[unix-pc.general] UNIXPC in the movies!

todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) (03/22/89)

Wow!  For as little known as the UNIXPC is outside of the Unix/USENET
community, it sure gets around in the movies.  In fact, I have seen
it in at least as many shows as I've seen Macs and Amigas.  Last night,
I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
(TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?
-Todd Day-
Internet: todd%ivucsb.UUCP@anise.acc.com
    UUCP: {pyramid, ucbvax}!ucsbcsl!nessus!ivucsb!todd
   Other: todd@ivucsb.UUCP may not work yet.

dfjr@mathcs.emory.edu (Dave Ford) (03/24/89)

In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP> todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
>Wow!  For as little known as the UNIXPC is outside of the Unix/USENET
>community, it sure gets around in the movies.  In fact, I have seen
>it in at least as many shows as I've seen Macs and Amigas.  Last night,
>I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
>(TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
>other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?

Watch for them on "Miami Vice."  I have seen them in the background on
multiple episodes.  I noticed 3b1's in both _Broadcast News_ and 
_Wanted, Dead or Alive_.  I believe I have seen them on late-night
ads for 976-xxxx party lines, as well.

David Ford
UUCP: { gatech | gt-eedsp }!emory!dfjr or {...}!emory!alaska!dave

cjc@ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Chris Calabrese[mav]) (03/24/89)

In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP>, todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
> I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
> (TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
> other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?

It's in Robocop - the computer on the desk of someone's secretary -
but the screen is turned off.
Name:			Christopher J. Calabrese
Brain loaned to:	AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ
att!ulysses!cjc		cjc@ulysses.att.com
Obligatory Quote:	``Now, where DID I put that bagel?''

sbw@naucse.UUCP (Steve Wampler) (03/24/89)

From article <640@ivucsb.UUCP>, by todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day):
> Wow!  For as little known as the UNIXPC is outside of the Unix/USENET
> community, it sure gets around in the movies.  In fact, I have seen

Add the TV show 'The Wizard' to the list.  (Hmmm, was that why it was
	Steve Wampler

hjespers@vpk4.UUCP (Hans Jespersen) (03/24/89)

In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP> todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
>Wow!  For as little known as the UNIXPC is outside of the Unix/USENET
>community, it sure gets around in the movies.  In fact, I have seen
>it in at least as many shows as I've seen Macs and Amigas.  Last night,
>I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
>(TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
>other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?

Apparantly AT&T has an agreement/contract with most of the major
movie studios to use AT&T telephone and computer equipment in their
shows. Anyone remember the Moonlighting episode where they dress
up the AT&T telephone handsets as different characters on the show ?

Hans Jespersen                UUCP: uunet!attcan!hjespers
AT&T Canada Inc.                or     ..!attcan!nebulus!arakis!hans
Toronto, Ontario              #include <std.disclaimer>

"Yabba Dabba Doo" -- F. Flintstone

daveb@gonzo.UUCP (Dave Brower) (03/24/89)

In article <3850@emory.mathcs.emory.edu> dfjr@emory.UUCP (Dave Ford) writes:
>>I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
>>(TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
>>other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?
>Watch for them on "Miami Vice."  I have seen them in the background on
>multiple episodes.  I noticed 3b1's in both _Broadcast News_ and 
>_Wanted, Dead or Alive_...

We should all take a lesson here about the subliminal power
of "product plants" in films and tv.

(is this necessary? :-).

"I came here for an argument." "Oh.  This is getting hit on the head"
{sun,mtxinu,amdahl,hoptoad}!rtech!gonzo!daveb	daveb@gonzo.uucp

wtm@neoucom.UUCP (Bill Mayhew) (03/24/89)

Yep, those sure were Unix PCs in broadcastnews.  It even looks like
they were running believable applications on them.  It looked very
much like a screen from Informix on the one that I got a good look

Some time, check out the desk just outside the cells on miami vice.
It looks rather like the back of a Unix PC visible over the

Unix PCs also have shown up in those wall street movies such as The
Secret of My Success and Wall Street.  The Unix PC in The Secret of
My Success was very obviously not running an appropriate
application while she was typing away.

