[comp.os.vms] Fall 1990 Security Wishlist

tihor@acfcluster.nyu.edu (03/27/91)

Please respond to:

Stephen Tihor
251 Mercer Street
NY, NY 10012

(212) 998 3052
(212) 995 4121 (fax)

TIHOR@ACFcluster.NYU.EDU 		(Internet)

with your prioritizations and comments.

                            Security BOF Wish List Notes

          Based on discussions at the Security SIG BOF Wish List Meeting,
          and includes useful comments by Larry Kilgallen of LJK Inc.,
          Robert Clyde of Clyde Associates, ______ of Demax Associates,
          Glen Everhart and others. They have not checked this draft, and
          are, of course, not responsible for any transcription errors
          and/or mis-statements.

          Transcribed by, and some comments by, Saul Rosenberg, Riverside
          Research Institute.

          Items are not listed in any priority order.

          1.  Permit UAF files files to be searched / reported on by
          standard relational data base products.


                  The DEC SYSUAF and associated files for Proxies, Rights,
          etc. have a variable field format that is not amenable to many
          data base programs.  Searching and sorting through these files
          is a part of a system manager's job, and should be made as easy
          as possible.

                  DEC has responded to this problem by incrementally
          adding utilities and lexical functions to access selected info
          in the manner they think people want. There are also ad-hoc
          programs for this function on the SIG tapes. However, this is
          not as flexible as letting the system manager extract info using
          his/her favorite database query tool.

          Requested solution:

                  Provide a conversion utility that maps SYSUAF, NETUAF,
          NETPROXY and RIGHTSLIST into a relational database with fixed
          size fields. Note: a static conversion program is sufficient.
          Dynamic on-line searches are not required.  Access via CDD /
          Datatrieve would be sufficient for many sites. This would permit
          the system manager to roll his/her own procedures, even
          automatic ones, without depending on a critical system file
          format that may change over time.

          2.  Provide a High-level ACL List Management Table


                  With multiple projects on one disk volume, ACL's must be
          stored on a per file basis.  This creates many problems in
          trying to update all ACL's in a simple, reliable manner. Also,
          files restored from BACKUP may have incorrect ACL's that were
          never updated.

                  Virtual Disks with Volume ACL's on the DECUS tape, by
          G.#Everhart and P.#Sorenson.  The drawback is that it prevents
          projects from dynamically sharing available disk space.

          Requested Solution:

                  Provide a high-level table of ACL's, on a per-volume
          basis.  Permit an ACE to indirectly reference a high-level table
          which may contain multiple ACE's that apply to that file.  This
          would permit labeling each file with a generic High-level ACL
          table, which would be the single point of update for   all files
          of that type. A drawback of this solution would be the potential
          for another disk access to bring in the ACL table.  Presumably,
          these would be cached.
                  Side benefits: any files that are restored would
          automatically have the correct ACL applied. Also, a trivial ACL
          file update would not leave half the files on a volume with
          their file modification dates changed.

          3.  Image Accounting Should Store Original Name of File


                  Users can run images under other filenames, which can
          mislead a security / system auditor concerning their actual
          activities.  This subverts one of the purposes of Image Accounting.

          Requested Solution:
                  Store the name of the file under which a program was
          originally linked in addition to the name under which it was
          run.  A simple scan through the accounting file would detect
          this problem. (Note that this may not be a bulletproof solution
          as a sophisticated user might still be able to directly modify
          the file header.)

          4.  Add a System Call to Enable/Disable Audit on a Per Process
          Basis for the Rest of the Life of that Process


                  If an application decides that a user's actions justify
          auditing, such as by requesting an action that requires
          privilege to initiate, there is no convenient way to audit that
          particular process. Turning on the audit flag within SYSUAF
          would be too late.

                  Turn on auditing for any process that might potentially
          need to be audited, regardless of their primary activity. This
          generates large audit files.

