david@ms.uky.edu (David Herron -- Resident E-mail Hack) (12/18/87)
There's been some discussion in sys.att recently about getting 68881 co-processor's installed into the 7300/3b1. To forestall misinformation, there is such a gadget listed in the parts list for the 7300, and AT&T developed the product, but in a flash of brilliance never marketed it. Weell.. I vaguely recall that 68000's are pin compatible with 68010's, (is that right? if not, then stop me now).. Also, there are companies selling daughter boards for Amiga's which allow you to plug in a 68010+68881 in replacement for the 68000 that comes in the machine. SO Would such a board also work in a 3b1? In general, are there boards available which'd do something like this for a 3b1? (I'd really like to get a 68881 into my 3b1). -- <---- David Herron -- The E-Mail guy <david@ms.uky.edu> <---- or: {rutgers,uunet,cbosgd}!ukma!david, david@UKMA.BITNET <---- <---- Winter health warning: Remember, don't eat the yellow snow!