[unix-pc.general] 3B2 PARTS AND COMPUTER FOR SALE

slaski@netwrx1.NW1.COM (Robert Slaski) (11/14/90)

3B2 COMPUTER AND PARTS FOR SALE               11/11/90


AT&T 3B2/310 computer                  $1,900 
   configured as follows;
    Expansion unit with 23 MB cartridge tape and controller
    Floppy disk
    Math accelerator chip
    2 MB RAM
    144 MB disk storage (2-72 MB disk drives)
    10 serial ports (2-Ports cards)
    UNIX System V.3 operating system and utilities
    Documentor's/Writer's Workbench
    UNIX System V.2 manuals
    Cabling kit           
    AT&T 3B2 computer manuals
    Additional manuals and software sets

    TCP/IP and ethernet additional $1,400

This equipment is approximately 42 months old.

3B2 PARTS FOR SALE                                

3B2 140 MB SCSI disk module 	     	          $800
   includes disk controller module

3B2 ethernet cards                       	$1,400
   includes Wollongong TCP/IP

3B2 PORTS cards                            	   $75 
   new in box 
   with 4 RS-232 cables & connectors

3B2 WIN Wollongong TCP/IP (latest version)	$2,000

3B2 WIN Wollongong TCP/IP version 2.1	  	  $750

3B2 WIN Wollongong TCP/IP version 1.1	  	  $500

3B2 E-ports cards				  $290
   with 8 RS-232 cables & connectors

All equipment is used but functional unless noted.

Bob Slaski
(H) (703) 264-1190 (W) (703) 827-7767