          Requested Solution

                  Provide a standard supported manner to modify the
          in-memory copy of the SYSUAF flag within the job header. Note
          that calling the system service to disable the memory based flag
          should be an audited event.

          5.  Selectively Enable Audit of Network File Access

                  Network file accesses, for many sites, are considered
          less trustworthy than local site access. Some sites want to
          monitor just file access via networks, without incurring the
          overhead of auditing all file accesses.


          1) Place an ACE referencing NETWORK with an ALARM entry on
          selected files.  Problem: maintaining this ACE on many different
          2) Audit all accesses to selected files. Problem:  this can
          flood the audit file.

          3) Setup a FAL Log procedure.  This can also generate a huge
          disk audit file.  (e.g.:  Define/Exec FAL$LOG=1/DISABLE=8 and

          Requested Solution:
                  Separate Audit Event to be Network File Access.

          6.  Notify Both the Local AND Remote System of File Access
          Alarms that Occur over a Network


                  If a remote user probes someone else's system over a
          network, any file access alarms that are detected are sent only
          to the local host.  If the probing is done during off-hours, the
          host system manager will not know to contact the remote system
          manager until at least the next day, by which time the prober
          may be long gone or have covered his/her tracks.


          Requested Solution:

                  DECNet should notify  both the local and remote systems
          of file access alarm's.  This greatly increases the chance that
          an alert system manager can catch someone in the act. Also,
          considering that each system manager is in some degree
          responsible for the actions of people using his/her system, it
          gives him/her a chance to respond in a timely fashion.

          7.  Condense File Access Alarms to the Lowest Level File Only

                  Access to a file six levels down in a directory path may
          set off up to six audit alarm records.  This increases the size
          of the audit file, and requires people to wade through records
          with essentially duplicate information.


                  Run a program to selectively winnow the audit file.

          Requested Solution:
                  The RMS file system and the Audit server should
          cooperate in storing only one audit alarm record.

          (Selected) Items Mentioned During VMS Security Update Session

          8.  Permit VMS INSTALL to Run Without Requiring Any Privileges


                  It is convenient for Third Party software to be
          distributed using VMS INSTALL.  However, this involves running
          on the SYSTEM account with privileges available to software that
          may not be entirely trusted or that does not need all

                  Carefully inspect all procedures, where feasible.

          Requested Solution:

                  VMS INSTALL should be able to operate from a
          non-privileged user account.

          9.  Accounting Records Should Show Terminal Server Port Name


                  There is a serious problem with lack of exact
          accountability to a specific physical port, since the port name
          is not recorded in the Accounting file.


          Requested Solution:

                  Accounting should include the Terminal Server Port Name.

          10.  Audit Should Handle Low-Disk Space Message in a Sane Manner


                  When the System Disk free space drops below 1,000
          blocks, the audit server starts generating messages that disk
          space is low. After a short period, these can blow away any remaining
          disk space. If the system manager is able to free some disk
          space, queued up messages from other CPUs on the cluster will
          quickly consume it.  There does not seem to be any way to get
          out of this vicious cycle short of crashing the cluster.

                  No effective ones. Don't let disk space become critical.
          Make sure batch jobs don't run away.

          Requested Solution:

                  The central audit server recording audit events should
          discard audit events (after the first one) concerning low disk
          space that occurred prior to the situation being corrected.
          Minimal information would have to be retained. This would not
          affect the current desired behavior for those sites that want a
          crash when the audit file can no longer be written

          11.  Provide Method to Test if a WorkStation is Paused


                  Many sites have idle interactive process killers.
          However, a workstation that is paused should be treated
          differently than an idle terminal.  There is no remote method to
          test if the WS is paused or idle and vulnerable.

                  Call the person on the phone.

          Requested Solution:

                  Provide a remote method of determining WorkStation

The following additional items were raised in other forums than the Wish List
and have been trascribed and expand by Stephen Tihor of New York University.

