[unix-pc.general] Unix-pc fonts and word processing

benten@tramp.UUCP (11/22/87)

This is in response to some question about the use of the 132-char
on the Unix-pc. In this regard I have the following available for
sharing with other intersted users:

1- I have modified the font "system.144.ft" so that it can be
   used to produce a 144 cols by 36 lines on a full screen.

2- I also have created a "termcap" entery to allow the correct
   screen mapping by programs that use "termcap" such as vi, and
   a "terminfo" enetry that allows correct screen mapping of
   programs that use "curses" such as Gnu-emacs.

3- An Arabic chracter set that produces an 80 cols by 22 lines
   on a full screen.

4- The Hebrew character set that produces an 80 cols by 22 lines
   on a full screen.

5- I have modified one of the lisp files of the Gnu-emacs to allow
   Arabic and Hebrew word processing on the Unix-pc, that is
   writing from right to left using "emacs". Bidirectional
   word processing is also supported. This modification can still
   be improved and awaiting a good lisp hacker.

6- Of course the "termcap" and "terinfo" enteries for the Arabic
   and Hebrew character set.

These are available for sharing with no claim of any innovation
and as my time permits.


Muhammad S. Benten
2730 Winding Trl. Pl.
Boulder, Co 80302

ARPA: benten@boulder.colorado.edu.ARPA


benten@tramp.Colorado.EDU (Muhammad S. Benten) (11/23/87)

It looks like that there are many more users than I expected
who are interseted in the 144x36 screen on the unix-pc and
the Arabic and Hebrew word processing. And since I will be
out of town next week attending SIAM conference in L.A., while
some documentational work has to be done to this work before
it can be easily usable by the average user (README, Makefiles
and Auther Header files ..), thus I am requesting help from
some expert who can help with this and share the credit for
this work. If interested please reply by e-mail and include
your phone number. Thanks.


Muhammad S. Benten
2730 Winding Trl. Pl.
Boulder, Co 80302

ARPA: benten@boulder.colorado.edu.ARPA
