(Danny Smith, Prentice Computer Centre, Univ. of Qld) (11/29/90)
Apologies to the VMS people for posting to this newsgroup. Flames will be intentionally ignored..... :-) (This is PDP-11 stuff, so feel free to ignore). I am attempting to find a copy of a DECUS software library. This library went under the DECUS catalogue number of 11-SP-6 in 1986/87. It is no longer supported under that title within DECUS, and our local DECUS office is far less than friendly in helping us find it on a SIG tape. The software is the DDT22 package that was written by Glenn Everhart. It is a symbolic debugger for RSX-11M-Plus that has the ability to read symbol table files and binary dumps. I require version 5 or later (released may, 1985). Does anybody have this software, or know where I could try and get hold of it? Any help would be appreciated. (It will certainly be more than DECUS gave!) :-( Thanks in anticipation. Please mail replies rather than following up this article. cheers, dfs...