End  Rm          Session   Session Title
Thu   4:00 PM   5:00 PM  Rm R1       LT159  PUBLIC DOMAIN WORKING GROUP

SCAN Working Group

SCAN is one of the newer language entries from DEC and is (from our
perspective) a valuable component of any VMS toolsmith's ``bag-of-tricks''.
This working group is for the sharing of information among SCAN'ers,
educating the uninitiated into the wonders of SCAN, and providing feedback
into DEC for the ongoing development and evolution of this language.

WG CHAIR:  David K. Ream; Lexi-Comp; (216) 650-6506

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session   Session Title
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Rm R1      LT054  SCAN USERS WORKING GROUP MTG
Fri   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 3     LT166  SCAN: AN IN-DEPTH TUTORIAL

Software Metrics Working Group

To share ideas, recommend solutions to DEC, and raise questions regarding
the measurement of development productivity and maintenance effort for
software projects.  Emphasis will be placed on the search for methods and
tools for obtaining meaningful metrics.

WG CHAIR:  Allan F. Witt; Monsanto Company; (314) 694-3997

Day     Start       End  Rm           Session   Session Title
Wed   2:00 PM   3:00 PM  Rm R1        LT044   SOFTWARE METRICS WORKING GROUP
Wed   5:00 PM   6:00 PM  Rm. G1-2     LT046   SOFTWARE METRICS PRIMER

TECO Working Group

To promote and facilitate the use of TECO across all DEC product lines and
operating systems.  In addition, to provide a central clearing house for
TECO implementations, documentation, and macros.

WG CHAIR:  Mark J. Hyde; Advanced Computing Services; (315) 446-7223

Day     Start       End  Rm            Session  Session Title
Tue   5:30 PM   6:00 PM  LT Campgr.    LT150  TECO WKG GRP MEETING

TPU-Based Applications Working Group

VAX TPU has clearly established itself not as just another editor compiler,
but as truly useful utility for many purposed in the processing of ASCII
data.  This Working Group was formed to promote both the expected and
unexpected uses of this facility (and its editors), and to provide a forum
for users to interact with the DEC developers.

WG CHAIR:  Chair needed -- contact Dave Ream; (216) 650-6506

Day      Start        End   Rm        Session   Session Title
Mon    7:00 PM    8:00 PM   BR D      LT094  WHAT'S NEW VAXTPU & EVE
Mon    8:00 PM    9:00 PM   BR D      LT095  TPU PROGRAMMING
Wed    9:45 AM   10:30 AM   Pav. 2    UN043  VMS TPU-BASED EDITORS FOR UNIX
Thu    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm R1     LT045  TPU WORKING GROUP
Fri    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Rm. G1-2  LT096  ADVANCED TPU PROGRAMMING
Fri   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm. G1-2  LT192  STANDALONE TPU APPLICATIONS

VAXELN Ada Working Group

This group focuses on VAXELN Ada which allows real-time applications to be
coded in Ada.  Ada afficianados of all levels are welcome to come and
discuss their problems or achievements.  New comers also are invited to
attend and see what Ada can do for them.  This group is co-sponsored with
the DAARC sig.

WG CHAIR:  Bob Luten; Software Technology Inc.  (408) 272-0716

Day      Start        End   Rm          Session  Session Title
Mon   12:00 PM    1:00 PM   Rm. N1/3    DA087  DIGITAL'S REALTIME STRATEGIES
Mon    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm. N1/3    DA018  VAXELN TECHNICAL OVERVIEW
Mon    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Rm. N1/3    DA020  READY, SET GO WITH VAXELN
Tue   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm. L1/3    DA019  VAXELN NEW FEATURES
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   DA Campgr.  DA075  VAXELN WORKING GROUP MTG
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Pav. 6      LT121  INTRO TO ADA GENERICS
Wed   10:00 AM   10:30 AM   Pav. 6      LT058  DECFORMS & ADA TASKS
Wed    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Rm R3       LT171  VAXELN ADA USERS WG MTG
Thu    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm R2       LT168  ADA WORKING GROUP MEETING
Thu    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm R2       DA076  VAXELN TOWN MEETING
Fri    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 3      LT147  VAXELN APPLICATION PERFORMANCE
Fri    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Rm. N1/3    DA016  VAXELN PERFORMANCE

VAXSet Working Group

The DEC VAXSet family of products includes the Code Management System (CMS),
the Module Management System (MMS), the DEC-Test Manager (DTM), the
Performance Coverage Analyzer (PCA), the Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE),
and the Source Code Analyzer (SCA). This collection has been proven an
effective and useful set of tools for software development, and represents
one of the most exciting and eventful areas of DEC's current support for the
software engineer.  This Working Group will serve as the DECUS forum for
those users of one or more of these systems.  It will promote an
understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the tools, their
applicability to various situations, and act as the liaison with the DEC
developers for current and future releases of the VAXSet products.

SEE ALSO the CASE and Tools Integration Working Group Roadmaps.

WG CHAIR:  Joel Richon; Space Telescope Science Institute; (301) 338-4728

Day      Start        End   Rm         Session  Session Title
Mon    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Rm. A3/6   DM069  VAX CDD/REPOSITORY
Mon    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm. A3/6   DM067  REPOSITORY-BASED ENVIRONMENTS
Tue    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT074  VAX LSE TUTORIAL
Tue    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT075  VAX LSE WIZARDS
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   BR EFG     LT076  VAX SCA TUTORIAL
Wed    9:00 AM   10:00 AM   Rm. A3/6   DM068  CDD/ADMINSTRATOR OVERVIEW
Wed   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   BR EFG     LT111  SCA WIZARDS
Wed   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Rm. A3/6   DM070  CDD PERFORMANCE
Wed   11:00 AM   12:00 PM   BR EFG     LT082  VAX PCA - AN OVERVIEW
Wed    1:00 PM    2:00 PM   Rm R3      LT027  VAXSET OPEN WKG GRP MTG
Wed    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   BR EFG     LT084  DESIGNING WITH LSE AND SCA
Wed    3:00 PM    3:30 PM   BR EFG     LT040  USING CMS & MMS
Thu   11:30 AM   12:30 PM   Rm R1      DM091  CDD OPEN WORKING GROUP MTG
Thu    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT131  INTRODUCTION TO CMS
Thu    3:00 PM    4:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT162  MMS TUTORIAL
Thu    5:00 PM    5:30 PM   Pav. 9     LT198  INTRO TO PCA
Thu    5:30 PM    6:30 PM   Pav. 9     LT083  PCA SUCCESS STORIES
Thu    6:30 PM    7:30 PM   Pav. 9     LT099  USING VAX PCA ON RMS
Thu    7:30 PM    8:30 PM   Pav. 9     LT025  A USER INTRO TO DTM
Thu    8:30 PM    9:30 PM   Pav. 9     LT026  TEST ENVIRONMENT WITH DTM
Fri   10:00 AM   11:00 AM   Pav. 9     LT165  VAXSET IN LARGE SYSTEMS
Fri    2:00 PM    3:00 PM   Pav. 3     LT048  TAILORING THE LSE ENVIRONMENT
Fri    4:00 PM    5:00 PM   Pav. 9     LT065  COBOL WITH VAX PCA