There was a Unix PC in some sort of forgettable monster movie that
was on the Viewer's Choice channel not too long ago too.  I believe
there was on in Robocop too.

The relatively high visibility of AT&T is probably no accident.  If
AT&T doesn't pay to get their computers into the flicks, I'd
imagnie that some marketing sharpie makes sure that some stuff gets
donated to the prop departments.  Additionally, the Unix PC does
have rather interesting styling, which for obvious reasons in a
movie.  I guess we can feel that our computers, like Studabaker to
cars, are just too ahead of their time to be appreciated by the
masses.  Prety neat, considering how long ago the Unix PC hit the


lenny@icus.islp.ny.us (Lenny Tropiano) (03/24/89)

In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP> todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
|>Wow!  For as little known as the UNIXPC is outside of the Unix/USENET
|>community, it sure gets around in the movies.  In fact, I have seen
|>it in at least as many shows as I've seen Macs and Amigas.  Last night,
|>I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
|>(TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
|>other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?

Yes!  In fact, I was going to mention this before too.  I guess after
the fire sale, the UNIX PC has become an inexpensive prop for television
and movies.  What I thought was funny was I saw the UNIX PC diagnostic
disk up on the screen in _Broadcast News_.  Geez, that's a "high-tech"
word processor if I ever saw one ;-)   It was also in the movie _Robocop_,
and I'm sure there are more!

Lenny Tropiano             ICUS Software Systems         [w] +1 (516) 582-5525
lenny@icus.islp.ny.us      Telex; 154232428 ICUS         [h] +1 (516) 968-8576
{talcott,decuac,boulder,hombre,pacbell,sbcs}!icus!lenny  attmail!icus!lenny
        ICUS Software Systems -- PO Box 1; Islip Terrace, NY  11752

ebh@argon.UUCP (Ed Horch) (03/25/89)

In article <4531@vpk4.UUCP> hjespers@attcan.UUCP (Hans Jespersen) writes:
>Apparantly AT&T has an agreement/contract with most of the major
>movie studios to use AT&T telephone and computer equipment in their shows.

While this may be amusing the first thousand or so times you see it, I
have to wonder what the actual benefit of this really is.  I mean,
sure, *we* all recognize AT&T equipment, but is there really some exec
someplace springing out of his easy chair, shouting, "THAT'S IT!  Now
I know what PBX to buy!!!" after seeing a Merlin set on Maddie's desk?

I think I'd rather they used the money to advertise their products in
appropriate places, so that maybe things like the 7300 wouldn't have
died such early deaths.


alavi@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Alavi Ronette Salehi) (03/25/89)

From article <11364@ulysses.homer.nj.att.com|, by cjc@ulysses.homer.nj.att.com (Chris Calabrese[mav]):
| In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP>, todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
|> I saw it in _Broadcast News_.  Tonight, I saw it in "Anything But Love"
|> (TV sitcom), and in _Wanted Dead Or Alive_.  I know I've seen it in
|> other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?
| It's in Robocop - the computer on the desk of someone's secretary -
| but the screen is turned off.

	I think that one is a 6300 type PC.

         /         /| |   |\ \   | |
        /__       /_| |   |_\ \  | |     ...att!uwmcsd1!csd4!alavi
          /      /  | |   |  \ \ | |        (414) 547-9429
         / o    /   | |__ |   \ \| |        


scs@vax3.iti.org (Steve Simmons) (03/26/89)

In article <545@argon.UUCP> ebh@argon.UUCP (Ed Horch) writes:
>In article <4531@vpk4.UUCP> hjespers@attcan.UUCP (Hans Jespersen) writes:
>>Apparantly AT&T has an agreement/contract with most of the major
>>movie studios to use AT&T telephone and computer equipment in their shows.
>While this may be amusing the first thousand or so times you see it, I
>have to wonder what the actual benefit of this really is.

Can't say for sure if it works, but AT&T is far from alone in this.
When I was at BNR/Northern Telecom one of our marketing folks explained
why NT spend lots of $$$$ to put a DV-1 terminal on JRs secretarys desk
in "Dallas".