          12      Improve VMS patch distribution
(a) VMS patch distribution should take advantage of all electronic channels.
Customers with direct email connections to DEC recieved the 
ANALYZE/PROCESS_DUMP security item a week late by email standards.  Even
customers with DSNlink (DEC's dial in support service) got the item as late as
five days after it was dated, four after it appeared on the network and three
after the emergency response team messages were sent out.
(b) VMS fixes in this category (workaround known and implementatble by any user
from description) should be MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTION rather than 

	(copyright) Digital and you may not redistribute except as 
	provided by your contract which states no redistribute
Wait for some kind soul to violate his contract or take advantage of
non-standard channels to get the information out.


Mark all such items as MAXIMUM DISTRIBUTION you may freely redistribute this
item in its current form with all attached notices.  

Include a public key signature to validate the item.

Include a reference to advise customers receiving this by non-standard
channels how the standard and confirmed information is being distributed
until all customers have access to public key verification technology.

13      Provide for file access rights that differentiate between
        ALL USERS ON NODE and ALL USERS IN NETWORK without the overhead
        of adding ACLs to all files beign restricted.
Currently the world access right encompases all processes onthe current node,
including those coming in over the network.   In many cases however only a
subset of all files should be visible to processes acting on the behalf of
remote users.
Expanding the SOGW protection mask to include a LOCAL NODE set: SOGLW would
address the requirements being discussed.   For many sites W could map to
either node or universe and the other could be specified by a default
protection mask overridden by an explicit ACE.
14      Provide techniques to validate the origin of FIS, Distribution 
        kits, and patches.
15      Network access controls allowing restrictions of NODE crossed by
        OBJECT crossed by direction
16      audio tape
17      audio tape
18      see audio tape .. higher level quotas
19      A timeout to automatically lock "Pause" workstations if left idle for
        too long
20      provide a user hook in LOGINOUT to allow code supporting
        additional authentication tools (for example) challenge
        response systems
21      Scrolling and Zooming interface to read audit logs on VMS
22      Add security to DSNlink

         The DSNlink product has great potential for improving system
         security and adding new service options.  In its current
         incarnation it is more of a security hole than solution.

         Security through obscurity has been proven inadequate.
         It is only (barely) preferable to no security at all.
         A strong authentication scheme is needed to prevent 
         spoofing.    An encryption scheme is needed to prevent


         Encryption based authentication or proof that the DSNlink
         scheme is more secure.
         Encryption to preserve privacy against passive tappers and
         injection of misleading requests.


         DF242 modems support call back. Given documentation similar
         to the clyde digital manuals for their callback product this
         capability does enhance security.  


         It should be used when it will bypass a potential compromise

         Observation: DSNlink version 1.0 uses BYPASS privilege to
         write outgoing mail.


         The DSN software should only need standard user privilieges
         plus enough of the capbilities refered to as protected
         subsystems to support its private communications channel and
         set ownership of files in its work areas is set

23      Better identification of the real user in PCSA work
         Identifiying information from the source PC might be
         sufficient but PCSA is currently BREAKIN DETECTION hostile.
24      Provide ACLs and Identifiers in ULTRIX
25      increase the granularity of VMS privileges (eg OPER)
26      provide exactly the privilege need to write a backup without any
        addition rights:        READ all files plus WRITE BACKUP DATE
                                in file header.
27      Security READ (REPLY/ENABLE=SECURITY) <> Security CONTROL (SET

tihor@acfcluster.nyu.edu (03/28/91)

Note: (a) these are not my personal suggestions as one person (GAVRON) seemed
to think they are the result of the people who expressed concerns at the last
symposium.  (b) I will accept all forms of input on these addition material
expanding the later suggestions is a good start,  Other items are possibilities
too.   The goal is to converge reasonable people on some reasonable items
both as input to the DEC developers which is often lacking and to spot
they key items that we should collectively bang on hard.