[net.news] Anonymous news articles

mel (07/14/82)

I do not like the idea of allowing anonymous submissions of Usenet
articles.  Usenet has a cost associated with it, the companies and
bosses pay the bills, and probably would want some sort of account-
ability for what they are paying for (and are responsible for to their
bosses and owners).  A single anonymous article that was in bad taste,
or leaked sensitive data could cause the net to be shut off.  With
strict accountability, only the offending individual would suffer,
not everybody.          Mel Haas   ,   houxm!mel

felix (07/21/82)

I agree with Mel Haas.  One must be resposible for one's articles and if
you can send anonymous submissions, people can just go nuts and write things
and do need to be responsible for what they write.  This is, in my opinion,
highly undesirable and should be avoided.

					Felix Luk

ber (07/25/82)

harpo!ber    Jul 25 15:49:00 1982

The administrators of a given site are responsible for ALL submissions from
that site.  Whether they are signed or not.   Whether they aacept it or not.
Objections to missing signatures based on questions of who is responsible
for content are invalid.

		brian (my friends call me 'ber') redman