If you've never heard of the DV-1, that's because it succeeded just
as well as the 3B1.  No smiley, I'm afraid.

   Steve Simmons         Just another midwestern boy
   scs@vax3.iti.org  -- or -- ...!sharkey!itivax!scs
         "Hey...you *can* get here from here!"

isolated@alix.UUCP (James D. Corder) (03/27/89)

In article <545@argon.UUCP> ebh@argon.UUCP (Ed Horch) writes:
>In article <4531@vpk4.UUCP> hjespers@attcan.UUCP (Hans Jespersen) writes:
>>Apparantly AT&T has an agreement/contract with most of the major
>>movie studios to use AT&T telephone and computer equipment in their shows.
>While this may be amusing the first thousand or so times you see it, I
>have to wonder what the actual benefit of this really is.  I mean,
>sure, *we* all recognize AT&T equipment, but is there really some exec
>someplace springing out of his easy chair, shouting, "THAT'S IT!  Now
>I know what PBX to buy!!!" after seeing a Merlin set on Maddie's desk?

	I think AT&T is much wiser than you believe.  I agree that an exec.
wouldn't purchase AT&T equipment just because s/he saw it in a movie.  However,
since the exec. saw it in a movie or on a TV show when the sales rep. stops
in the exec is more aware of the product.  Therefore, making the sale all
the more easer.  Therefore, more sales.  Therefore, more profit.  Therefore,
happy stock holders:-)

	Does it work?  Well, you saw it.  Do you own an AT&T machine?  I do.
Did I purchase it because of it being in Remington Steele?  No!  Did it have
an effect on me?  Who knows?

I like seeing AT&T equipment in the movies,
James D. Corder

ps:	What happens when one flashes "Eat More Popcorn" in one frame of
	a film?  Other than going to jail?

	Now try "Look at AT&T Equipment" in a small scean!  And it's legal too!

vipin@cs.utexas.edu (Vipin Chaudhary) (03/27/89)

In article <640@ivucsb.UUCP> todd@ivucsb.UUCP (Todd Day) writes:
>other movies, but I can't remember them now.  Anyone else notice this?

I remember seeing one (a 7300 i think) in Robocop.

___________I _________AM ___________NOT _________________VIPIN ________________
Henry D. Reynolds                (cs.utexas.edu!utastro!bigtex!helps!nidhog!hdr)
    4301 Ave C                   (512)453-1100
Austin, Texas 78751

ignatz@chinet.chi.il.us (Dave Ihnat) (03/29/89)

In article <545@argon.UUCP> ebh@argon.UUCP (Ed Horch) writes:
>I think I'd rather they used the money to advertise their products in
>appropriate places, so that maybe things like the 7300 wouldn't have
>died such early deaths.

*I* think I'd rather they priced their products properly, so they don't end
up with a good box that's just not cost-effective, and then, instead of re-
pricing when they realize their mistake, killing the product.  On a related
note, I'd also wish they would have understood just who to target for a powerful
little Unix box--not the "box for the masses", but the "desktop workstation for
the developers".

pjh@mccc.UUCP (Pete Holsberg) (03/31/89)

In article <8049@chinet.chi.il.us> ignatz@chinet.chi.il.us (Dave Ihnat) writes:
=*I* think I'd rather they priced their products properly, so they don't end
=up with a good box that's just not cost-effective, and then, instead of re-
=pricing when they realize their mistake, killing the product.  On a related
=note, I'd also wish they would have understood just who to target for a powerful
=little Unix box--not the "box for the masses", but the "desktop workstation for
=the developers".

Oh, so you'd like AT&T to learn something about marketing?  So would the rest
of their customers.  I've *never* received a call from our account executive.
I wonder how he expects to sell us any upgrades or new systems.


Pete Holsberg                   UUCP: {...!rutgers!}princeton!mccc!pjh
Mercer College			CompuServe: 70240,334
1200 Old Trenton Road           GEnie: PJHOLSBERG
Trenton, NJ 08690               Voice: 1-609-586-4800