[net.dcom] Racal Vadic 2400V upgrade

jww@sdcsvax.UUCP (Joel West) (01/20/86)

We bought 4 of the earliest 2400V modems and are quite happy
with them.  They're a little flakey on noisy lines, but I've
never had a modem that's better, so I just use kermit for
all file transfers.

However, every so often the modem will go into self-test mode
(blinking green, solid red light).  The docs suggest that a
^R sent to the modem will cause it to enter remote test mode.

Calling 1 800 22VADIC, they asked me to look at the EPROM.
The last 3 digits on the 1st line are "077".  They said
they will swap me EPROM's of rev "083", even up.

If you have this modem, and are having problems, check it out.

        Joel West       CACI, Inc. - Federal (c/o UC San Diego)