jan@bagend.UUCP (Jan Isley) (04/09/90)
I am still getting calls and mail so maybe my oringinal posting last month did not get out. As of 1 March, 1990, I do not work for Discovery Electronics. I *never* took any responsibility for their behavior and I am certainly not about to start now. Nothing personal against all of the good folks out there in net land, but if D.E. gives my home number out to any more people calling in for unix support, I am going to have a talk with my lawyer. What, you are still reading? Okay, I will give them one last plug since I know lots of you will be interested in this. At last count, D.E. had about 50 defective unix-pcs, mostly 512k units with a 10/20 MB disk. They were selling these *as-is* for $250 which includes UPS ground shipping. Some of them are easily repaired, some are totally dead. They have been know to go as low as $200 - $225. DISCLAIMER: Having worked there for a year, I do not recommend them to my friends, but $200 for a box of spare parts is not too bad. jan -- jan@bagend {..gatech..}!bagend!jan (404)434-1335 voice@home -- jan@bagend {..gatech..}!bagend!jan (404)434-1335 voice@home