[unix-pc.general] Pascal Compiler NEEDED

forrie@morwyn.UUCP (Forrie Aldrich) (01/31/91)

HELP.  I need a pascal compiler system for the 3B1... anyone out there
got any info or help.

ALSO:  anyone know anything about (if even possible) translating PL/1
	   to C?

Any help would be appreciated.  


Forrest Aldrich, Jr.|   ...uunet!eci!morwyn!forrie       |forrie@morywn.UUCP
                    |  ...uunet!eci!zinn!morwyn!forrie   | 
CREATIVE CONNECTIONS|...uunet!unhd!unhtel!morwyn!forrie  |Graphic Illustration
                   \___ PO Box 1541 - Dover, NH  03820 ___/